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By Ill flame
Ive gone there a few times since moving to texas but I'm pretty indifferent toward it. Seems like the texas version of Safeway or publix. I can't really say I've experienced much of the texas culture though considering very few people I meet are actually from here.
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By Sly Fox
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Ill flame wrote: March 27th, 2024, 8:39 pm Ive gone there a few times since moving to texas but I'm pretty indifferent toward it. Seems like the texas version of Safeway or publix. I can't really say I've experienced much of the texas culture though considering very few people I meet are actually from here.
The H-E-Bs in San Antonio, Austin & Houston bare little resemblance to the stores in the rest of the state where they have little no competition. They have just begun their first serious foray into DFW where the options are pitiful. So they will get the top tier treament on the other cities in the Texan Triangle.

For the record, I remain an ALDI evangelist. H-E-B gets my business only after I peruse ALDI first.
By ATrain
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HEB is alright, but honestly Trader Joe's is my favorite grocery store on this side of the pond. However, the best grocery store that I have ever been in is Lidl in Vilnius, Lithuania. Belgian Food Lion is also superior to the American version. I can't say I was that impressed by Waitrose in London.

Texas culture is milquetoast at best. Postman is in the best major city in Texas.

Now, about Dr. Costin, what grocery store do we think he prefers?
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By Purple Haize
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ATrain wrote: March 28th, 2024, 8:42 pm HEB is alright, but honestly Trader Joe's is my favorite grocery store on this side of the pond. However, the best grocery store that I have ever been in is Lidl in Vilnius, Lithuania. Belgian Food Lion is also superior to the American version. I can't say I was that impressed by Waitrose in London.

Texas culture is milquetoast at best. Postman is in the best major city in Texas.

Now, about Dr. Costin, what grocery store do we think he prefers?
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By Sly Fox
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With all due respect, Atrain was in Dallas in his very short stint in Texas. So he knows little about the quality of H-E-Bs.

Trader Joes is ALDI's more pretentious cousin. The same family runs both chains. I like ALDI because I can get in and out in less than ten minutes in most cases. TJ's alsways takes longer because of the milennials slowly strolling through the aisles.
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By Ill flame
I enjoyed ALDI when I lived down the road from one but havent gone in awhile. Ever since my time in Alaska I've been more of a costco guy. I can't get everything from there but I like buying things in larger quantities that I know I'll always need. Plus you can't beat those food court prices. $10 for an 18 inch pizza or $1.50 for a big hot dog and soda in Alaska was cheaper than cooking food at home a lot of times.
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By cruzan_flame13
It's August now, and the Strategic Plan, a.k.a Master Plan 2.0, will be announce anyday now. What are the expectations of the alumni? Should we get our hopes up or will we be disappointed? We already know that $130 million will be used to build certain projects and update other facilities. Was that it? Will there be more plans that will place the school on the next level overall? The new age of LU starts now [and it includes JFJR :lol: ].
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