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By Purple Haize
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With God things are absolute. With Politics NOTHING is absolute
By Yacht Rock
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I’m talking about the divisions people put themselves in these days. Mostly political absolutes. God doesn’t fit into our absolutes. Of course yes, He has absolute truth.
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By Purple Haize
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Which is why it’s not really possible to call someone God’s candidate. Or vice versa.
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By jbock13
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I think the issues is there's two sides of the issue: There's one side that tries to appease and apologize for Christians who stand up for what they believe in because they didn't say it the most eloquent manner, or quibble over the slightest details of a statement. On the other hand, there's the side of Christians who will defend anything anyone who claims to be a Christian says (Roy Moore debacle is the best example of this). I feel like both sides signal just a bit too strongly.
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By jbock13
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Yacht Rock wrote:Sometimes scripture is more in line with something a liberal is trying to do and sometimes it’s more in line with what a conservative is trying to do.
With all due respect, I don't see how this is the case. Of course I'm not implying that everything conservative is what God would want us to do, but the pro-life issue sticks out the most in my mind.
By Yacht Rock
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jbock13 wrote:
Yacht Rock wrote:Sometimes scripture is more in line with something a liberal is trying to do and sometimes it’s more in line with what a conservative is trying to do.
With all due respect, I don't see how this is the case. Of course I'm not implying that everything conservative is what God would want us to do, but the pro-life issue sticks out the most in my mind.
That’s what I’m talking about though. When it comes to the unborn, conservatives typically show more grace than liberals. However, there are some issues where the liberals act more Christlike than conservatives.

I don’t think Jesus fits nicely into a box of conservative vs. liberal.

He’s Jesus. We should try to put ourselves in His box instead of trying to force him into ours.
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By jbock13
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If I may just give an example, let’s pick charity. Most conservatives are very generous with contributions privately made to charity. But the majority of liberals would argue it is the governments job to force people to contribute to their social causes by way of taxation. Which is morally superior?
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By jbock13
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thepostman wrote:Republicans aren't pro life.
Of course. Most conservatives are. :D
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By jbock13
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Jonathan Carone wrote:So the only thing liberals care about is abortion?
Not sure how you drew that conclusion from my statement.
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By Jonathan Carone
jbock13 wrote:
Jonathan Carone wrote:So the only thing liberals care about is abortion?
Not sure how you drew that conclusion from my statement.
jbock13 wrote:
Yacht Rock wrote:Sometimes scripture is more in line with something a liberal is trying to do and sometimes it’s more in line with what a conservative is trying to do.
With all due respect, I don't see how this is the case. Of course I'm not implying that everything conservative is what God would want us to do, but the pro-life issue sticks out the most in my mind.
You basically said liberals couldn't be more in line with Scripture than conservatives at any point purely because of their pro-choice views.
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By jbock13
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I was implying that it is one example. Just one.
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By Purple Haize
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Do you (Generic not pointed at anyone) expect your Political Leaders to also be Spiritual Leaders? Do You (Generic) expect your Spiritual Leaders to be Political Leaders?
By Yacht Rock
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I think you may have missed the point. Conservatives don’t have a monopoly on Christlike behaviors at all. Neither do Liberals. I think many times, in a rush to defend ones Conservative argument or Liberal argument or Republican argument or Democrat argument, people forget they should argue from the perspective of a Christian first. Even if that means going against the tide of conservative or liberal waters. I’ve seen many people on this board tie themselves in knots trying to defend both personal behaviors and policies simply because someone has an R next to their name.
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By thepostman
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I don't expect politicians to be super Christians but I do expect politicians who claim to be Christians to at least attempt to act that way.

Trump has claimed he is a Christian since he began this presidential run and has told so many lies it's just insane. But he is old so maybe he just doesn't realize he is lying.

Unfortunately the MSM spent so much time pissing on George W Bush their attacks on Trump is just white noise to many conservatives.
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By Purple Haize
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thepostman wrote:I don't expect politicians to be super Christians but I do expect politicians who claim to be Christians to at least attempt to act that way.

Trump has claimed he is a Christian since he began this presidential run and has told so many lies it's just insane. But he is old so maybe he just doesn't realize he is lying.

Unfortunately the MSM spent so much time pissing on George W Bush their attacks on Trump is just white noise to many conservatives.
Is hyperbole lying?
By Yacht Rock
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Purple Haize wrote:
thepostman wrote:I don't expect politicians to be super Christians but I do expect politicians who claim to be Christians to at least attempt to act that way.

Trump has claimed he is a Christian since he began this presidential run and has told so many lies it's just insane. But he is old so maybe he just doesn't realize he is lying.

Unfortunately the MSM spent so much time pissing on George W Bush their attacks on Trump is just white noise to many conservatives.
Is hyperbole lying?
If the matter can be subjective, then I'd say possibly not, but if it's an objective topic, I'd say it's lying. I've seen a lot of dishonesty on both subjective and objective matters from Trump, so he's not someone I'd trust with much in this world.
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By Purple Haize
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Yacht Rock wrote:
Purple Haize wrote:
thepostman wrote:I don't expect politicians to be super Christians but I do expect politicians who claim to be Christians to at least attempt to act that way.

Trump has claimed he is a Christian since he began this presidential run and has told so many lies it's just insane. But he is old so maybe he just doesn't realize he is lying.

Unfortunately the MSM spent so much time pissing on George W Bush their attacks on Trump is just white noise to many conservatives.
Is hyperbole lying?
If the matter can be subjective, then I'd say possibly not, but if it's an objective topic, I'd say it's lying. I've seen a lot of dishonesty on both subjective and objective matters from Trump, so he's not someone I'd trust with much in this world.
With Trump, like any Politician, you take what they say with a grain of salt. Being he comes from a Marketing background and was/is very successful at it, i couch all he says as hyperbole wrapped around a kernel of fact. And I’m ok with that.
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By Purple Haize
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thepostman wrote:But I thought he wasn't like all the other politicians....
He isn’t.
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By Purple Haize
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thepostman wrote:I don't agree and never have agreed with that. It's all genius marketing but it's not at all accurate.
You think he’s like every other Politician? Huh.
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