Our Christian foundation is what makes our university unique. This is the place to bring prayer requests, discuss theological issues and how to become better Champions for Christ.

Moderators: jcmanson, Sly Fox, BuryYourDuke

By SuperJon
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Reading over the articles, and seeing how recently Jerry has said he hired someone he can finally trust (in Barber) and reading that, it's only proves to me how strong Jerry was. It's like in 05 (I wasn't here so correct me if I'm wrong), Jerry actually died for a few minuted before being resuscitated. I can picture in my head, those few minutes Jerry walking up to the gates and saying, "Look, give me a couple years to get this thing right, and then you can bring me home." He finally got things how he wanted them. He got his church on the mountain. He got an AD he could trust. He got plans for the school and the church to keep moving without him. He got to see what he worked for 50 years on finally come to fruition.
By kel varson
Registration Days Posts
What I'm finding so amazing as I keep hearing stories is that so many people shared a personal moment with Dr. Falwell.

Dr. Falwell, was pretty much a celebrity, but treated everyone as equals.
By SuperJon
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Dr. Towns came into Theology this morning and took a minute to talk about Jerry. He asked how many people had been honked at by Jerry and probably 300 of the 350 people in the class raised their hands. He asked how many people had been hit with by a Bible by him and a lot raised their hands. He asked how how many guys had been bear hugged by him and a lot of people raised their hands.

Today was the one day I've looked forward to hearing Dr. Towns speak just because of the stories he could tell of the two of them. He only told one or two but you could tell how close they were.
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By TallyW
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That's the biggest thread running with everyone's thoughts of Doc. We all were directly impacted by him as a person in addition to his passion for Christ, direction of the church and university. We all feel like he touched our lives directly in some way.
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By thepostman
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hearing dr towns talk today in class about Jerry was great....I could've listened to him talk about him all day long....they were such close friends, you could tell towns was tired and hasn't slept well lately....my roommate said in a trbc staff meeting that towns was pretty tore up....

Jerry somehow found the time to talk to so many people on this campus its crazy....and Larry Flint said on Larry King last night that the reason why him and Jerry were friends is because he treated him with respect and was caring and treated him just like he treated everybody else.....that is what made Jerry special he would talk to you or me the same way he would talk to the president of the united states.....to me that is just amazing

man i miss him
By givemethemic
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I just got an e-mail from University Relations and on Wednesday they are having a press conference with Jerry.Jr and Jonathan, they told the media that they are not available til then so some of the questions that have been asked in this thread will be answered next week. I had a chance to go inside the Demoss this morning and I really can't put into words what it was like....There were around 400 students waiting in line this morning before 9am to go in and see his body...What a sad but glorious day in the same sense.
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By Just John
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I would like to share a very touching tribute to Jerry from another board I frequent. This was posted by a self-professed UNBELIEVER who has some obvious knowledge of Christianity upon the news of Jerry's death:


He had an appointment to take his place up there SIX years ago. But it has taken those angels THIS LONG to get the MANSION ready that he will be receiving.

One of the problems they were having is that he was assigned to live on the same road as Dr. Lee Roberson and Dr. Tom Malone. So they had to find a section of Heaven that had the most solid foundation - due to the weight of character.
They found the site and it took them years to get the mansions ready. Then they had a problem with City Council over the name of the road. They finally came up with "Warrior Row". They just finished Dr. Falwell's mansion yesterday but it had to be inspected for his arrival. It passed the White Glove inspection and so they went ahead and called him on in.

It has the most gorgeous Jade gates outside, with mother of pearl laid all around the base. And once inside the gates, there are stepping stones of Alabaster leading up to the front of his home. There are six rocking chairs on the front porch ( each one made from the finest Mohagany): 5 for his family and one for his beloved Dr. B.R. Lakin (to come over and chat).

And today was the day!

While I no longer shared his views, I had a great respect for him. A respect because he stood TRUE to what he believed in in THE FACE of unbelievable pressure and hatred from those who did not agree with him. He was certainly no Jonah.
By Josiah F's Holy Fire
Registration Days
Though I didn't know the big guy myself I feel like I've known him forever.
His passing has hit my mother(an alumni) especialy hard.
Last night she couldn't stop criing as she read all the posts you guys did.
I'm hoping to make it to the memorial.
My prayers are with the Falwells.

