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Moderators: jcmanson, Sly Fox, BuryYourDuke

Yacht Rock wrote: June 24th, 2019, 5:28 pm It is comical how he tosses the away any responsibility for the spiritual side of things but then is willing to chime in on something like athletics. As if there aren't also people in a position who oversee that program as well. His statement about the spiritual health of the university could just as well be applied to athletics. "The coaches, athletes and our Athletic Director are the ones who keep LU strong in athletics..."
Your thoughts echo mine. Thus they are brilliant :lol:
Liberty could do so well if we didn't have Jerry making national news every two weeks. Sadly, I don't know if there is any method of accountability at LU for him. It sucks that he doesn't consider the alumni and their degree's being associated with his twitter behavior. Something has to be done. Full disclosure, I used to like Jerry before he began acting this way; I don't know what has happened.
I don’t understand how his response is pertinent to the Russel Moore’s point. I would suspect that I’m much closer to Juniors position on this than Moore but I don’t understand what making payroll has to do with anything
It would be kinda neat to see something like “Liberty is sending teams in conjunction with Samaritan’s Purse/Gleaning For the World/Non Profit Group to the Border to help in any way possible our beleaguered and overburdened officials. We see this as a great need while our politicians continue to bicker in Washington about who is to blame. Hopefully Congress will stop it’s partisanship and work with the President to alleviate this crises at the Border. A crises they said didn’t even exist just a few months ago. Until that time, we are going to follow the teachings of Christ and feed the hungry and minister to those in need”

See? He could do the right thing AND take a partisan shot. Plus, with his direct line to the Oval Office those efforts would be in the highest need/highest profile areas. Which would be great PR for the University. Throw in some Football players and you have a PR bonanza
I hate saying this but again i agree with haize.

I hate it because hes a smart guy that has done so much for the school but hes getting universally crushed on this one and the platt tweet. Even by his allies.

I miss the jr that his voice cracked with emotion when talking about doc and the schools early troubles. He seemed so much more humble and then his missteps were just poor wording but the heart always felt right. Now everything has to tie back to trump in some way.

What if the guys on this board prayed for him. Arguing with him and negative comments on twitter wont do anything. We need jr to get back to his strengths and thats building Lu so the school can continue to change the world for Jesus. We all have gotten our eye off the ball at some point. Im praying for him for wisdom and guidance not to silence him but to truly use his ever growing platform to the very best way possible.
Purple Haize wrote: June 25th, 2019, 9:18 pm I don’t understand how his response is pertinent to the Russel Moore’s point. I would suspect that I’m much closer to Juniors position on this than Moore but I don’t understand what making payroll has to do with anything
It would be kinda neat to see something like “Liberty is sending teams in conjunction with Samaritan’s Purse/Gleaning For the World/Non Profit Group to the Border to help in any way possible our beleaguered and overburdened officials. We see this as a great need while our politicians continue to bicker in Washington about who is to blame. Hopefully Congress will stop it’s partisanship and work with the President to alleviate this crises at the Border. A crises they said didn’t even exist just a few months ago. Until that time, we are going to follow the teachings of Christ and feed the hungry and minister to those in need”

See? He could do the right thing AND take a partisan shot. Plus, with his direct line to the Oval Office those efforts would be in the highest need/highest profile areas. Which would be great PR for the University. Throw in some Football players and you have a PR bonanza
Very well said!
chris leedlelee wrote: June 25th, 2019, 9:16 pm Liberty could do so well if we didn't have Jerry making national news every two weeks. Sadly, I don't know if there is any method of accountability at LU for him. It sucks that he doesn't consider the alumni and their degree's being associated with his twitter behavior. Something has to be done. Full disclosure, I used to like Jerry before he began acting this way; I don't know what has happened.
I give Jr a lot of credit. Duke Westover recently told me how he made his first million $ by the time he was 21, on his own, without even telling his dad or using his coattails. It's no secret the university is where it is because Jr. worked side by side with his dad, especially through the brutal years, and made some very wise decisions. God love him, but If Doc was still around we probably wouldn't have as beautiful of a campus as Jr has put together.

