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By paradox
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It's true. That's where most people are. They reside somewhere in the middle, only leaning right or left. Would be very surprised if Rogan cares about Jan 6. Neither does the public. It won't move a single vote, one way or the other. Pure partisan issue.
By Yacht Rock
Registration Days Posts
Every middle of the road person I know are disgusted by what happened on Jan 6th and look forward to further investigation.

I know that’s anecdotal, but it’s not as partisan as you would believe. It’s partisan in congress, but not among the population. I know a lot of Republicans who look feel it was a disgrace and everyone involved should face consequences. It was nearly unanimous during discussions over Christmas. And these are folks who watch Tucker Carlson everyday, lol.
By paradox
Registration Days Posts
Yeah, keep tellin' yourself that. But, we're pretty sure, you're "all in" with Chris Hayes. Sure sounds like it. Dems are just energizing their fringe base with Jan 6......because 2022 mid-terms... ....not looking good for Dems.
Purple Haize liked this
By Yacht Rock
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I don't even know who you're talking about. I'm a registered R and have voted pretty conservative most my life. The last five years have pushed me more to the center, but I don't commit to any one media outlet or personality. They all have an agenda and will spin the truth to fit their narrative. I read news but haven't watched news (entertainment) for years. The only news I listen to is in my car on the way to work and that's financial news from multiple sources, which typically skews conservative economically and socially middle of the road.

I'm just sharing my anecdotal story from the Christmas holiday, which was spent in a location much more conservative than where I live, about how some people felt. I know several Republican conservatives who A. Didn't vote for Trump and are embarassed by what happened on January 6th and B. Did vote for Trump and are embarassed by what happened on January 6th.

I'm just saying from my experience, from someone who doesn't watch the MSNBCs or Fox News of the world, it doesn't seem as partisan as either side (media or politicians) wants to make it out to be.
By paradox
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Yeah yeah yeah. We've heard this before. Your GOP, but sound exactly like a fringe Dem. Rave On Part 2.
By stokesjokes
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“Everyone who disagrees with me is a fringe Dem.”

You need to get out more. Seriously, I’m probably the most liberal poster here and I’ve voted Democrat exactly one time in my life (couldn’t stomach Bob Good).
thepostman liked this
By JK37
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Yacht Rock wrote: January 7th, 2022, 10:21 am I don't even know who you're talking about. I'm a registered R and have voted pretty conservative most my life. The last five years have pushed me more to the center, but I don't commit to any one media outlet or personality. They all have an agenda and will spin the truth to fit their narrative. I read news but haven't watched news (entertainment) for years. The only news I listen to is in my car on the way to work and that's financial news from multiple sources, which typically skews conservative economically and socially middle of the road.

I'm just sharing my anecdotal story from the Christmas holiday, which was spent in a location much more conservative than where I live, about how some people felt. I know several Republican conservatives who A. Didn't vote for Trump and are embarassed by what happened on January 6th and B. Did vote for Trump and are embarassed by what happened on January 6th.

I'm just saying from my experience, from someone who doesn't watch the MSNBCs or Fox News of the world, it doesn't seem as partisan as either side (media or politicians) wants to make it out to be.
I don’t have a dog in this fight, but this line caught my eye.

Do you think you’ve moved, or has the spectrum around you moved? As right has pushed further right, has your previously-held conservative position stayed the same, and just now looks more middle?

Genuinely curious. As society evolves over time, it always drifts left little by little. Hence the term “progressive”. If the left drifts too far left or screws up, there’s usually a brief jerk by the right (Carter > Reagan). If the right jerks too hard (Trump), the left will pull back (Biden). It’s like neither side learns from the mistakes of the other, because now we’re seeing the far left jerk too hard. And now Dems are going to get crushed in midterms.

When attaining and maintaining power takes precedence over morality, ideas and ideals, society breaks down. It feels like that’s where we are.
stokesjokes, Just John liked this
By stokesjokes
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I think the equation on movement has changed as well and is more complicated by social media and the proliferation of distinctly partisan news media sources.

If the social media algorithms only show you partisan media you agree with and if you only intentionally engage with distinctly partisan media, your own personal overton window slides to the extreme sides.

Now, this occurs on both sides and much has been made of the left-lean of mainstream news, but the plain fact based on the statistics we have for engagement is that the distinctly right wing news media has more popularity and influence in America than that from the left. So, overall, there’s been more pull in that direction.

