Here is the place for all other LU sponsored sports. Come here to post about: Men's/Women's Cross Country, Men's Golf, Men's/Women's Soccer, Men's/Women's Tennis, Men's/Women's Track & Field, Women's Lacrosse, Women's Swimming & Dive, Women's Volleyball

Moderators: jcmanson, Sly Fox, BuryYourDuke

By ATrain
Registration Days Posts
7-0-1 now after tying West Virginia. We scored both goals in that game, but sadly one of them was an own goal.
Election 2022 and 2024

She did amazing. Tough and respectful

FIU @ Liberty predictions

34 - 6 Flames 281 passing

NCAA Realignment Megathread

The acceptable FCS teams in Texas and east of the […]

Fall Schedule Updated

Liberty 14 UVA 10, LU scored 6 runs in bottom of[…]