Our Christian foundation is what makes our university unique. This is the place to bring prayer requests, discuss theological issues and how to become better Champions for Christ.

Moderators: jcmanson, Sly Fox, BuryYourDuke

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By Sly Fox
Registration Days Posts
I should have posted this sooner but please keep Phoenix in your prayers. he has been hospitalized in Ohio for a number of days and is just returning home. Hopefully he is able to drop by and update us on his condition soon.
By phoenix
Registration Days Posts
Thanks, Sly.

Long story short - I went to the doctor back in January for what I figured was a standard ulcer, possibly a duodenal ulcer since I'd had one of those before. Doctor recognized symptoms of jaundice (which has since gotten way worse) and started thinking gallbladder, and scheduled an appointment with a gastroenterologist in February. GI specialist tended to agree, and scheduled a procedure to take care of the problem. In April. "Go to the ER if you have any further problems."

So I did, a couple weeks later. They sent me to Columbus (FUN ambulance ride, btw) and we find out that it was (drumroll) a duodenal ulcer and a pancreatic mass. The mass is blocking a bile duct and sending liver enzymes back into my bloodstream, which is causing the jaundice (my eyes look lie the whites have been colored in with a yellow highlighter). Can't see the mass clearly until the ulcer is healed, so that's where I am now. I go back up to C-bus next Thursday for a followup and consult before my next procedure.

I appreciate all the prayers.
Prayers please

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