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By Jonathan Carone
First off - this is terrible. Full stop. No buts. Nothing like that. Absolutely terrible.

With that in mind, I have an honest question:

What can we (the US) do about this? This isn't a developing country where we can put significant pressure on them. On the world stage, China is an equal. We absolutely should be making a bigger deal about this from a news standpoint, but in terms of real repercussions, what's possible?
By flamehunter
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Cancel China? NBA get out. Media drop story after story about the evils of this. Actors and actresses and athletes and politicians speak about it. Large companies condemn it and move out.

The template is there. You just have to get the right people motivated. Won't happen. Ever.
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By Jonathan Carone
Would that actually hurt China in any significant way? Most our our businesses are there because of the amount of money they can make. They're not giving the Chinese a ton of money. If we left/boycotted/canceled China, I don't know that their government is negatively impacted.
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By thepostman
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I think I'd be willing to find out, but it isn't that simple unfortunately. One also has to think about 2nd and 3rd order effects. If our business decide to do that or are pressured to do that by our government, will that hurt China more than it hurts American owned businesses? I don't know if it does. It would take an international effort to make it happen, not just a US effort.
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By Purple Haize
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Jonathan Carone wrote: April 19th, 2021, 3:13 pm Would that actually hurt China in any significant way? Most our our businesses are there because of the amount of money they can make. They're not giving the Chinese a ton of money. If we left/boycotted/canceled China, I don't know that their government is negatively impacted.
It absolutely would devastate them. That’s a large workforce. Lots of revenue going to the Government. To government officials To all sorts of people. They get cut off. And you have millions of educated citizens used to a certain level of lifestyle now unemployed. Making no money. Spending little money. Draining government resources. Yeah it will hurt. They aren’t going back to their parents and grandparents villages.
Last edited by Purple Haize on April 19th, 2021, 10:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Jonathan Carone liked this
By stokesjokes
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The rub is that it would also really hurt some of our companies and/or our lifestyle. I bought a really nice frisbee off Amazon for 12 bucks this week. Would I be willing to give that up?
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By Purple Haize
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stokesjokes wrote: April 19th, 2021, 9:00 pm The rub is that it would also really hurt some of our companies and/or our lifestyle. I bought a really nice frisbee off Amazon for 12 bucks this week. Would I be willing to give that up?
My other big disappointment of the Trump era was his family’s lack of motivation to disinvest from China. I thought it would have made a Yuge statement is as his last act in charge of Trump Inc he directed the company to begin looking to manufacturers outside China. Preferably the US. It would have been a home run. Yes you could still get inexpensive labor in Thailand India Vietnam etc. But imagine if you moved those jobs to Honduras. El Salvador Guatemala. Talk about killing two birds with one stone. And if he made the first move others would have followed. Then when Rona hit what might have been a trickle would have become a flood and collapsed China.
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By TH Spangler
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Jonathan Carone wrote: April 19th, 2021, 1:56 pm First off - this is terrible. Full stop. No buts. Nothing like that. Absolutely terrible.

With that in mind, I have an honest question:

What can we (the US) do about this? This isn't a developing country where we can put significant pressure on them. On the world stage, China is an equal. We absolutely should be making a bigger deal about this from a news standpoint, but in terms of real repercussions, what's possible?
Identify companies making money from it directly or indirectly and boycot them. Odd thing is, the list would include most of the multinationals that are boycotting Georgia for requiring an ID to vote.

Nike needs to be looked at. They claim to have cleaned up, but I'm not sure they have.
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By SumItUp
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One important thing that everyone can do is keep the discussions alive. Man was created in God's image. When atrocities are being committed against people (Uighurs, child enslavement, sex trafficking, religious persecution, slavery, organ harvesting, etc...), be the voice within your own community. We must do our own research. Have uncomfortable conversations. Tell the next generation. Pray for God's redemption. If we confess our own sins and seek God's guidance, he will show us how to make a difference. An informed people will help change take place. Jesus is the only hope for the world. When the world seems upside down, Jesus is still building His Church. The gift of salvation needs to be shared from our mouths.

We have family in the mission field that considered moving permanently to western China to help the Uighur people. About 7 or 8 years ago, they moved there for a period just under a year. Before the move, I had never heard of the people or their plight. It is a very real threat and sad to see these things take place.
Jonathan Carone, TH Spangler, Baybird and 2 others liked this
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By Sly Fox
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Our last church had adopted a city in the Uighur region and has covertly done outreach there for several years. It is interesting that the Uighur people are receptive to talking about Jesus. But they are very fearful for good reason of those watching their interactions with foreigners.

SumItUp is absolutely o target with his assessment that we shine a light on injustice and be the voice for the voiceless.
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