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By TH Spangler
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Not saying you're one YR, I don't think you are. But everyone should keep in mind closet liberals love hanging arond in conservative leaning forums trying to influence people. Alphabet army has been doing it for years. :lol:
By Yacht Rock
Registration Days Posts
Honestly, the only thing I’m trying to do is let folks know there are Christian conservative leaning folks who won’t support Trump so y’all aren’t surprised this election and claim it was rigged and try to overthrow the peaceful transfer of power again.

When we only live in our echo chambers, we refuse to believe that people might not be voting the same way as us.
ATrain, Just John, alabama24 liked this
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By jmclaughlin
Yacht Rock wrote: June 21st, 2024, 10:35 am Honestly, the only thing I’m trying to do is let folks know there are Christian conservative leaning folks who won’t support Trump so y’all aren’t surprised this election and claim it was rigged and try to overthrow the peaceful transfer of power again.

When we only live in our echo chambers, we refuse to believe that people might not be voting the same way as us.
You keep missing the essential point: MOST Christian conservative leaning folks do not "support" Donald Trump. The main POINT is that when given the actual coice... the guy you vow to support is a stumbling DEAD guy who is a lifelong racist, loser who has only benefited himself and his corrupt family while in office. The smell of corruption from every pore of "his" administration is self evident at this point. He is the definition of an empty suit. If this election is about conservative values, you are saddling up in the camp with Sodom and Gomorrah
TH Spangler, Chippy, LUminary and 1 others liked this
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By Just John
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TH Spangler wrote: June 21st, 2024, 8:17 am Not saying you're one YR, I don't think you are. But everyone should keep in mind closet liberals love hanging arond in conservative leaning forums trying to influence people. Alphabet army has been doing it for years. :lol:
I'm neither a "liberal" nor an "Alphabet soldier" :D
ATrain liked this
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By Just John
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TH Spangler wrote: June 20th, 2024, 7:50 am
Yacht Rock wrote: June 20th, 2024, 7:10 am
From a Biblical standpoint, there are things people fixate on that are not matters of salvation but have elevated to the same level. One has to only read Paul’s letters to recognize that there are many flavors of Christ followers and if you become too legalistic, you’ve missed Jesus’ message.
Best answer
But of course we don't live in a theocracy, rather a country that consecrates the freedom of religion, including those who don't believe like we do.

Our whole Constitution was built on compromise.
On that final day of the Constitutional Convention, it was left to the Convention’s oldest delegate, eighty-one-year-old Benjamin Franklin, to sum up the nearly four months of debate, disagreement, and occasional outbursts of ill temper that had marked the proceedings of that summer. Franklin observed that whenever “you assemble a number of men to have the advantage of their joint wisdom, you inevitably assemble with those men all their prejudices, their passions, their errors of opinion, their local interests, and their selfish views. From such an assembly can a perfect production be expected?” The wonder of it all, Franklin asserted, was that the delegates had managed to create a system of government “approaching so near to perfection as it does.”
So tell me again we don't need compromise.
ATrain, Yacht Rock liked this
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By Just John
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jmclaughlin wrote: June 20th, 2024, 2:54 pm
Humble_Opinion wrote: June 20th, 2024, 8:57 am
TH Spangler wrote:Wow. Mike Lee said on FoxBussines, illegal immigrants will be voting in this presidential election. And he can't stop it.
But Republicans like Cruz, Lee, Paul and Good are too extreme... WE need to COMPROMISE and just accept it. Absurd. The USA is wasting away not because of extremism, but because the side of freedom gives in time and time again to the side that wants more power and more control. We can't have balanced budgets Only because politicians of all stripes don't have the will for it. Trump said he would balance the budget in 8 years but after 4 years it was farther than ever from reach. Rush Limbaugh said, "Nobody is a fiscal conservative anymore. All this talk about concern for the deficit and the budget has been bogus for as long as it’s been around., we can't have a wall Say's who? The guy who promised it is the one who didn't get it done and controlled immigration We all know that while it was largely political, there was legislation authored by one of the most conservative Senators that would have greatly improved the border but again, for political reasons it was scuttled, we can't have parental rights or any sort of control over what the state teaches our children, Conservatives are taking over many school boards across the country. We have states that have decided what books can and cannot be in the school libraries. And if those don't work, there are plenty of alternatives which does give you a bigger say in how your kids are educated we can't promote marriage (not talking about gay marriage) and families, ]Really? What is it you are doing now? It's done in our churches weekly and in marriage ceremonies every week, [/color]we can't stand up for the unborn. Who or what is stopping you? It's now the very law of the land that you you do have a direct say All of these things are items that have been labeled "too extreme". Y Yes, and we call people who don't agree with us extreme. So what? The problem isn't that those policies are too extreme, it's that those of you who should know better have been duped into believing the propaganda machine that protects the tyrants Left and right that are seeking to control every facet of your life and transform this country into a place of have's and have not's. Politics today are more stoked by fear than truth and both parties are at fault.
Well said. When “Christian’s” are siding with clearly Anti-scripture principles in the public sphere, we are in a dark place.