But Jr seems to have taken this beyond just supporting Trump. He's angry and lashing out at other Christian leaders, good leaders, just because they do not share the same overt fealty to Trump as he does. Dr. Moore didn't say anything wrong. And how does "making a payroll" equate to speaking out on spiritual issues. Are any of us here who "have not met a payroll" just "bureaucrats", our religious opinions not as valid as those who have made a payroll? (This "bureaucrat" has certainly missed some paychecks because the boss couldn't make payroll :dontgetit ). Reminds me of the verse that says it's easier for the camel to get through the eye of a needle than a rich man into heaven. Last week Jr sad he doesn't speak for the spiritual issues of the university, Nassar does. Why then does he feel he should upbraid a fellow Christian, a conservative, a theologian, publicly over spiritual issues? It just doesn't make sense. I don't want LU to be the new Bob Jones University for Evangelicals where "separation" is required based on politics.

I will pray for Jr. and the Board. I fear no one is able, or willing, to encourage him differently. This is primarily a place for sports and, while in the scheme of things, that's not nearly as important as our witness but, I can't imagine it's easy to recruit with this going on. It will make any bowl or conference affiliation that much harder. Enrollment applications have dropped significantly. It seems we used to get hammered for our spiritual worldview. That has now taken backseat to our politics.

Sorry for the length.I get kind of passionate about Liberty. I was a student more than 30 years ago and have loved it every since. I don't want to see harm or damage come to it.
jinxy wrote: June 25th, 2019, 11:12 pm I hate saying this but again i agree with haize.
This has nothing to do with my upcoming comments. But I want to encourage this type of behavior :D

His comment about being nothing but an employee is really sticking with me. Is this an insight into how little he views and values those that work for him at LU :dontgetit
Purple Haize wrote: His comment about being nothing but an employee is really sticking with me. Is this an insight into how little he views and values those that work for him at LU :dontgetit
Yeah, I had the same thought. These aren’t the words of a good businessperson.
Purple Haize wrote: June 26th, 2019, 7:03 am
jinxy wrote: June 25th, 2019, 11:12 pm I hate saying this but again i agree with haize.
This has nothing to do with my upcoming comments. But I want to encourage this type of behavior :D

His comment about being nothing but an employee is really sticking with me. Is this an insight into how little he views and values those that work for him at LU :dontgetit

He has such a high view of himself and everyone else doesn’t matter. He’s the sole key to our success.
I really couldn't agree with you more @Just John. In secular matters, Jerry's business acumen has helped the university so much. But we are also a Christian university and our name will always be tied to his while he is president. I really care about LU too and just want to see it doing well.
I've always wished Jonathan had a more active role in the school. Jerry has proven he is a great businessman but he has never been the kind of guy who should be front and center. I have always felt that way but for different reasons but now he has just compounded that.

It is such an interesting dynamic because Liberty is very special to me. I would not be who I am today without that place but this is starting to get old.
My daughter starts at LU in August. She is pumped. I have to say though, Jr's behavior and comments the past few weeks have scared me quite a bit and even caused me to have second thoughts about her/our college decision. Somehow he has taken on the worst of Trumps qualities - the ones that make many Christians cringe. All of us are to be a reflection of Christ - that is not a role reserved for ministers.

I truly hope that he soon realizes that he is the leader of the school and people are watching. He is playing with fire right now and fire can destroy what has taken years to build very quickly.
thepostman wrote: June 26th, 2019, 8:11 amIt is such an interesting dynamic because Liberty is very special to me. I would not be who I am today without that place but this is starting to get old.
This is where I'm at. I'm so proud of how Liberty helped shape who I've become while at the same time being utterly embarrassed to be associated with its leadership at this point. I've taken "Liberty alum" off all my social media, my work bio, etc. I now reference I went to "Christian college" and seminary but rarely ever mention where unless directly asked.
Count me in Jonathan's sentiment. Someone asked me yesterday after all of this if I regret going to Liberty. The answer is no. I wouldn't have met my wife. I wouldn't be who I am today. I'm not ready to throw my degree away. It's ridiculous that there is no one at Liberty who can get through to Jerry - an administrator, a trustee, or someone else higher up - and tell him to cut it out. Quit taking shots at our friends. It's completely embarrassing to the point that I'm not telling anyone I went to Liberty unless they specifically ask.
I don't know if Jerry is a member at TRBC or not, but even if he isn't -- here is some good reading for him. ... cial-media