A good example would be the Jan 6 discussion. Look at who are making stark statements about the seriousness of it: Dick Cheney, Karl Rove, George W Bush, Mitt Romney, etc. These were the former Republican standard-bearers, they haven’t suddenly joined up with the left. The whole of the party has shifted both towards the right and towards authoritarianism.
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By TH Spangler
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stokesjokes wrote: January 7th, 2022, 11:34 am
A good example would be the Jan 6 discussion. Look at who are making stark statements about the seriousness of it: Dick Cheney, Karl Rove, George W Bush, Mitt Romney, etc. These were the former Republican standard-bearers, they haven’t suddenly joined up with the left. The whole of the party has shifted both towards the right and towards authoritarianism.
Establishment, globalist and wealthy from over seeing the offshoring our manufacturing.

And yes, America's air and water is cleaner. But China's and India's is 4 times dirtier. Taking advantage of cheap communist labor and super slack environmental regs. Great standard-bearers

By stokesjokes
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I’m not endorsing these men one way or another, I’m just pointing out the shift. I’d say the last Republican president, vice president, and presidential nominee before the Trump nonsense qualify as a good representation of where the party used to be.
By Yacht Rock
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JK37 wrote:
Yacht Rock wrote: January 7th, 2022, 10:21 am I don't even know who you're talking about. I'm a registered R and have voted pretty conservative most my life. The last five years have pushed me more to the center, but I don't commit to any one media outlet or personality. They all have an agenda and will spin the truth to fit their narrative. I read news but haven't watched news (entertainment) for years. The only news I listen to is in my car on the way to work and that's financial news from multiple sources, which typically skews conservative economically and socially middle of the road.

I'm just sharing my anecdotal story from the Christmas holiday, which was spent in a location much more conservative than where I live, about how some people felt. I know several Republican conservatives who A. Didn't vote for Trump and are embarassed by what happened on January 6th and B. Did vote for Trump and are embarassed by what happened on January 6th.

I'm just saying from my experience, from someone who doesn't watch the MSNBCs or Fox News of the world, it doesn't seem as partisan as either side (media or politicians) wants to make it out to be.
I don’t have a dog in this fight, but this line caught my eye.

Do you think you’ve moved, or has the spectrum around you moved? As right has pushed further right, has your previously-held conservative position stayed the same, and just now looks more middle?

Genuinely curious. As society evolves over time, it always drifts left little by little. Hence the term “progressive”. If the left drifts too far left or screws up, there’s usually a brief jerk by the right (Carter > Reagan). If the right jerks too hard (Trump), the left will pull back (Biden). It’s like neither side learns from the mistakes of the other, because now we’re seeing the far left jerk too hard. And now Dems are going to get crushed in midterms.

When attaining and maintaining power takes precedence over morality, ideas and ideals, society breaks down. It feels like that’s where we are.
It's a mix of both. There are definite things I know I've changed my views on over the last several years. A lot has to do with a really solid Sunday school class at TRBC taught by some really great Liberty professors and leaders in the school of religion. I know that our adoption process changed my view of a lot of what goes on in the world. That combined with the push further right by some, probably makes me feel like I moved more than I did. But you are 100% right to put that out. I definitely feel further from the Right than I would have 10 years ago because of where the Right has gone on certain issues. That being said, I know there are people on the left who would look at me as a hard right wing person because of some of my views.

The reality is that many of us don't fit into the nice box that Fox News, MSNBC, The Democrats or Republicans would like us to fit in. It's one of my frustrations with modern politics because the people who actually try to play the middle get vilified by their party, etc but there's a lot of us just right of middle or just left of middle and a lot of common ground can be found there.

I shared the story of some discussions we had over Christmas. My dad is as big of a Trump supporter I've met. Calls himself the conductor of the Trump Train. But he's embarrassed about what went down a year ago and it frustrates him how people downplay it. He also doesn't understand how I get news from anywhere outside of FoxNews, lol.

Most people I work with are somewhere in the middle. I say most because there are some further right and further left. But most I know aren't beholden to R or D and just think for themselves. This is all anecdotal though. It's just based on my experience in the places I've been. It may be indicative of a larger feeling or it may not, it's just my experience.
thepostman, TH Spangler, stokesjokes and 1 others liked this
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By TH Spangler
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For years I've been saying there's not a nickles worth of difference in a Clinton, Bush, Biden or Romney. I tolerated Trump because he's and outersider and pulled the curtain back. Two terms for him and we could have moved on to Ron DeSantis and Tim Scott and not necessarily in that order. If I knew for sure RD and TS could finished the job I'd prefer them in 2024 as long as they bring along Pompeo.
By ALUmnus
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Yacht Rock wrote: January 7th, 2022, 9:29 am Every middle of the road person I know are disgusted by what happened on Jan 6th and look forward to further investigation.

