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By thepostman
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With all of this coming to light, it makes it abundantly clear how misguided the democrats have been during Trump's entire presidency. They would be in much better shape if they didn't do this to themselves. Of course, having Biden be your candidate doesn't help much either.

The biggest opposition Trump has is Covid-19 and even that is a stretch.
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By flameshaw
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Now, let's see the rush for all of the haters and the dimocratic press to step up and apologize for all the lies, they knew they were spreading. Rush, Hannity, Levin, et al, were correct (as usual).
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By thepostman
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The following is my opinion based on current observations of the presidential race:

So we are in the summer months now where traditionally we would see campaigning pick up. This election year things will be different with COVID-19 making it more difficult to hold rallies as we saw with the smaller than usual attendance to a Trump rally.

Polling numbers aren't doing Trump any favors but we all know how that played out 4 years ago. Though, most polling did end up being within the margin of error which is something not often talked about.

Trump: Love him or hate him, he gets people talking. He does things just to keep himself in the news. It works on me all the time and I wish it didn't! Up until the pandemic and racial unrest, things were going really well. If I were him, I'd focus more on these things and less on a media that will never be satisfied. It does nobody any favors to do that. But then again, this has been his strategy all along and it has worked thus far so what do I know? Question is, will his tone grow old and negativly impact him?

Biden: He isn't a very strong candidate in my opinion but he isn't disliked by moderate Republicans and Democrats like Hillary was so he has that going for him. Will that br enough to put him over the top in a year that has been extremely challenging for the Trump administration? Maybe. He needs to clean up his message because right now he doesn't seem very focused and that needs to change if he wants to gain supporters.

Prediction: I think Trump still wins. Why? I don’t view Biden as a strong enough candidate to stand up to Trump in a debate environment and think that will lose him support in the end.
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By thepostman
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What? Yes he has. He points it out almost daily on twitter, and has done so for months.

They both would do each other favors by avoid talking about their age and corruption but neither of them can help themselves.
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By Jonathan Carone
I think people will come out to vote against Trump as much or more than they came out to vote against Hillary in 2016. Biden being a terrible candidate isn’t enough to overcome the disdain for Trump.
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By thepostman
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Maybe so. The disdain for Trump is probably stronger than it was 4 years ago as most people didn't take him seriously. Or at least I didn't.

I just see more moderates staying home. I am historically really bad at predicting politics so there is that.
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By TH Spangler
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Jonathan Carone wrote: June 28th, 2020, 12:24 pm I think people will come out to vote against Trump as much or more than they came out to vote against Hillary in 2016. Biden being a terrible candidate isn’t enough to overcome the disdain for Trump.
Knowing that Biden will put Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in charge might be enough. If he wins I'm glad I'm old and won't be around long :lol: Good luck young fellas. :lol:
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By Purple Haize
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thepostman wrote: June 28th, 2020, 12:44 pm Maybe so. The disdain for Trump is probably stronger than it was 4 years ago as most people didn't take him seriously. Or at least I didn't.

I just see more moderates staying home. I am historically really bad at predicting politics so there is that.
The disdain for Trump is strongest where he wasn’t going to have a shot anyways. Although I do think it could be an issue in say PA and maybe NC. But his support is still strong and motivated. The two factors against Trump are the fact there has been a contingent that has been out to topple his Presidency from before day 1. They too are vocal and motivated. As much as Conservatives were against HRC? Yep. But his base is far and away more motivated than HRC. Secondly is fatigue. Are people ready for 4 more years of constant attacks from Trumps opponents? It’s fatigued me that’s for sure. And I say Trumps opponents because he is a counter puncher. So he attacks when attacked. Is that Stately or Presidential? I dunno. But I think it’s needed.
What Trunp has going for him as an ace up the sleeve, and getting 0 attention at the moment, is his ability to select 2 SCOTUS next term. That’s an extinction level event for Liberals. As we have seen. He will fight for his picks. McConnell is getting Federal judges appointed at record numbers. This is what Conservatives have wAnted for decades. Yet some are going to let it possibly slip through their fingers because of “mean tweets” and “what will other think if they Know I voted for Trump” or the “I’m voting my conscience” which is a short term view IMO
I’m not sure Trump can win right now. But if he cranks out a massive win I wouldn’t be surprised either
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By thepostman
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Numbers everywhere are worse for Trump than they ever were during the race with Hillary. Does that mean anything? Probably not but that is what I am basing my opinion that the disdain for him his stronger than it was 4 years ago.

But you're 100% right, SCOTUS is always a big draw in the republican world and will get people out.

It also is easier to get people to vote for someone they support than to get people to come out to vote against someone which is why i think in the end Trump wins.

Swing states will be close as always but i don't see things being much different than they were 4 years ago. Other then some red states being a little closer than they were but they aren't going to flip.
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By Purple Haize
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People talk about how close the States were that Trump swung in 2016. But what they never mention is how many narrow victories HRC had in 2016. A few thousand votes here and there in some states would have been an even bigger disaster for HRC. I mean looking at the map with all those States red is impressive. But look at a couple of those Blue State results outside of the obvious NYC CA MA. It is eye opening.
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By thepostman
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Yeah. You're right about that but a lot of democrats hate Hillary. That can not be ignored either. Other then some far left democrats, most like Joe so I don't see him struggling in the blue States the same way Hillary did. Then again, she did get more votes than Obama got in 2012.

One thing to remember is even though Trump won pretty decisively in the electoral college, a lot of the states were close and he lost the popular vote. He will lose the popular vote again, but will he be able to hang on to those red states like Arizona, Florida, and North Carolina that were pretty close races? Probably so but it'll be interesting to see how it plays out.