The pendulum has swung so far that JFK would now be right of Trump. And my political here, Ronald Reagan wouldn't be welcomed by much of the GOP today. Too decent, too pro-free trade and would support Ukraine.
ATrain, Yacht Rock liked this
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By jmclaughlin
Just John wrote: June 23rd, 2024, 9:13 pm
TH Spangler wrote: June 20th, 2024, 7:50 am
Yacht Rock wrote: June 20th, 2024, 7:10 am
From a Biblical standpoint, there are things people fixate on that are not matters of salvation but have elevated to the same level. One has to only read Paul’s letters to recognize that there are many flavors of Christ followers and if you become too legalistic, you’ve missed Jesus’ message.
Best answer
But of course we don't live in a theocracy, rather a country that consecrates the freedom of religion, including those who don't believe like we do.

Our whole Constitution was built on compromise.
On that final day of the Constitutional Convention, it was left to the Convention’s oldest delegate, eighty-one-year-old Benjamin Franklin, to sum up the nearly four months of debate, disagreement, and occasional outbursts of ill temper that had marked the proceedings of that summer. Franklin observed that whenever “you assemble a number of men to have the advantage of their joint wisdom, you inevitably assemble with those men all their prejudices, their passions, their errors of opinion, their local interests, and their selfish views. From such an assembly can a perfect production be expected?” The wonder of it all, Franklin asserted, was that the delegates had managed to create a system of government “approaching so near to perfection as it does.”
So tell me again we don't need compromise.
Compromise on domestic policy? Absolutely. We need the balance of thought.
Compromise that extends outside the bounds of the constitution? No! This administration is so far out of scope in many regards. One in particular being the border: Article IV, Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution provides for the protection of states “against invasion,” and Article I, Section 10 reserves the right of states to defend themselves.

The Biden Administration is actively blocking the constitutional rights of Texas to defend its border from an active invasion. Same is true for New Mexico, Arizona and California is the outlier.
If the Constitution is your baseline, Biden should already be removed.
Chippy liked this
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By jmclaughlin
Just John wrote: June 23rd, 2024, 10:10 pm
jmclaughlin wrote: June 20th, 2024, 2:54 pm
Humble_Opinion wrote: June 20th, 2024, 8:57 am