I know that’s anecdotal, but it’s not as partisan as you would believe. It’s partisan in congress, but not among the population. I know a lot of Republicans who look feel it was a disgrace and everyone involved should face consequences. It was nearly unanimous during discussions over Christmas. And these are folks who watch Tucker Carlson everyday, lol.
You need to get out of your conservative-leaning-Jan6-disgusted-me-bubble! Did I do that right?

There's a difference between one's feelings about the rioters and the actual severity of their actions, right? I mean, hardly anyone is cheering on those idiots, or thinks they were doing the right thing. But the catastrophe-making is so irresponsible.
flamehunter liked this
By stokesjokes
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Well, it only wasn’t a catastrophe because the things they wanted didn’t end up happening. We were one Mike Pence-Dan Quayle phone call away from an actual catastrophe.

For me, I’m less concerned about the rabble of “true believers” who were whipped up into a frenzy enough to enter the capitol and more concerned with the people who knowingly deceived them and had drafted a plan on how to use it to overturn the election.
By paradox
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It's never about what should or shouldn't be.......It's always about what will or won't be

Politics is an entertaining spectator sport. And often amusing to watch. But put the wrong guy in there and things can go south pretty quickly.
By paradox
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stokesjokes wrote: January 7th, 2022, 1:34 pm Well, it only wasn’t a catastrophe because the things they wanted didn’t end up happening. We were one Mike Pence-Dan Quayle phone call away from an actual catastrophe.

For me, I’m less concerned about the rabble of “true believers” who were whipped up into a frenzy enough to enter the capitol and more concerned with the people who knowingly deceived them and had drafted a plan on how to use it to overturn the election.
What is the Pence-Quayle link?
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By Purple Haize
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By LU 57
The Dems trying to equate what happened on 1/6 to Pearl Harbor and 9/11 is patently ridiculous. It’s always style over substance with them. Simply a distraction from the absolutely awful job they are doing running the country. Let’s not forget they control both houses of Congress, the Presidency, most major cities, the education system and the media, yet they want to blame it all on Trump and his supporters.

Not saying what happened was right but it was < 800 people out of a half million (or whatever the number was that were there that day) that went into the Capitol, and guess what? 700+ have been charged.

The mid-terms will be very interesting. 🍿
JK37 liked this
By stokesjokes
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paradox wrote: January 7th, 2022, 1:38 pm
stokesjokes wrote: January 7th, 2022, 1:34 pm Well, it only wasn’t a catastrophe because the things they wanted didn’t end up happening. We were one Mike Pence-Dan Quayle phone call away from an actual catastrophe.

For me, I’m less concerned about the rabble of “true believers” who were whipped up into a frenzy enough to enter the capitol and more concerned with the people who knowingly deceived them and had drafted a plan on how to use it to overturn the election.
What is the Pence-Quayle link? ... -election/
By paradox
Registration Days Posts
This past presidential election is the most irregular of our time, if not of all time. Their will be high energy on the GOP due to this. Same would hold true with Dems if they could play this card. But they can't. The card belongs to the GOP.

But Dems still need something to energize their base. Thus, the absurd Jan 6 exaggeration and hysteria. Dems only know of one way to do it. Over-play the hand that's given.
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By TH Spangler
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paradox wrote: January 7th, 2022, 2:13 pm This past presidential election is the most irregular of our time, if not of all time. Their will be high energy on the GOP due to this. Same would hold true with Dems if they could play this card. But they can't. The card belongs to the GOP.

But Dems still need something to energize their base. Thus, the absurd Jan 6 exaggeration and hysteria. Dems only know of one way to do it. Over-play the hand that's given.
:lol: I'll be camping out inline the night before polls open.
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By TH Spangler
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Facanating interview by Carlson with Dr Robert Malone. A bit concerning for those of us who got the jab :shock:
By tyndal23
TH Spangler wrote: February 10th, 2022, 8:33 pm Facanating interview by Carlson with Dr Robert Malone. A bit concerning for those of us who got the jab :shock:
Posted him a year ago on the C thread. But my “ sources” were ridiculed...
By stokesjokes
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Dr. Malone also happens to be the guy at the center of the Joe Rogan controversy.
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