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Moderators: jcmanson, Sly Fox, BuryYourDuke

By Yacht Rock
Registration Days Posts
Hey folks,

My wife and I have been feeling led toward adoption for a few years now. Last week we were informed of a young boy from China that is struggling to be placed with a family and after a lot of prayer, my wife and I are moving forward to start the process to have him join our family.

This is a huge step for us, but one that we feel God is leading us through.

The process is pretty complex and will require a bit of money. We're going to start some fundraising projects to try to make this happen and we appreciate your prayers as we go through it. Most of all, pray for this young boy in China and that, if we're not the family for him, God has another family ready to bring him home.

Thanks guys,

Scott aka Yacht Rock
By Yacht Rock
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Thanks! Tomorrow morning I have a call scheduled with the agency to see if this is viable and what the timeline, costs, etc look like.
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By VaDon
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My wife and I have two daughters who joined our family through adoption from China.

I will tell you it has been the greatest blessings of our lives.

We pray for you and your wife that all the paperwork flows smoothly on this wonderful journey.

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By prototype
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also have adopted a girl. Sad that it's such a business and they make it so expensive, but you're doing a great thing.

Praying for you and your wife.
By Yacht Rock
Registration Days Posts
Thanks for the prayers guys.

We had to request a special exemption from a few of the rules that China has for adoption and were asked to draft a letter explaining our situation.

I spent yesterday on my knees praying for this boy and then received an email.

The CCCWA agreed to make an exception to their adoption restrictions and is going to let us adopt this sweet young boy!

Now we're in the process of getting the home study scheduled so we can get the official go ahead.

Any fundraising ideas out there? I know we'll be able to put forward a large amount but not all of it in a timely manner. I know we have a lot of friends/family/church family that are wanting to help out in any way possible.
By ALUmnus
Registration Days Posts
I've seen a lot of people use the gofundme route, and blast it out on facebook. Seems to be effective.

Also, might want to talk to your church about it. A church should go out of its way to help it's members adopt, but there may be some individual members who you don't even know that are looking for these opportunities.

Our church uses a service that serves as an adoption fund for families like yours, but it only works if people contribute to it.
By Yacht Rock
Registration Days Posts
Hey everyone,

I wanted to give an update. Everything is going well and we have many of the required documents filled out as we are starting the Home Study process with a provider here in Virginia and soon after that is complete will be sending our dossier to China.

God has been lifting up walls and moving mountains as we move toward bringing this little guy home.

If you'd be interested in reading about our story, we'll be sharing once or twice a week on our blog.


If you're interested in supporting you can support us here


or here


In addition we are selling T-Shirts for support here


A portion of each T-Shirt sold goes toward our adoption.

More than anything, we need prayers. Just in the time that we've started this process, our relationship with God has grown and we've never felt more in line with the will He has for our lives than we are now.

Thanks guys and I'm sorry if I've run amok of some rule about posting links like this but I've always loved and appreciated the support that this community provides.

Scott aka Yacht Rock
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By Sly Fox
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Any rule standing in the way of that post would be contrary to theprinciples upon which this forum was built.
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By Purple Haize
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What are these things called 'Rules'?
By Yacht Rock
Registration Days Posts
I wanted to give everyone an update.

Hopefully, in the next few weeks we'll be able to talk to the little guy in China via Skype and begin sending him things. We're so excited for this!

On another note, we're going to be hosting a rummage sale at the end of this month. We're trying to collect as much as we can for the sale and appreciate any help. If anyone in the Lynchburg area has anything they're trying to get rid of and would like to donate, please send me a PM.

In addition, if anyone or any business would like to make a year-end tax deductible donation to helping bring this little guy home, we have some instructions at the following links.



The Pure Charity link is easier to use but the link on our WordPress ensures that 100% of the donation would go toward this little boy.

One of the things that has held us back from adopting in the past is the fact that it isn't cheap and it seemed like a mountain that couldn't be moved. We moved when God told us to and know that we'll likely need to raise at least $20,000 to make this happen. We've been humbled by the amount of support we've gotten so far but we still have a long way to go. We're in a unique situation in that we're already matched there is a child waiting for us right now. Oftentimes the matching process can take awhile and give families more time to put together the funds. We've put our debt snowball on hold for now (Sorry Dave Ramsey) while we put all of our extra money toward this and pray that we don't reach a point where we're invoiced for something we don't have the funds for yet.