But Republicans like Cruz, Lee, Paul and Good are too extreme... WE need to COMPROMISE and just accept it. Absurd. The USA is wasting away not because of extremism, but because the side of freedom gives in time and time again to the side that wants more power and more control. We can't have balanced budgets Only because politicians of all stripes don't have the will for it. Trump said he would balance the budget in 8 years but after 4 years it was farther than ever from reach. Rush Limbaugh said, "Nobody is a fiscal conservative anymore. All this talk about concern for the deficit and the budget has been bogus for as long as it’s been around., we can't have a wall Say's who? The guy who promised it is the one who didn't get it done and controlled immigration We all know that while it was largely political, there was legislation authored by one of the most conservative Senators that would have greatly improved the border but again, for political reasons it was scuttled, we can't have parental rights or any sort of control over what the state teaches our children, Conservatives are taking over many school boards across the country. We have states that have decided what books can and cannot be in the school libraries. And if those don't work, there are plenty of alternatives which does give you a bigger say in how your kids are educated we can't promote marriage (not talking about gay marriage) and families, ]Really? What is it you are doing now? It's done in our churches weekly and in marriage ceremonies every week, [/color]we can't stand up for the unborn. Who or what is stopping you? It's now the very law of the land that you you do have a direct say All of these things are items that have been labeled "too extreme". Y Yes, and we call people who don't agree with us extreme. So what? The problem isn't that those policies are too extreme, it's that those of you who should know better have been duped into believing the propaganda machine that protects the tyrants Left and right that are seeking to control every facet of your life and transform this country into a place of have's and have not's. Politics today are more stoked by fear than truth and both parties are at fault.
Well said. When “Christian’s” are siding with clearly Anti-scripture principles in the public sphere, we are in a dark place.

The pendulum has swung so far that JFK would now be right of Trump. And my political here, Ronald Reagan wouldn't be welcomed by much of the GOP today. Too decent, too pro-free trade and would support Ukraine.
I don't see your point in the rebuttal. There is a stark contrast between the party's when it comes to stance on moral principles? True or Untrue?

Is there a political rhetoric issue when Republicans promise one thing and then do not execute on that promise?

So the response would be to side with the party that openly promotes the LGBTQ+ agenda, the promotion of the destruction of the Biblical family (BLM), open borders, routinely sides with cutting parents rights including the mutilation of their bodies, etc?
I cant fathom anyone supporting a party that has Detroit, Chicago, Memphis, LA, New Orleans, or insert Blue city here as there biproduct of leadership.
There should be no compromise with lunacy.

The only reason to vote for Biden would be out of empathy...after all, his uncle was eaten by a tribe of cannibals' during the time he was driving an 18 wheeler while he was hunt'n Corn Pop.
prototype, flamehunter liked this
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By prototype
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jmclaughlin wrote: June 24th, 2024, 3:22 pm
Just John wrote: June 23rd, 2024, 10:10 pm
jmclaughlin wrote: June 20th, 2024, 2:54 pm

Well said. When “Christian’s” are siding with clearly Anti-scripture principles in the public sphere, we are in a dark place.

The pendulum has swung so far that JFK would now be right of Trump. And my political here, Ronald Reagan wouldn't be welcomed by much of the GOP today. Too decent, too pro-free trade and would support Ukraine.
I don't see your point in the rebuttal. There is a stark contrast between the party's when it comes to stance on moral principles? True or Untrue?

Is there a political rhetoric issue when Republicans promise one thing and then do not execute on that promise?

So the response would be to side with the party that openly promotes the LGBTQ+ agenda, the promotion of the destruction of the Biblical family (BLM), open borders, routinely sides with cutting parents rights including the mutilation of their bodies, etc?
I cant fathom anyone supporting a party that has Detroit, Chicago, Memphis, LA, New Orleans, or insert Blue city here as there biproduct of leadership.
There should be no compromise with lunacy.

The only reason to vote for Biden would be out of empathy...after all, his uncle was eaten by a tribe of cannibals' during the time he was driving an 18 wheeler while he was hunt'n Corn Pop.
Chippy liked this
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By jmclaughlin
ATrain wrote: June 26th, 2024, 4:56 pm Looks like the second extremist has fallen this primary season. AOC Squad member Jamaal Bowman loses his primary in NY.
Gives me hope that some sensibility remains. The dude went full scale Anti-Semitic and thankfully paid the price .
Just John, ATrain liked this
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By Just John
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jmclaughlin wrote: June 24th, 2024, 3:22 pm
Just John wrote: June 23rd, 2024, 10:10 pm
jmclaughlin wrote: June 20th, 2024, 2:54 pm

Well said. When “Christian’s” are siding with clearly Anti-scripture principles in the public sphere, we are in a dark place.

