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By Purple Haize
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ballcoach's statement that LU is going to hire one of the Top 5 FBS Coaches in the Country got me to thinking about all the other wild and crazy stories I've heard in my decades long familiarity with LU/TRBC. I'll post some but there has to be others. True. Not True. Almosts. Whatever. Let's hear some stories

In no order:
1. LU was the early leader in the Tim Tebow sweepstakes's and had actually verballed before Florida got involved
2. Until Michigan did some shady under the table things Chris Weber was going to be a Flame
3. Lou Holtz was going to be LU's head coach with the understanding that his son Skip would take over after a few years
4. Pete Maravich was going to be LU's basketball coach
5 LU was thisclose to playing Alabama in 2001 ( this is something that is true)

I'm sure there are more
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By Cider Jim
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Purple Haize wrote:
2. Until Michigan did some shady under the table things Chris Weber was going to be a Flame
2. Didn't Weber make an official visit to LU in the recruiting process? Play Basketball
By olldflame
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Cider Jim wrote:
Purple Haize wrote:
2. Until Michigan did some shady under the table things Chris Weber was going to be a Flame
2. Didn't Weber make an official visit to LU in the recruiting process? Play Basketball
No. My understanding is that he put us on his list of 5 official visits to make his mother, who was a fan of Doc's, happy. He never had any intenion of coming for the visit, let alone to play.
By olldflame
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The one big one that I always heard was that John Wooden, who was a friend of Doc's, was going to come out of retirement and be a sort of co-HC/coach emeritus for a few years and mentor Jeff Meyer, who would later resume the HC duties. I don't believe it was ever close to happening.
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By Purple Haize
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ATrain wrote:Do they have to be sports related?
Nope. It's why I put it in The Courtyard
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By Purple Haize
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flamehunter wrote:The whole school was on the verge of moving to Georgia. Doc wasn't happy with an uncooperative city council I believe.
Good one. I could have seen that happening in the 80's when he took over Heritage USA. Can you imagine the Empire he could have built there?
By ATrain
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The most common one when I was a student: the top two floors of DeMoss were never finished due to the building being unable to handle the weight.

The Spirit Rock is set on fire every so often to get rid of the layers of paint on it.

And of course...
Beware the Black Suburban!
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By Cider Jim
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ATrain wrote:The Spirit Rock is set on fire every so often to get rid of the layers of paint on it.
Years ago, I was walking back from a basketball game in the dark, and I saw this big ball of flames up ahead and noticed it was the Spirit Rock on fire. At first, I admired such a creative idea; that is, until I heard the siren on an LUPD cruiser coming to the rescue.
By ballah09
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1. Playboy ranking Liberty in the top 25 with the hottest girls
2. James Lang committed to Liberty before entering the NBA draft
3. Chris Weber was all Liberty before Michigan coming into the picture
4. Liberty being in Tebow's top 5
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By Purple Haize
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ATrain wrote:The most common one when I was a student: the top two floors of DeMoss were never finished due to the building being unable to handle the weight.

The Spirit Rock is set on fire every so often to get rid of the layers of paint on it.

And of course...
Beware the Black Suburban!
The DeMoss tale had some truth to it. Part way through construction Jerry decided he wanted the entire building brick, not just the front. So it took some refiguring.
More likely there was a shortage of funds
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By Class of 20Something
thepostman wrote:The ravine woods that are no more were used for a romantic escape for many. At least that was the rumor.
But that trail to the rot though. So much easier than those stairs behind vines.
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By thepostman
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It was in the woods.

Ok story time with the postman.

The year was 2003. I lived in the circle. They had not yet opened the vehicle exit on the circle to 460 so the only way out was the main entrance where the guard shack was with a fine LUPD officer standing watch to make sure no unauthorized students left campus.

Anyways I was a freshman. My classes were mindless at that point so a couple guys in my hall and I decided one of us would park our car in the wal mart parking lot earlier in the evening. We would walk back to campus and then cut through the woods after curfew check to get to the car so we could hit up waffle house. I believe this was when I still smoked so it was an easy way for us to get out. Have some crappy food and smoke cigarettes. So dumb looking back but we thought it was a solid plan.

Anyways we walked through those ravine woods flashlights in hand when we stumbled into a mattress with used condoms tossed around. It was the most disgusting, saddest thing I had ever seen at that point in my life.

So there is the legend. I'm sure you guys enjoyed it greatly. Now you all will judge me for the sinner I was my freshmen year of college.

And no. I never went out there with a lady friend to use that mattress. I had a little more class than that.
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By Purple Haize
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thepostman wrote:It was in the woods.

Ok story time with the postman.

The year was 2003. I lived in the circle. They had not yet opened the vehicle exit on the circle to 460 so the only way out was the main entrance where the guard shack was with a fine LUPD officer standing watch to make sure no unauthorized students left campus.

Anyways I was a freshman. My classes were mindless at that point so a couple guys in my hall and I decided one of us would park our car in the wal mart parking lot earlier in the evening. We would walk back to campus and then cut through the woods after curfew check to get to the car so we could hit up waffle house. I believe this was when I still smoked so it was an easy way for us to get out. Have some crappy food and smoke cigarettes. So dumb looking back but we thought it was a solid plan.

Anyways we walked through those ravine woods flashlights in hand when we stumbled into a mattress with used condoms tossed around. It was the most disgusting, saddest thing I had ever seen at that point in my life.

So there is the legend. I'm sure you guys enjoyed it greatly. Now you all will judge me for the sinner I was my freshmen year of college.

And no. I never went out there with a lady friend to use that mattress. I had a little more class than that.
You'd think you could clean up after your self
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By BJWilliams
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Class of 20Something wrote:
thepostman wrote:The ravine woods that are no more were used for a romantic escape for many. At least that was the rumor.
But that trail to the rot though. So much easier than those stairs behind vines.
There were usuallt a couple cars rocking in the pit by the quads and you could see a few fogged windows if you had to park near the edge at curfew time
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By BJWilliams
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Yacht Rock wrote:Isn't there a story about BJ hiding in the bushes? Was it those bushes?!

Heavens no! Those were the ones by the Hancock building back when we had a weight room and athletic offices there instead of the visitors center...Even I'm not that creepy
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By Purple Haize
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BJWilliams wrote:
Yacht Rock wrote:Isn't there a story about BJ hiding in the bushes? Was it those bushes?!

Heavens no! Those were the ones by the Hancock building back when we had a weight room and athletic offices there instead of the visitors center...Even I'm not that creepy
Says the guy stalking parking lots
BJWilliams wrote:
Class of 20Something wrote:
thepostman wrote:The ravine woods that are no more were used for a romantic escape for many. At least that was the rumor.
But that trail to the rot though. So much easier than those stairs behind vines.
There were usuallt a couple cars rocking in the pit by the quads and you could see a few fogged windows if you had to park near the edge at curfew time
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By Purple Haize
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ballcoach15 wrote:As for the Playboy rankings, if my memory is correct LU was ranked #2 behind UCLA.
I'm sure you just read them for the articles
By JK37
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Me and a few other dorm mates hatched a plan to set the rock on fire after a Radford MBB game. Flaming arrow from 460.

It worked.

Didn't someone bury the rock one year. And that's why it's based on a cement pad now?
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By Class of 20Something
JK37 wrote:Me and a few other dorm mates hatched a plan to set the rock on fire after a Radford MBB game. Flaming arrow from 460.

It worked.

Didn't someone bury the rock one year. And that's why it's based on a cement pad now?
I know they need to clean some of the surrounding area. Some people got a little spray happy.
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