WHEREAS, Due to the size and publicly deliberative nature of the Southern Baptist Convention, the interactions between its people and entities often become newsworthy and are published in Christian and secular media as representation of the faith of believers in our Lord Jesus Christ; and

WHEREAS, The use of social media by Christians for dialogue, expressing opinions, and argumentation also is a public representation of the faith of believers in our Lord Jesus Christ; and

WHEREAS, The Bible has instructed God’s people to control the tongue (Psalm 101:5; Proverbs 10:19; 12:18–19; 15:4; Ephesians 4:29; Colossians 4:6; James 4:11), to treat others the same way you want them to treat you (Luke 6:31), and to love one another just as Christ has loved us (John 15:12); and

WHEREAS, Christians are called to exhibit self-control (Galatians 5:23) in every facet of life and follow the second great commandment, “Love your neighbor as yourself” (Matthew 22:39), understanding that our actions and character, seen by a watching world, are directly tethered to our witness and testimony of the person and work of Jesus Christ (Matthew 5:16); and

WHEREAS, The Bible has prescribed healthy avenues for conflict resolution among brothers and sisters in Christ (Matthew 5:21–26; 18:15–20; Ephesians 4:25–27; Romans 12:10; Galatians 6:10); and

WHEREAS, We are called by Christ to “live worthy of the calling [we] have received, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, making every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace” (Ephesians 4:1-3); now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, That the messengers to the Southern Baptist Convention meeting in Dallas, Texas, June 12–13, 2018, commit to maintaining brotherly and sisterly love by resolving our differences in a biblical manner (Matthew 18:15–18); and be it further

RESOLVED, That we guard our tongues, using caution and wisdom in our media and social media, and refrain from remarks that tear down others made in the image of God, including refraining from gossip and slander (Psalm 141:3; Proverbs 6:16–19; 17:27–28; 21:23; James 3:10–12); and be it finally

RESOLVED, That even in the midst of differences, disagreements, and conflicts, we will engage one another with respect and winsomeness, speaking truth in Christlike love while pursuing unity (Ephesians 4:15).
Yeah, Jonathan preaches about the importance of how we carry ourselves on social media as Christians quite often. It always seems pretty on the nose considering how Jr. handles himself with people he disagrees with. For what it's worth, I would love to see a changed heart. Life is simply too short to tumble through it lashing out at everyone. We've probably all gone through those phases and I know I have said and still say things from time to time that I wish I hadn't. I am critical of Liberty and the leadership, but I still want the institution to do well and I would hope that the leadership finds their way. I can say that I've grown a lot as a leader in business over the years and I'm thankful that my worst steps don't define who I am. However, I know there are people I've worked with over the years that only got to know me during my worst moments, and that does make me sad. I know change is possible. I know it's possible because I see it in business all the time. A lot of the criticisms aren't begging for some idealistic impossible utopia. Just like Dr. Moore said, we can do better.
Ha. Haize cant handle all the agreement. He needs someone to argue with.

Jack graham had much better replies and moore is helping push a somewhat false narrative but jrs reply was so out of left field that it just did the opposite. To his credit moore ignored jerry and acknowledged grahams tweet pointing inconsistency. Im not a Russell moore fan at all but if your going to ctitizcize a position of another believer (even if we differ on how strong a believer) then it needs to be cloaked in love and fact and not arrogrance and questionable relevance.
Jonathan Carone wrote: June 26th, 2019, 9:00 am
thepostman wrote: June 26th, 2019, 8:11 amIt is such an interesting dynamic because Liberty is very special to me. I would not be who I am today without that place but this is starting to get old.
This is where I'm at. I'm so proud of how Liberty helped shape who I've become while at the same time being utterly embarrassed to be associated with its leadership at this point. I've taken "Liberty alum" off all my social media, my work bio, etc. I now reference I went to "Christian college" and seminary but rarely ever mention where unless directly asked.
Yeah, me too.

I can remember when I'd cringe when Jerry Sr. would be on the news about something he said, but now I really miss him. It's almost as if someone said to Jerry Jr. "Boy, your dad could be pretty controversial at times!" and Jr. said "Hold my (root) beer."
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