Josiah Frainey
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By PAmedic
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second generation, cool.

thanks Josiah

One last thing I'd like to add (because its becoming seriously unhealthy for me to continue obsessing over this. I'd not expected this to bother me like it has... got to move on now)

The measure of a man's impact is not always understood immediately. That is to say- sometimes, obstinate young punks like PAmedic, circa 1990- don't realize what a truly special person or situation they've come into contact with.

As many of you know- I left the mountain in a dark place mentally and spiritually back then. It took me nearly 15 years to realize what a mistake I had made. I thank God that I woke up and returned before we lost the good Doc. I was lucky to get several chances to speak with him lately- my only regret was never manning up and apologizing for my attitude back then. His reply surely would've been a sucker punch to the gut or whack upside the head.

I know I am not alone in this testimony- many others have spoken to the changes in their hearts and minds YEARS after meeting Jerry.

What a truly special, powerful, talented man we had for the last 50 years. His impact will be felt for years to come- much to the dismay of his detractors.


I'm going to try to get back into the swing of things now- because I know thats what Dr. F would have wanted us to do. Its just been hard to be my normal smartmouth self the last couple days. I'll work on it, don't worry.
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By Cider Jim
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That image of Jerry, Lee Rob, and BR Lakin sitting in rocking chairs in heaven literally brought tears to my eyes. I don't think any of those great men of God ever "retired": they all worked every day until the Lord called them home.
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By jcmanson
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I know how you feel Medic. I can't get Jerry off my mind or heart. He would want us to not mourn his loss, but praise the Lord. It's been very hard on me.
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By PAmedic
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jcmanson wrote:I know how you feel Medic. I can't get Jerry off my mind or heart. He would want us to not mourn his loss, but praise the Lord. It's been very hard on me.
thanks bro.

didn't expect this. for sure
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By HarrisburgFlame
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I lost a day hanging out on AGS today. To me it is very sad that there are so many people that are just filled with hate. I think about Dr. Falwell and look at those pictures of his family - then I listen to Chris Hitchens - I see a MAN of character who lived a full life vs. a very small hate filled soul. It actually makes me sad that people live in this world with that much hate in them. It's our calling to reach them. How do we as Christians reach them? Consistency - same way Jerry reached many of us.

He was constant. I couldn't fully understand the mission of Liberty as a teen - but as an adult I sure can. Jerry's message was the same. Once you heard it - it stuck with you and hounded you. Why? Because his message was based on the Word of by God. Lynchburg - Falwell Country. I have gotten that all my life. Q="Where are you from?" A="small town in Central VA" Q="is the town near anything big" A="Lynchburg"....the response "Oh, Falwell Country". I kind of resented that until I hit my early 30's - then I got proud of it. You'd be surprised how many conversations I got into just because I was born near Jerry! Jerry's message was constant and for morons like Medic and I - it stuck with us - just took a while to come out. Medic knows he's my brother so I can give him some grief.

As a local, Jerry brought so much to Lynchburg. I guess my biggest connection prior to going to college was Liberty sports. Going to the Multipurpose Center, City Stadium to see Tom Dowling and YES Morgan Hout's Flames. Maybe a afternoon watching Al Worthington and those goofy hats they wore back in the early 80's. Anyway, I remember a bunch of red dirt, Jerry was always building. Even now seeing how those trees have grown on U BLVD - I feel old. Think of how that school has touched so many lives. Last year I downloaded some of "jimflamesfan"s sermons to listen to on the road. Jim is a Flame. He's just one. Think of all the lives Jerry touched through his ministry. It's incredible. Lynchburg, VA. Nothing but Pittman Plaza and the lower basin when I was small. All of that worldly impact in my backyard. What a wild ride.