The pendulum has swung so far that JFK would now be right of Trump. And my political here, Ronald Reagan wouldn't be welcomed by much of the GOP today. Too decent, too pro-free trade and would support Ukraine.
I don't see your point in the rebuttal. There is a stark contrast between the party's when it comes to stance on moral principles? True or Untrue?

Is there a political rhetoric issue when Republicans promise one thing and then do not execute on that promise?

So the response would be to side with the party that openly promotes the LGBTQ+ agenda, the promotion of the destruction of the Biblical family (BLM), open borders, routinely sides with cutting parents rights including the mutilation of their bodies, etc?
I cant fathom anyone supporting a party that has Detroit, Chicago, Memphis, LA, New Orleans, or insert Blue city here as there biproduct of leadership.
There should be no compromise with lunacy.

The only reason to vote for Biden would be out of empathy...after all, his uncle was eaten by a tribe of cannibals' during the time he was driving an 18 wheeler while he was hunt'n Corn Pop.
The point of my rebuttal is to say we (whoever that may be) are not helpless hanger-on's in this country. We all have a vote. We can all be active. WE ARE NOT VICTIMS. We live in a Constitutional republic with the right for everyone to have a say. If more disagree with you (me) them's the rules.

I don't agree with those who say America is "failing" or a "third-world country". We still live in a pretty amazing country...even if we have to live with others we disagree with. And as LU alumni, we should be used to being hated. :D
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By Just John
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jmclaughlin wrote: June 26th, 2024, 7:42 pm
ATrain wrote: June 26th, 2024, 4:56 pm Looks like the second extremist has fallen this primary season. AOC Squad member Jamaal Bowman loses his primary in NY.
Gives me hope that some sensibility remains. The dude went full scale Anti-Semitic and thankfully paid the price .
Totally agree. All for more sanity. Sadly Bobert got the GOP primary win in CO.
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By Just John
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jmclaughlin wrote: June 21st, 2024, 11:03 am
Yacht Rock wrote: June 21st, 2024, 10:35 am Honestly, the only thing I’m trying to do is let folks know there are Christian conservative leaning folks who won’t support Trump so y’all aren’t surprised this election and claim it was rigged and try to overthrow the peaceful transfer of power again.

When we only live in our echo chambers, we refuse to believe that people might not be voting the same way as us.
You keep missing the essential point: MOST Christian conservative leaning folks do not "support" Donald Trump. The main POINT is that when given the actual coice... the guy you vow to support is a stumbling DEAD guy who is a lifelong racist, loser who has only benefited himself and his corrupt family while in office. The smell of corruption from every pore of "his" administration is self evident at this point. He is the definition of an empty suit. If this election is about conservative values, you are saddling up in the camp with Sodom and Gomorrah
Yet "Christian conservatives" are the heart of Trump's base. Where were the "Christian leaders" like Graham or so many others encouraging "Christian conservatives" to support other GOP candidates, likely more electable than Trump, in the primaries? It didn't happen. Where is the hue and cry from the "diehard pro-lifers" who many have acquiesced to supporting bans on abortions only after 16 week when the greatest majority of abortions occur during that period? It's about power much more than professed principles.
Last edited by Just John on June 26th, 2024, 10:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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By Purple Haize
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JK37 wrote: June 26th, 2024, 10:30 pm “Likely more electable than Trump”.

Highly debatable. And that’s why we find ourselves here.
And Trump was elected President At least once. That’s more than can be said about Romney. Or McCain
TH Spangler liked this
By JK37
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No one is unbeatable. But yes, that’s a solid ticket.

I thought he was waiting for the convention to announce his pick?
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By TH Spangler
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Purple Haize wrote: June 26th, 2024, 10:48 pm
JK37 wrote: June 26th, 2024, 10:30 pm “Likely more electable than Trump”.

Highly debatable. And that’s why we find ourselves here.
And Trump was elected President At least once. That’s more than can be said about Romney. Or McCain
In link ... "some see a glass half full and some see a glass half empty", Thats where we started years ago Purple. :lol: ... d/1170222/
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