Our Christian foundation is what makes our university unique. This is the place to bring prayer requests, discuss theological issues and how to become better Champions for Christ.

Moderators: jcmanson, Sly Fox, BuryYourDuke

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By rueful
Registration Days Posts
Hey guys, I could really just use some prayers right now. I left LU at the end of last fall to move to IL to be a youth pastor and finish up online. I owned a house in Lynchburg, that I kept renting to some guys who I thought were good people, while we tried to sell it. My dad went back to lynchburg today to check out the house and clean it up now that the renters ( who mind you, havent paid rent in the last three months) have been evicted yesterday.

Anyways, house has gone to crap, completely destroyed, they didnt pay any bills, and not only did they not pay bills, but kept them in my name, so i now have bill collectors after me, and its just more than I want to deal with with two weeks until my wedding.

Thats the short story, but yeah, I could really use some prayers, and if anyone wants to buy a 5 bedroom house within 2 miles of campus, its cheap cheap cheap. Or just pray it sells soon. Thanks
By LUconn
Registration Days Posts
Definitely not smart to leave stuff in your name but yeah I'm sure you know that and me telling you doesn't really help. Did you live there with them at any point or do you know them? I would find them on facebook and tell them that they are lowlifes. I've been looking at some foreclosures/eviction houses lately and these "I'll show them" tenants are really starting to make me mad. These jerks bought way more than they could afford or weren't paying their bills or whatever and they decide to be babies and trash the place. Just something I'm not a fan of.
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By rueful
Registration Days Posts
yeah i had been living there until december when i moved to illinois. Left some "friends" in the house, one as the property manager. They were supposed to put them in their name, whoops. The great part is that they lied to me saying they had all moved out at the begining of may so they didnt need to pay rent for may. Were they surprised when my dad walked in at midnight to evict them.
By ALUmnus
Registration Days Posts
After I graduated from LU I lived in an apartment with a buddy for a couple years. When I moved out of state, he stayed and a bunch of guys moved in with him over that summer (one of whom is a contributing member of this board and will remain nameless). At the end of the summer, they all moved out, including my buddy without giving notice the the apartment overlords. Turns out I ended up having a judgement against me that I had no idea about, and that thing sticks with you on your credit for a long time, even after it's resolved.

But in the end it's my own stupid fault for still having my name on the lease. And I wasn't really mad at anyone, I'm still friends with all those guys, including the nameless wonder on the board.
By ATrain
Registration Days Posts
Praying for you and hope it turns out well. I would at least try and take your "friends," to court if at all possible. It would be one thing if they just didn't pay the rent, but since you've got bill collectors after you you do want to preserve your credit and get those bills paid off.
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