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Moderators: jcmanson, Sly Fox, BuryYourDuke

BuryYourDuke wrote:
thepostman wrote:BYD knows that ballcoach helps keep this message board alive. Without him, I would've tapped out a long time ago. I am not sure what that says about me or this message board...
The boss won’t like me saying this...but at this point I would be sad for like 15 seconds if this place ceased to exist. It’s pretty much worthless.
For what it is worth, I find it useful to keep up on recruiting and other news around our sports programs. I would be bummed to see it go.

Sure there are conversations I am more interested in than others. There are also crazy ideas from time-to-time, but that is to be expected on an anonymous online forum. It’s part of the fun in my mind. I never take it too seriously.

In your opinion, what would make it more worthwhile?
BuryYourDuke wrote:It’s just gotten pretty mundane. ASOR produces incredible content. The recruiting info is great. The message board is a handful of people revisiting the same inside jokes and same complaints about the same posters. Over. And over. And over.

Posters that had real information have moved on from the school. The climate of the university makes anyone connected to the place terrified to post. So it just becomes stale. If anything I’ve done has contributed to that, I apologize.
Well then. It's obvious you've been here before.

I for one would miss the board because in real life, I know few people that are LU fans before another school. Seriously fewer than five.
BuryYourDuke wrote:If you have ideas, my yPM box is definitely open...
I certainly don't have innovative ideas but you're attitude towards the board kind of confirmed what I believed all along. You guys put a ton of work and develop a ton of great content for ASOR but this board is simply an afterthought. Part of that is the shift to social media but this board is very active compared to some and if the powers that be cared about it, I think it could grow a lot more especially as Hugh Freeze continues to build his program.

Yes there are a ton of inside jokes but hidden amongst that is conversations between some of LU's most loyal fans.

Hopefully you don't take this post the wrong way because I love the content you all provide. It has just always been clear this message board isn't a priority.
I agree that this place isn’t as much fun as it used to be. Message boards are a dying breed and it seems to me that the ones that are successful are somewhat strictly moderated and hold their posters to a high standard regarding content. This place doesn’t do that and I think it’s to the detriment of the community.
I hope the board doesn’t die because that’s the schools ultimate goal. To kill this message board. They hate anyone who criticizes the university, Jr, and the leadership.

I think if we had more insiders it would help but as BYD said a lot of them moved on or just too scared to post.
ballah09 wrote:I hope the board doesn’t die because that’s the schools ultimate goal. To kill this message board. They hate anyone who criticizes the university, Jr, and the leadership.

I think if we had more insiders it would help but as BYD said a lot of them moved on or just too scared to post.
Fight The Power !
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By jcmanson
Registration Days Posts
I split the thread from the other so as to not take away from that discussion.

I appreciate and respect everyone's opinions on the matter. It certainly has never been my intention for the perception to be that this board is an afterthought. That's the exact opposite.

The original idea for ASOR was born out of this message board. My goal has always been to drive content, the best content there is for Liberty U sports. That has been my drive since I started ASOR (as FlamesNation) almost 7 years ago.

When the two sites merged, the idea was always that the content would reach all the new audience, engage them, and drive them to the message board. We've done several things over the years to push for that all the while realizing message boards are not nearly as popular today as they were a decade ago.

As ASOR's coverage arm has continued to grow exponentially, I simply do not have the time or resources to devote to the message board. It's not for a lack of interest or because it's an afterthought. I love this message board. Any time I read or hear negative comments about it I immediately get defensive. I try to fight that because I know this type of discussion is healthy.

I'm open to any and all recommendations to continue to move this board forward. It's still the only place to congregate to discuss Liberty athletics and topics related to LU with such passion and knowledge as we have here.

I'm even open to having a person become the message board moderator. Basically this person can govern the message board, while still allowing me the ability to drive the content arm. Of course, that person would have to be someone I completely trust.
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By thepostman
Registration Days Posts
Manson, I appreciate your response and BYD's response as well.

