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By stokesjokes
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And Obama won PA in 2008 and 2012 and fivethirthyeight’s weighted polling average had Biden at 4.7 points up. Not to mention it’s Biden’s home state.

The registration numbers can also be deceptive- many democrats would have registered during the primaries, making it look like so many more republicans were registering in the last few months than democrats, but the democrats would have already been registered. Not to mention the well-known phenomenon of the never-Trump republican. It’s why we’re seeing so many split-ticket votes and republican wins in other areas.
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By thepostman
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With all due respect to the current president, he hasn't surrounded himself with the most trustworthy people.

Case and point. The Trump campaign Director of Communications covered the campaign's HQ with a photoshopped version of the Washington Timea back in 2000 to try to prove a point. Problem of course is the headline actually named Bush President next President, not Gore.

Here are the highlights.


The Trump campaign deleted a tweet Sunday claiming the Washington Times prematurely projected Al Gore as the winner of the 2000 presidential election after the conservative newspaper debunked it.

Tim Murtaugh, the Trump campaign’s director of communications, tweeted the doctored image Sunday afternoon

“Those photos have been doctored. The Washington Times never ran a ‘President Gore’ headline,” the newspaper said in response. “We also wish to add that Mr. Murtaugh has been officially notified via email about this error


This is far from the first time this campaign or lawyers have pulled a stunt like this. Why would I trust them? Why do some of you all trust them?

I get it. If there is legit fraud let's uncover it and get it corrected but there is zero proof of some widespread fraud over multiple states that gave the election to Biden.

Joe Biden is the president-elect. Is he my ideal candidate? Nope but this is how democracy works. Making this into another Trump family side show is the last thing we need right now.
By stokesjokes
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I thought the last quote was very telling:

"We all have the same goal in mind, which is using the legal process over the next many days and weeks ahead to make sure that the president is re-elected," one adviser said.

The goal isn’t fairness or justice or democracy, it’s winning.
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By TH Spangler
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This nation is hopelessly divided and not because of Trump or even Biden. Its biblical and about sin. God can't bless a nation that embraces some of the things we do.

Christians need to participate in politics, cast their vote for the party platform that most respects God's word. But afterwards get thier mine back on the big picture. Bible says God straightens the mess out one day soon. Make sure you're on his side when he does.

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By TH Spangler
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stokesjokes wrote: November 9th, 2020, 7:22 am Do you sleep? :lol:

I appreciated these thoughts from David French: ... dent-biden

I even thought Robert Jeffress put out a good statement: ... t-jeffress
Early to bed, early to rise. The fish bite better before dawn :lol: :lol:

God puts up leaders and he takes them down :wink: I hope they all get closer to God through Christ.

I told you I thought Biden would win, because Trumps agenda didn't seem to match what I'm reading in Gods word about His prophetic timeline. I know this makes you young guys uncomfortable, but if I'm right I don't see America being great again ... ever. And I don't see America maintaining the relationship with Israel that Trump had. America under the Democratic party pulls away from Israel and I don't think they really know why. But it matches what I'm reading in scripture. We won't even get into the dem's cult-like support of Planned Parenthood and abortion. I just wish they would leave me and my tax dollars out of it. :cry: ... ael-598503
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By Purple Haize
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Jonathan Carone wrote: November 8th, 2020, 11:06 pm

I see nothing wrong with this. The rallies do seem odd since they can’t change peoples votes, but they will keep pressure on officials to dot their “i’’s and cross their “t”’s
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By Purple Haize
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stokesjokes wrote: November 8th, 2020, 11:18 pm I thought the last quote was very telling:

"We all have the same goal in mind, which is using the legal process over the next many days and weeks ahead to make sure that the president is re-elected," one adviser said.

