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By Sly Fox
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Life Groups ... Connection Groups ... Small Groups ... All just rebrands of Sunday School which is not limited to Sunday mornings. It had pretty well become ubiquitous in all Evangelical churches regardless of affiliation.

Steve Taylor was WAY ahead of his time and musical genius IMHO.

"Down in Carolina way, lived a man named a Big BJ ..."
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By Just John
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Sly Fox wrote: January 15th, 2023, 11:53 pm Life Groups ... Connection Groups ... Small Groups ... All just rebrands of Sunday School which is not limited to Sunday mornings. It had pretty well become ubiquitous in all Evangelical churches regardless of affiliation.

Steve Taylor was WAY ahead of his time and musical genius IMHO.

"Down in Carolina way, lived a man named a Big BJ ..."
Absolutely correct about Steve Taylor. And that song....he certainly had a way with words! :D
By Yacht Rock
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Yeah, I used the term "life-group" but it's not actually called that by our church. We don't go to a Baptist church. Our group isn't a Sunday School class either. It's a group of special needs parents at our church that meet for fellowship. It seemed to be the closest approximation I could think of.
By stokesjokes
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thepostman wrote: January 15th, 2023, 7:18 pm
JK37 wrote: January 15th, 2023, 12:27 pm
thepostman wrote: January 15th, 2023, 11:58 am A Bible S tudy rebranded by the Southern Baptist Convention so they can say stuff like "do life" together.

Why am I buckling up?
Ain’t just the SBC. And you know why! 8)
I'm not sure I have seen the term "lifegroup" used outside of Baptist churches. Some may not have Baptist in the name but if you dig deep enough they are affiliated with the SBC. They are what my wife calls, "Sneaky Baptists" :lol:

Regardless the term was started by the SBC to move towards the small group bible study model vs Sunday school. Since Lifeway (SBC affiliated) makes lifegroup resources available I'm sure other non-Baptist churches may use the term now but it's roots are SBC.

Anyways. This is way off topic. Good job @lynchburgwildcats
I am a part of a sneaky baptist church locally, I heard the recent membership dinner got sparky when affiliation with the SBC was brought up.

Also, for those a tad younger, Steve Taylor is the guy who wrote all the good Newsboys songs.
By stokesjokes
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Also used to have “life groups” until one of the elders decided he hated the name, so now we have small groups but everyone still calls them life groups.
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By Just John
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Also, for those a tad younger, Steve Taylor is the guy who wrote all the good Newsboys songs.
Classic Steve Taylor imprint on the Newsboys...

By Yacht Rock
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As someone who has participated in “good old fashioned Sunday School classes” and “life groups” or whatever you want to call them, I prefer the latter. They’ve certainly grown our family in the faith a lot more than a standard Sunday School class. I believe because the idea of community played a bigger part.
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By aredd33
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Couldn’t find a better place to put this but I just watched the season 2 trailer for The Rings of Power and I’m very excited about this season. Season 1 had its faults but was very good this looked phenomenal. And I must say I’m pretty pumped there’s a balrog in the trailer.
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