I really believe with all my heart Jerry was a true man of God. I don't think God would allow for someone to have the success Jerry through Christ had it not been for the greater good of the Kingdom. My life verse is Phil 4:13 - tell me Jerry didn't believe that one with all his heart! Look at the body of work. Truly amazing.
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By Sly Fox
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For the record, Hburg, you did a tremendous job handling all of the vitriol on AGS today. But going into those snake pits you come out stronger as a result. That's why you bump into me over there. :wink:
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By HarrisburgFlame
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Sly Fox wrote:For the record, Hburg, you did a tremendous job handling all of the vitriol on AGS today. But going into those snake pits you come out stronger as a result. That's why you bump into me over there. :wink:
Thanks bro. If it only gets one person thinking differently - it's worth it.
By Ed Dantes
Registration Days Posts
My thoughts really don't matter any more than anyone else on this board, and, in 13 pages of posts, anything I say will probably be lost in the fray, anyways. But still, I just wanted to share this.

I work for the Christian Broadcasting Network, doing the news for The 700 Club, and I'm an LU Alum. When we were making our arrangements to cover Dr. Falwell's death, I volunteered to go to Lynchburg, even though I've never been sent on a news assignment before.

When I was at Liberty, and up until recently, I was always concerned about the fate of the school and what would happen with it when Jerry died. After all, no man can fill Jerry's shoes. None.

I arrived in Lynchburg with a camera crew and our reporter, George Thomas at around 8:30. We started speaking with some students to get their reactions and impressions on Jerry, and sometime around that moment I think I realized something.

Jerry's legacy will never be carried on through one person. Instead, his legacy lives on through each and every one of us... And while it's going to be hard for Jonathan and Jerry, Jr. to live up to their father, I think that the tens of thousands of us -- the people whose lives he touched -- may be able to do just that.

And after speaking with dozens of students on Tuesday night, I think we're willing to do just that.

I know that I'm in.

By the way, three things and then I'm done:

1) On Tuesday night as I was getting comfortable and ready to edit video, I took off the polo shirt I was wearing. Underneath, and I didn't realize it until then... I had been wearing a gray "Liberty University" shirt all day long.

2) On Wednesday, the daily devotional that I get in my e-mail was entitled "training the future generation" and led off with Deuteronomy 1:6... which says "You have stayed long enough on this mountain" -- which was God's words to the Israelites before they were to move into the promised land.

3) In any event, it wouldn't surprise me if some of you are disappointed in the media coverage that Falwell got (Ann Coulter had a line that summed it up, "unless you knew better, you would assume that Dr. Falwell's first name was 'Whether you agreed with him or not"). If that's the case, you may want to check out how CBN handled it. Follow the link (or go to CBN.com) and check out the May 16 show. I know, uh... it was a little dusty in my room when watching parts of it.

http://www.cbn.com/vod/index.aspx?s=/ar ... gm=700club
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By Just John
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ED. What a great post. Thank you for taking the time.

I'll watch the vid after dinner. Don't want any "complications". 8)
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By jcmanson
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Very good posts Hburg and Ed. I can't help from tearing up off and on over these last couple of days.

I had a similar situation as Ed with his Liberty shirt on. On Tuesday, I just so happend to wear my red and blue "LU" tie to work. When I was putting it on in the morning, I was like I'll be representing my school today! Little did I know that that day (May 15, 2007) will go down as one of the most important days in my life. I've been able to feel like I was back in Lynchburg with all my "flamers" by getting on this board. This board has really helped me cope and deal with all the emotions I have had since Tuesday afternoon.

I have heard from more people from LU, that have really gotten more serious about their relationship with Christ since they heard the news. I know I have. It was kind of a wake up call, like God was saying, "Alright Jon, Jerry did his part, now it's your turn to pick up from where he left off." Only in a man of God, could it be said that many were driven closer to God because of their death. These last few days, though tragic and grief-stricken, have been remarkable.
By Tracey
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I posted on here 6 pages ago, and every time I come here I have to grab a tissue. Most of you have put into words things I have been feeling and thinking since Tuesday. I was talking with my Mom yesterday and she said two things that also made me cry but smile at the same time. She commented that she trusted her disabled daughter (me) to Dr. Falwell when I went to college, and that she guessed that is why she cannot stop crying.

She also reminded me that even though it was so hard for us to understand, Dr. Falwell stood up for the RIGHT for people to protest, even though now there is a group planning to protest his own funeral. That shows true character.

For those who are determined to stop that group, more power to you. I would be right there with you if I could. I will be praying for all the goings on in Lynchburg this next week. The Falwell family is in my prayers already, even in my dreams, which is really strange.

