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By Sly Fox
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On3.com wrote:Ashland Blazer's Zander Carter turns down offer from Overtime Elite, keeps faith as focus

by KatieHutchison - @kghutchi

In eastern Kentucky basketball news, Ashland Blazer High School’s star point guard Zander Carter turned down an offer from Overtime Elite. Yes, the Overtime Elite that housed Rob Dillingham, Jordan Burks, and Karter Knox. Plus notable names like Amen and Ausar Thompson.

Playing for Overtime Elite greatly improves a player’s chances to play basketball at the professional level. The program offers scholarships to promising players around the country, with rigorous academic and athletic training programs to make a player the best he can be. OTE was founded in 2021 and has had three extremely successful seasons thus far. Under founders Dan Porter and Zack Weiner, and other board members, including Carmelo Anthony, players can receive a minimum annual salary of $100,000 or a scholarship that allows them to retain college eligibility.
Here's my favorite quote:
“I spent a lot of time in prayer, and just in the presence of the Lord on what I should do,” Carter told me on Monday. “It has been the biggest blessing and the most important decision in my life to follow Christ. I would be nowhere near where I am today in my walk of life if it wasn’t for Jesus. It will always be at the forefront of the decisions that I will continue to make.”
Click Here for Full Story
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