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Moderators: jcmanson, Sly Fox, BuryYourDuke

By ballcoach15
Registration Days Posts
LU wins 8-0. Frisen and DiMartino combine for shutout. Taylor had HR off scoreboard. Robertson drove in run with bunt single in B 6 for run rule win.
By olldflame
Registration Days Posts
We complete a dominant sweep by winning 8-0 as Freesen goes the distance and Amader hits a walkoff 2 run homer for the run rule margin in 5 innings.
By ballcoach15
Registration Days Posts
Good series. The Blue Hose never crossed home plate in the 3 games. First time in history LU has not allowed a run in BSC series.
By Dalegarz1
Excellent series! Nine conference games left. What does our record need to be in order to get the #1 seed for the tournament?
By ballcoach15
Registration Days Posts
If we can win 6 of the nine we be ok I think.. Other teams will take care of each other for us. No dominate team behind us.
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By BJWilliams
Registration Days Posts
Campbell has Radford next while we get Gardner Webb theyd have to sweep the Highs since we lost 1. Then we get Winthrop, who we'd probably need to sweep since Campbell swept them. We finish with Longwood who the Camels took two of three from so I reckon a sweep there is needed I'd guess no worse than 7-2 since we have the H2H
Last edited by BJWilliams on April 10th, 2017, 9:12 am, edited 1 time in total.
By ballcoach15
Registration Days Posts

LU. 10-2
Camp 8-4
Wint. 6-5
RU. 4-5
LW 4-5
CSU 5-7
GW 4-7
Presb. 3-9
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By Sly Fox
Registration Days Posts
Love seeing us where we should be in the standings. But it will all be just an afterthought if we don't finish strong in the conference tourney. Let's keep rolling.
By ballcoach15
Registration Days Posts
Anything less than winning tournament will be a disappointment, in my opinion.
By Dalegarz1
I agree ballcoach and would go a step further. We need to advance in the NCAA's in order to reach expectations. These are expectations established by DR.
By CarolinaBlue
I would think Coach Richardson might back off that statement. We are a very YOUNG team that is 400% better than last years team. A young team needs to learn how to win and this will take time. But getting into a regional and winning games in a regional is a lofty goal for us. We will need another recruiting class or two. Time will give this YOUNG team much needed experience. The program is going in the right direction. We are getting better. Disappointment not winning Big South yes. Disappoinment for no Regional win is unrealistic..( Dot expectations to lofty for now). Side note: Keeping Coach Cassady at Liberty will be tough.
By ballcoach15
Registration Days Posts
The future is beyond bright for this team. LU is probably "youngest" team in the nation. I see a couple weak links, but they can be fixed.
Key to post season is "get in the tournament", then anything can happen.
By olldflame
Registration Days Posts
With Longwood mysteriously struggling and a 2 game lead on the field, I would say at this point it would be a huge disappointment not to win the regular season and get the #1 seed for the BSC tourney. Anything can happen at tourney time, but the way our pitching and hitting are both going, I like our chances in a double elimination format. I admit to not having looked into it in depth, but I don't think we would have much of a shot at an at-large.
By ballcoach15
Registration Days Posts
If we "win out", I think we may have a shot at ALB. Right now our RPI is at "80". But problem is, I believe every remaining team on schedule has RPI lower than us.
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