I will be sporting my LU hat this weekend, and my red, white and blue ribbon (which everyone will think is for America, but I will know the REAL reason) in Dr. Falwell's honor.

It is going to take a lot of prayer and hard work, but the University will soldier on. I know High School Students who have made the decision to attend LU after seeing the alumni come together this past week. Jerry would be tickled.
By ATrain
Registration Days Posts
The special edition of the Champion has arrived on campus. Anyone who wants a copy, let me know and give me your address to mail it. We are not sure we're going to have any left by Monday or Tuesday. Those of us who have worked on this issue feel that it has been The Champion's finest hour.

Finally, I just want to say that Jerry was a great man. I played on (and later coached) LCA's tennis team with his grandson Trey and Jerry was at every one of the home matches. His death has saddened me, but I know that he would want us all to go on with our lives.
By absturgill
Registration Days Posts
Here is an intresting fact form WSET

...An interesting fact about Falwell's time in repose. The structure the casket is resting on, called a bier, is the same one that President Ronald Reagan's casket rested on in the National Cathedral.

By BrysOn_G
Registration Days Posts
Ed Dantes wrote:My thoughts really don't matter any more than anyone else on this board, and, in 13 pages of posts, anything I say will probably be lost in the fray, anyways. But still, I just wanted to share this.

I work for the Christian Broadcasting Network, doing the news for The 700 Club, and I'm an LU Alum. When we were making our arrangements to cover Dr. Falwell's death, I volunteered to go to Lynchburg, even though I've never been sent on a news assignment before.

When I was at Liberty, and up until recently, I was always concerned about the fate of the school and what would happen with it when Jerry died. After all, no man can fill Jerry's shoes. None.

I arrived in Lynchburg with a camera crew and our reporter, George Thomas at around 8:30. We started speaking with some students to get their reactions and impressions on Jerry, and sometime around that moment I think I realized something.

Jerry's legacy will never be carried on through one person. Instead, his legacy lives on through each and every one of us... And while it's going to be hard for Jonathan and Jerry, Jr. to live up to their father, I think that the tens of thousands of us -- the people whose lives he touched -- may be able to do just that.

And after speaking with dozens of students on Tuesday night, I think we're willing to do just that.

I know that I'm in.

By the way, three things and then I'm done:

1) On Tuesday night as I was getting comfortable and ready to edit video, I took off the polo shirt I was wearing. Underneath, and I didn't realize it until then... I had been wearing a gray "Liberty University" shirt all day long.

2) On Wednesday, the daily devotional that I get in my e-mail was entitled "training the future generation" and led off with Deuteronomy 1:6... which says "You have stayed long enough on this mountain" -- which was God's words to the Israelites before they were to move into the promised land.

3) In any event, it wouldn't surprise me if some of you are disappointed in the media coverage that Falwell got (Ann Coulter had a line that summed it up, "unless you knew better, you would assume that Dr. Falwell's first name was 'Whether you agreed with him or not"). If that's the case, you may want to check out how CBN handled it. Follow the link (or go to CBN.com) and check out the May 16 show. I know, uh... it was a little dusty in my room when watching parts of it.

http://www.cbn.com/vod/index.aspx?s=/ar ... gm=700club
thanks for posting CBN's tribute. it was by far the best media coverage i've seen. a little difficult to watch and very well handled. seems like days and days of stories and pictures and interviews could still never come close to paying tribute enough to such an amazing man.
By kel varson
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Thanks for posting Ed. Good Job.
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By TallyW
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absturgill wrote:Here is an intresting fact form WSET

...An interesting fact about Falwell's time in repose. The structure the casket is resting on, called a bier, is the same one that President Ronald Reagan's casket rested on in the National Cathedral.

Great find. Thanks for sharing. That's a pretty cool fact.
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By El Scorcho
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He always sat in the same seat and always ordered the same thing. Here's where Reverend Falwell sat nearly every morning for the four years since the restaurant opened. And this was his favorite meal, a three-cheese omelet with extra cheese, three sausage links, with extra mustard and a cup of coffee.

I've never been the biggest Bob Evans fan, but that meal should become some kind of a breakfast club tradition.
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