I think for this board to thrive, we would have to somehow connect social media, ASOR and the message board as one seamless product. how you do that is certainly up for discussion.

I have posted on this board for a really long time now and love it and I want it to thrive and grow. That is why I am often critical but it isn't because I don't enjoy what you all do because I love the content provided by ASOR.
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By jcmanson
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thepostman wrote:I think for this board to thrive, we would have to somehow connect social media, ASOR and the message board as one seamless product.
Honest question, how can we do that?

We've brought it all in one under name (sort of forced to do that but still). Social media links to asor which links to forums and vice versa. We've had specific content in the past that was geared to the message board (thread of the week). We also occasionally tweet for people to join in on the discussion on the message board. We try to keep it in balance as we don't want people thinking we're constantly "pimping" the message board, if you understand what I'm saying.
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By TallyW
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FWIW...I sincerely appreciate the board. I’m not as interested in a second home to content also found in the newspaper.

To me, the unique angle of ASOR is the personal nature of the reporting that is often given color by this board. I appreciate the content, but i really value seeing and discussing various perspectives associated with the content. That's the advantage of this site over going to N&A everyday.

The speculation people find frustrating actually keeps me interested in decisions made by the University ...even if 75% of what’s said never comes to fruition, I look at the landscape of college sports differently because of the various posts and opinions here. I read up on coaches i would never have considered, see stories of players who will never play for us, and see athletics from your varied perspectives. I appreciate that.

I’m not certain that a board mod is responsible for much beyond keeping the lights on and turning the trash off. The stale nature of conversation at times is the fault of posters who are stale and those who do not choose to contribute, but may otherwise have something interesting to add.

I hope the board stays active. There’s value here. Thanks to those of you who work to keep the marketplace of ideas open. It’s not your responsibility to increase the quality of those ideas. That responsibility is on us, the end user.

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By prototype
Registration Days Posts
What do you guys expect? It's a message board... And i would argue one of the busiest in college, that is connected to a major forum engine...

I go here every day and I don't go to many sites on a daily basis.
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By CCWMichael
My stale input :D
I have gone to games and asked; "do you post on ASOR?"
Answer EVERY TIME; "no, what is that."

Leave flyers at games? Scatter around campus?

most likely much more complex than this but it's a shot.

OBTW, love the content and personalities.
C'mon, group hug!
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By Purple Haize
Registration Days Posts
I say we hire a plane to sky write it on opening kickoff!
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By thepostman
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Gotta be careful with flyers. that is a good way to get on the naughty list at LU.

Hopefully through some brainstorming we all can figure out how to make ASOR and this message board bigger and better.

I am hoping my criticism wasn't taken the wrong way by any of you guys. I love this message board. if I didn't I wouldn't post as often as I do. I'd love to see it grow and, at the same time, bring back some people who for whatever reason have stopped contributing.

I have some ideas kicking around in my head but need to fine tune them a bit.
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By alabama24
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I know that the forums have always been primarily about sports. I enjoy LU athletics and read the sports forums weekly. My initial foray into the forums, however, had nothing to do with sports. Rather, I came to the forums because I was moving back to the burg with my wife and newborn son (now 13!) and needed to network for work, housing, etc. The forums were great for us, and I have been a regular visitor ever since due to the kindness of some of you lugs.
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By Kolzilla41
Registration Days Posts
Infrequent poster and long time lurker here. I worked at Liberty for over a decade and understand what folks say about posting to here. It can come back to bite you. I think the content development for ASOR has taken off! I am looking forward to adding opinions and excitement to this board as I did in the past. Maybe I'll be able to temper McCracken, I mean Ballcoach. :D
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By Class of 20Something
Hopefully the new staff understands that boards like this are free advertising. They also can be used as a tool when they want to. ASOR can get away with saying things coaches can't.
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By SumItUp
Registration Days Posts
Class of 20Something wrote:It's been a while since I made an account. Do we require a captcha for membership? Seems like we've got a lot of russian bot accounts.
Don't worry about it. It's a Trump thing.
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