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Moderators: jcmanson, Sly Fox, BuryYourDuke

I wouldn't advocate allowing alcohol in the dorms or even on campus (including game days). I would, however, advocate allowing faculty and students who are of age to drink. (For the record, I've never drank a drop of alcohol in my life.)

While we aren't hurting for numbers residentially, I'd be willing to bet our retention rates are not great. Had I been forced to live on campus, I would've lasted at most two semesters before leaving. If we even still had the khakis dress code, I never would've considered transferring into Liberty.

I know how much Liberty impacted my life and made me into the person I am today and it saddens me that there are people in similar situations as I was who would never give the school a chance or who would leave before they should because of the rules we have. I care about rule changes not because Liberty needs them to recruit students, but because I want people who were like me to be impacted in the same way I was.
Truly the student body amazes me. They are able to share so much love and compassion and always be what we would want out of the leadership. Maybe that's the idea even. Maybe having leadership the students disagree with causes the students to have such well formed arguments, they are more prepared than they would be with out perfect leadership. Blessing in disguise?
By ballah09
Registration Days Posts
Speaking of more curfew for students 20 and over

@LibertyU is allowing people over 20 to sign out AFTER HOURS so you may leave campus after curfew!
Liberty SGA‏
Replying to @LibertyUSGA @LibertyU
and by over 20 we mean 20 & over!!
Last edited by ballah09 on September 1st, 2017, 12:59 pm, edited 2 times in total.
ballah09 wrote:Speaking of more curfew for students 20 and over

@LibertyU is allowing people over 20 to sign out AFTER HOURS so you may leave campus after curfew!
Liberty SGA‏
Replying to @LibertyUSGA @LibertyU
and by over 20 we mean 20 & over!!
After reading this thread I don't know if that's a good thing or bad. I mean are people going to be ok with it because they are trying to be relevant. Or will there be outrage that LU is changing its rules to fit in with society.
I'm so confused
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