Thank you guys for taking the time to read this and if you have some stuff you want to get rid of, we'll take it off your hands. If you want to contribute in another way, we appreciate it soooo much! if you're praying for us, thank you so much!

Scott aka Yacht Rock
By Yacht Rock
Registration Days Posts
I posted this on Facebook and wanted to share with you guys!
We're excited to announce that we we hope to bring a ray of light to "black friday!" Our family will be hosting a Yard Sale Adoption Benefit on Friday, November 25th and Saturday, November 26th from 8 am to 5 pm. The proceeds will benefit our Adoption from China of the newest member of our family. We have a lot of great stuff available for sale and will take donations on both days if you have anything you'd like to get rid of.

If nothing else, feel free to stop by and say hello!

I hope you all have a wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving!

Scott, Renee, Angel and Caleb
Last edited by Yacht Rock on November 27th, 2016, 9:40 am, edited 1 time in total.
By Yacht Rock
Registration Days Posts
Need some big prayers right now. There have been some changes in the way China is processing adoptions and the health requirements and it is impacting our family in a big way.

Without going into all the details, I have about 6 months to lose 90 lbs in order for our dossier to be accepted.

Please please pray and I welcome any tips!
By flamehunter
Registration Days Posts
Praying for you. I suggest going low carb - I was amazed at how quickly the pounds dropped when I really stuck to it. I would look at some of the paleo type diets. Lots of vegetables and lean meats and proteins. Focus on your diet first then add exercise as the diet becomes routine. It's not easy, I know the struggle, but will obviously be worth it in the end.
By Yacht Rock
Registration Days Posts
Thanks, that's actually what I'm doing. I've already been working with a dietician for other reasons and this just puts a bigger goal in place (no pun intended).
By jack_sparrow81
Registration Days Posts
You've probably heard of this documentary, but I had a co-worker recommend watching "Fat, Sick, & Nearly Dead" couple years ago. I ended up getting some plans\recipes off Joe Cross' website which was free at the time and lost weight including noticing other health benefits. I saw it as a reboot to change my lifestyle when it came to eating\exercising and did a couple of fast throughout the year. I would definitely check with your dietician or primary before doing it though. Most of the recipes\plans are still free on his website and the documentary\sequel is on Netflix-i believe it's free to watch on his site as well. The toughest part about it is the prep, but we ended up making the juices a couple days ahead of time and stored them in mason jars. Some juicers are expensive, but we ended up buying a nice barely used one for $25 at a garage sale, where I see them all the time. Again, check with your doctors if you decide to try it and do some research.
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By Purple Haize
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Listen to your dietician. That's a lot of weight in that amount of time. I think you said you have your doctor involved as well.
Everyone is going to give you what worked for them. But you have to be safe.
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By Sly Fox
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If your doctor recommends a nutrition system in concert with your dieting & exercise, I can hook you up as well with AdvoCare.

I realize DeathcabForLU hasn't been on here in awhile, but if anyone has seen his incredible weight loss story there in Lynchburg it is incredible.
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By Purple Haize
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Sly Fox wrote:If your doctor recommends a nutrition system in concert with your dieting & exercise, I can hook you up as well with AdvoCare.

I realize DeathcabForLU hasn't been on here in awhile, but if anyone has seen his incredible weight loss story there in Lynchburg it is incredible.
I was waiting for an AdvoCare person!! Love Spark but the 24 Day Challenge literally about killed me.
There are several Doctors, actual DOCTORS, who do a weight loss clinic type thing and monitor your progress etc (Widmeyer is one. I think Petry still does)
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By Kolzilla41
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I did Crosswhite Fitness and went from 410 to 370. The specific diet he does made it real hard to stick to ( basically Chicken and Broccoli) and am back at 395. My wife and I are doing to do Whole 30, then just live/eat modified paleo . This plus being in the gym 5 days a week should help get me to where I want to get to, in the 215-230 range.
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