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By Purple Haize
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TH Spangler wrote:
Purple Haize wrote:Let’s look at what NAFTA promised at the time as well China to the WTO. Pretty reasonable positions to take in theory. He was Envoy to China and understood what was going on at the time. As for the New World Order narrative, yes. It was. There was no Cold War. No proxy wars between Super Powers. There were no Super Powers, just the US. So yeah, after 50 years, it was a New World Order.
Not saying he planned for things to playout like they did. But he and his friends "reasonable positions" turned out to be very bad for Americans. Over 5 million US jobs offshored to countries we planned to control via trade. Then trillions in American middle class wealth transferred for the same reason. A hand full set themselves up as middle men and policy enablers and become super rich. Then China completely flips the so call New World Order ....“When China joined the WTO in 2000 with 1.3 billion people underemployed, it began pulling them out of the rice paddies, the farms, and rural areas, and putting them to work. The Chinese under-consume. They produce more than they consume, [in] a country that’s four and a half times as big as ours and relying on the American consumer to fund their path to wealth and doing so with a state-directed economy, which is different than communist, it’s a strategic mix of state capitalism with a little bit of private sector in it. We always thought communism would fail, but China found central planning 2.0 and is pretty good at it,” ... s-america/

History is not looking to good right now, time will tell :dontgetit
See? Even you admit there was a New World Order after the HW Administration. Not once did you reference the Soviet Union. I am going to assume you are old enough to remember waking up every day with the threat of global annihilation. The Warsaw Pact. Communist Rebels in Central America. That was the Post WW2 Order. After the fall of the Soviet Union there was....wait for it ....a New World Order. People believed there would be Peace and Prosperity.
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By TH Spangler
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I voted for him, nothing but respect for his military service. But I think he made some very bad decisions when it comes to trade. That's where he lost me. Maybe if Trump can right some of that I can forgive and forget.
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By Sly Fox
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I was never a fan of 41 as President. But being in Houston I have had numerous occassions to interact with him over the past twenty years and my opinion of him personally is significantly higher. He has always been gracious to everyone with whom he interacts. He was a regular at nearly every sporting event in town since his retirement and made a point of being a real fan. It may be hokey but I respect that in the man.

On a side note, my family lived by the Barbara Bush Library for over a decade and walked by the statue of Robin at least once a week. The way 41 & Barbara approached family life has always been something I have admired. Then again, I got to know 43 fairly well back in his gubernatorial days and genuinely liked him even though I was disenchanted with his days in the White House. You can be a nice guy even if you make bad decisions. Sometimes we have trouble reconciling those concepts.
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By TH Spangler
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Politicians are simply puppets for a puppet master. I see the Bush's as good folks, but with a very bad puppet master when it came to trade. Should have listen to Pat.
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By Jonathan Carone
Sly Fox wrote:You can be a nice guy even if you make bad decisions. Sometimes we have trouble reconciling those concepts.
This is how I feel about 41, 43, and 44. I disagree with many things each did, but I believe them to be quality men who did what they thought was best. I can respect that even if I don’t agree with it.
By ballcoach15
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President Bush is only President I have had opportunity to shake hands with.
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By Purple Haize
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ballcoach15 wrote:President Bush is only President I have had opportunity to shake hands with.
Well, did you take the opportunity?
By ballcoach15
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(I also saw Carter, Reagan and Trump in person.)

Worked with Secret Service on Security Detail in 1985 on a Reagan visit to Fort Myer, VA
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By Purple Haize
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What an incredible ceremony. HW has continued in death what he did in life. My respect for him was high before but is only higher now. Looking back at all the anecdotes on his The people who visited him at the rotunda. Wow. The people who were helped by the ADA Wow. My top 3 take away images are Sully at the casket. Dole saluting the casket. W and Laura Bush with the Trumps at Blair house with all being gracious and kind. Just as HW wished.
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By RubberMallet
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this is absolutely not how i expected this thread to be. that was pretty amazing. John Lear over here just made it gold.
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By TH Spangler
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He has many good legacies. Unfortunately Danville Virginia and many more cities just like it are as well :cry:
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By thepostman
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I use to work with some older guys who spent time at Camp David during George HW Bush's presidency and out of every president they had the honor to serve under, HW was the one who still to this day they remember. He constantly went out of his way to talk with the jr enlisted who kept the grounds clean and was often inviting people to play wallyball with him and the family. Working in an environment where you often brush shoulders with some pretty powerful people it was always refreshing to hear these stories. Just watching all of the coverage just cements what I believed after talking to these guy, HW was a great and decent man. That is why so many on the left and right have gone out of their way to pay their respects.
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By Purple Haize
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Watching W and James Baker break down and cry hit me right in the Feelz today
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By Purple Haize
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After watching this I couldn’t believe how dusty my house was. Darn allergies

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By Purple Haize
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Jonathan Carone wrote:I want to know what Jeb said to him as he sat down that made him crack up.
I heard on the news tonight that one of them said “You almost made it” referring to him breaking down. The Bush’s were big on not being emotional in public. My wife pointed out that I made it to just about the same spot when I eulogized my dad in October :)
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By Purple Haize
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Looking at the Presidents Row you could tell Bill Clinton was really engaged. He was reminiscing with W. Trump was really moved by the sincerity of it and I think appreciating the new level of detante between them. Carter. Man talk about a forgotten man. But he was openly weeping and you could tell he was feeling every word
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By ElmersTwin
Purple Haize wrote:What an incredible ceremony. HW has continued in death what he did in life. My respect for him was high before but is only higher now. Looking back at all the anecdotes on his The people who visited him at the rotunda. Wow. The people who were helped by the ADA Wow. My top 3 take away images are Sully at the casket. Dole saluting the casket. W and Laura Bush with the Trumps at Blair house with all being gracious and kind. Just as HW wished.
There is a slight possibility I teared up a smidge when I saw Dole salute the casket, and the look on his face when he sat back down. The last few days have been remarkable, and a nice break from the usual junk happening in politics.
By rogers3
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Purple Haize wrote:Looking at the Presidents Row you could tell Bill Clinton was really engaged. He was reminiscing with W. Trump was really moved by the sincerity of it and I think appreciating the new level of detante between them. Carter. Man talk about a forgotten man. But he was openly weeping and you could tell he was feeling every word
I really appreciate the shared feelings about this man. I feel sorry for the people who have become so jaded by the wackjobs on the radio, TV, and in political office today that they think all people in poluu22Andrew3Andrew,Andrew

Aaa.....itics are suspect. I thank Rush and all the wingnuts who have tried to imitate him. Just my opinion, of course, but I felt that we lost one of the last good leaders when he passed.
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