The goal isn’t fairness or justice or democracy, it’s winning.
Why not noth? If you believe that a fair recounting of the ballots will lead to victory then this is a perfectly legitimate statement.
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By TH Spangler
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Jonathan Carone wrote: November 9th, 2020, 10:45 am
stokesjokes wrote: November 9th, 2020, 7:22 amI appreciated these thoughts from David French: ... dent-biden
I may have lived under a rock, but I’ve only discovered French in the past few months. The more I read of him the more I like him.
I would like an autographed copy of this one. If you want one, it's on me Study

By stokesjokes
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Love David French. I’d put him as part of the “thoughtful evangelical middle” where I’m finding myself more and more. Same category as people like Phil Vischer, Karen Swallow Prior, Justin Giboney, and Russel Moore. I feel like they allow more room for nuance and thoughtful engagement instead of the “us vs. them” line in the sand that many evangelical leaders have tilted towards.
By stokesjokes
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Purple Haize wrote: November 9th, 2020, 9:38 am
stokesjokes wrote: November 8th, 2020, 11:18 pm I thought the last quote was very telling:

"We all have the same goal in mind, which is using the legal process over the next many days and weeks ahead to make sure that the president is re-elected," one adviser said.

The goal isn’t fairness or justice or democracy, it’s winning.
Why not noth? If you believe that a fair recounting of the ballots will lead to victory then this is a perfectly legitimate statement.
Just seems telling of their priorities. I may be reading into it too much.
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By Jonathan Carone
stokesjokes wrote: November 9th, 2020, 1:41 pm Love David French. I’d put him as part of the “thoughtful evangelical middle” where I’m finding myself more and more. Same category as people like Phil Vischer, Karen Swallow Prior, Justin Giboney, and Russel Moore. I feel like they allow more room for nuance and thoughtful engagement instead of the “us vs. them” line in the sand that many evangelical leaders have tilted towards.
I was introduced to Giboney recently. The AND Campaign is doing some really cool stuff trying to marry compassion and conviction. I want to get that book soon.
stokesjokes, ATrain liked this
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By TH Spangler
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thepostman wrote: November 9th, 2020, 1:45 pm I'm really hoping the rally thing doesn't end up happening. Put your cases together in court. Do your thing there. There is absolutely no need to go out and fire people up more than they already are.

Just my 2 cents.
Why not, CNN, MSNBC and several more have been doing it for 4 years. :lol:

But the sound of a NEW, big budget, truly conservative information news network sounds more appealing. At the rallies would be a good time to announce it.
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By TH Spangler
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stokesjokes wrote: November 9th, 2020, 2:33 pm
I think that would be more evidence of “truly conservative” creeping more and more to the right.
No, Fox is no longer doing a good job hiding their "new"liberal ownership. Need a real center right voice out there.
By Yacht Rock
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TH Spangler wrote:
No, Fox is no longer doing a good job hiding their "new"liberal ownership. Need a real center right voice out there.
Who is their new liberal ownership?
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By TH Spangler
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FoxNews Owner James Murdoch's, wife Kathryn tweeted we did it! And shared anti-Trump posts after Joe Biden’s historic win Saturday.

We discussed this here several months ago?
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By TH Spangler
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Jonathan Carone wrote: November 9th, 2020, 10:45 am
stokesjokes wrote: November 9th, 2020, 7:22 amI appreciated these thoughts from David French: ... dent-biden
I may have lived under a rock, but I’ve only discovered French in the past few months. The more I read of him the more I like him.
Here's a couple of things French might not have thought about. I agree with him, God puts up leaders and takes them down for His purpose. Maybe God used Trump's time in the spotlight to have the world recognize Jerusalem as capital of Israel and that Golan Heights oil belongs to Israel, setting the "hook" for Gog and friends.

Because we live in the US we tend to see everything US. I don't see the United States playing a much bigger roll than something like the above when I read Bible prophecy.

Trump wanted a return to nationalism around the world. For all world leaders to put their citizens first. That doesn't match Bible prophecy. Bible indicates men will try and create a one world government / economic system and a one world religion. So maybe it's Trump's turn to set down. I wonder if French considered that.

I personally see America continuing to decline. How fast, I don't know. I was hoping Trump could delay it. No worries though, Gods got it :idea:
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