If you are new to FlameFans, here is the forum to introduce yourself and learn the ropes of how this community operates. We'll also get you up to speed on the ground rules.

Moderators: jcmanson, Sly Fox, BuryYourDuke

Good morning, Flame Fans!

I just wanted to give everyone a quick heads up that the forums may look a little funky at times while we roll out the new navigation header and footer for FlameFans.com.

If you notice anything "wonky", just be patient and give it a few minutes. I'll have it sorted out shortly.

At no time is anyone's posting history or tenure at risk, This is just an aesthetic change.



Doug Hazard
Some random dude
PAmedic wrote:thats a very aggressive avatar. quite scary.

please find something a bit more gentle and loving

(in the spirit of all things LU)

and welcome aboard. are you the new SCORCHO? We liked SCORCHO.
BearlyDoug will be helping us some as we continue to merge the two sites (FlamesNation and FlameFans).
PAmedic wrote:thats a very aggressive avatar. quite scary.

please find something a bit more gentle and loving

(in the spirit of all things LU)

and welcome aboard. are you the new SCORCHO? We liked SCORCHO.
So I want to know if I send you or JC my dry cleaning bill for spitting out my coffee this morning? :lol:
jcmanson wrote:
PAmedic wrote:thats a very aggressive avatar. quite scary.

please find something a bit more gentle and loving

(in the spirit of all things LU)

and welcome aboard. are you the new SCORCHO? We liked SCORCHO.
BearlyDoug will be helping us some as we continue to merge the two sites (FlamesNation and FlameFans).
What do we know about this guy? Where are his loyalties? Could he sabotage this site to the benefit of his team? What part did he play in assembling the ACA website?
PAmedic wrote:thats a very aggressive avatar. quite scary.

please find something a bit more gentle and loving

(in the spirit of all things LU)

and welcome aboard. are you the new SCORCHO? We liked SCORCHO.
I love my stomping bear. Use it everywhere I am at online. It's even a real tattoo (non animated, of course, hah) on my upper left arm.
Purple Haize wrote:What do we know about this guy? Where are his loyalties? Could he sabotage this site to the benefit of his team? What part did he play in assembling the ACA website?
I have no ulterior motives here, don't worry. :)

I was going to post a brief summary, however, I decided to just post a little bit more than that. Introduction thread is linked here.
Purple Haize wrote:What do we know about this guy? Where are his loyalties? Could he sabotage this site to the benefit of his team? What part did he play in assembling the ACA website?
Just a quick heads up that we're testing the new forum skin right now. Implementation of it will be VERY painless and quick, once approved.

This updated look incorporates the header, menu, footer and overall look from LibertyFlamesNation.com.

This updated design also fixes a minor bug with the vertical layout. You will no longer need to scroll down halfway to the page to get to your Member Control Panel stuff.

This updated design also fixes the placement of the tower ads on the right, so that it's completely contained within the main viewing area properly.

And, finally, this updated design makes the main forum width considerably wider.

alabama24 wrote:
BearlyDoug wrote:That's getting updated, but the features of it won't change. :)
What about the #1 feature: No porn ads. I hate "milky way red," but it's the only one I will use.
Yeah we've blocked all ads from the dating sites about a month ago. Also, I'm working right now from the draft skin that will eventually be the new default layout, and it is much cleaner and works better than the current default theme which it is based off of.

We should have it up and running momentarily.

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