Again, I think Trump will win but this country is very much divided and it'll be close because of that.
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By thepostman
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Yeah. I've seen the polls. I go to real clear politics regularly as they have most of the presidential polls available there and you can break it out by state which is helpful.

But it is just fun to look at.
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By Purple Haize
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I think Trump has FL pretty well wrapped up. NC and AZ are going to be tough.
The other thing that can’t be over looked is how badly Biden does when people hear him. I don’t remember him “winning” any of the Democrats debates. He certainly wasn’t memorable. The more he talks the less likeable and motivating he is. In all seriousness I’d angle for 0 debates if I’m on his campaign crew. I’d hold as few public events as possible. Let his VP do 80% of the campaigning
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By thepostman
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There is no way anybody wins an election taking that strategy. So I doubt that is anything we will see.

I watched 5 minutes of one of the debates so I can't really comment on that.

Florida is far from a done deal for anybody. The cities have gotten larger in the last 4 years and are very democrat heavy. Cities like Miami, Tampa and Orlando. That will make it much more challenging for Florida to remain red.

I'm registered to vote in Florida so keep a pretty close eye on that state and nothing i have seen convinces me that anything is a sure thing there. I guess we shall see.
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By Purple Haize
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thepostman wrote: June 28th, 2020, 6:15 pm There is no way anybody wins an election taking that strategy. So I doubt that is anything we will see.

I watched 5 minutes of one of the debates so I can't really comment on that.

Florida is far from a done deal for anybody. The cities have gotten larger in the last 4 years and are very democrat heavy. Cities like Miami, Tampa and Orlando. That will make it much more challenging for Florida to remain red.

I'm registered to vote in Florida so keep a pretty close eye on that state and nothing i have seen convinces me that anything is a sure thing there. I guess we shall see.
You’re not voting for Trump anyways.
My hopes of Republicans taking the House have evaporated. The Senate I feel pretty confident they will hold
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By thepostman
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A. I haven't decided who I am voting for yet. So you know what they say if you assume things....

B. What does that have to do with anything I said? It still doesn't change how closely I follow my home state.
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By Purple Haize
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thepostman wrote: June 28th, 2020, 6:39 pm A. I haven't decided who I am voting for yet. So you know what they say if you assume things....

B. What does that have to do with anything I said? It still doesn't change how closely I follow my home state.
I recall earlier you said you weren’t voting for trump Mr Grumpy Pants
And if Trump wins and the Republicans don’t take the House he’s gonna be impeached. Again
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By thepostman
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Like the liberal media you have twisted my words to meet your narrative. :lol: :lol:

thepostman wrote: March 28th, 2020, 11:59 am
I didn't vote for Trump and probably won't this time around either but holy crap the media coverage on anything he does is just as tiring as Trump's twitter feed.
viewtopic.php?f=17&t=27128&p=598484&hil ... te#p598484

thepostman wrote: February 5th, 2020, 4:16 pm I will probably "throw my vote away" again and vote for a 3rd party candidate. Either that or Mickey Mouse for giving me Disney+ this year.
viewtopic.php?f=17&t=26651&p=595466&hil ... te#p595466

I haven't decided yet and probably won't until I send my ballot in.
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By Purple Haize
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thepostman wrote: June 28th, 2020, 6:52 pm Like the liberal media you have twisted my words to meet your narrative. :lol:

thepostman wrote: March 28th, 2020, 11:59 am
I didn't vote for Trump and probably won't this time around either but holy crap the media coverage on anything he does is just as tiring as Trump's twitter feed.
viewtopic.php?f=17&t=27128&p=598484&hil ... te#p598484

I haven't decided yet and probably won't until I send my ballot in.
Dude. That’s so Air Forcy :D
You are the one acting like the Liberal Media. Pretending you haven’t made up your mind when in reality you already have. Study Study :D

Don’t get me wrong. I’d love to have you vote for Trump. Like it or not America is a Two Party system. These are our choices. At the end of four years I think we are better off then we would have been with HRC. Four years from now we will have been better with Trump as President than Biden.
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By thepostman
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Well there hasn't been any 3rd party candidates that I can get behind yet so if these are the 2 choices, I think my choice between Biden and Trump would surprise you.

For some reason the people of this forum believe I am some kind of liberal. That couldn't be further from the truth. I just think Trump has completely destroyed conservatism and the republican party. He is still better, policy wise, than Biden. If it were a who is more likable vote, then I'd go with Biden. But it isn't.

You shouldn't assume so much. I expect more from you @Purple Haize :D
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By Purple Haize
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thepostman wrote: June 28th, 2020, 7:07 pm Well there hasn't been any 3rd party candidates that I can get behind yet so if these are the 2 choices, I think my choice between Biden and Trump would surprise you.

For some reason the people of this forum believe I am some kind of liberal. That couldn't be further from the truth. I just think Trump has completely destroyed conservatism and the republican party. He is still better, policy wise, than Biden. If it were a who is more likable vote, then I'd go with Biden. But it isn't.

You shouldn't assume so much. I expect more from you @Purple Haize :D
I never thought you were a Liberal. Talk about ASSuming
I said from near the beginning that Trump is as close to a 3rd Party Candidate as you are going to see. The Republicans were set to nominate JEb! Or Kasich. Certainly not Trump. And several Republicans openly oppose(d) him. Then of course you have the Democrats. Their shenanigans coming to light are difficult to believe.
Voting “true” 3rd Party always seems like a Quixotic endeavor to me. What could they truly accomplish? What Caucus would be their base? At least Trump and Senate Republicans came to an understanding and common cause. I can’t consider 3rd Party Presidential candidates until they show success in the House and Senate first. Especially getting legislation enacted.
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