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By Humble_Opinion
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For some of us the answer is simple... consider the presidents we've had in office since Reagan and ALL of their collective faults. If you think Biden has none, then that's because you live in the MSM bubble that actively engages in propaganda via headlines and misconstrued contexts. For that reason, I look at the policies that DO actively impact my life and the choice is clear for me. Pre-COVID, Trump pursued policies of detente and peace through strength. He took measures via tax relief etc., to support the economy and families and we had real wage growth for the first time in a few decades. Contrast that to the current regime that created a mess in Afghanistan, has appeased Iran, continues to send billions we DON'T have to Ukraine in a continuing effort to stoke tensions with Russia. All of this while at the same time they're actively pushing ridiculous woke policies through the military ranks, which is one of the main reasons that recruitment is down. In addition, the ridiculous spending binge and stupid energy policies drove inflation to levels we haven't had in 4 decades. I backed DeSantis in the primary and would prefer him over anyone but given a choice between Trump and Biden... easy choice for me.
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By jmclaughlin
Humble_Opinion wrote: June 18th, 2024, 9:27 am For some of us the answer is simple... consider the presidents we've had in office since Reagan and ALL of their collective faults. If you think Biden has none, then that's because you live in the MSM bubble that actively engages in propaganda via headlines and misconstrued contexts. For that reason, I look at the policies that DO actively impact my life and the choice is clear for me. Pre-COVID, Trump pursued policies of detente and peace through strength. He took measures via tax relief etc., to support the economy and families and we had real wage growth for the first time in a few decades. Contrast that to the current regime that created a mess in Afghanistan, has appeased Iran, continues to send billions we DON'T have to Ukraine in a continuing effort to stoke tensions with Russia. All of this while at the same time they're actively pushing ridiculous woke policies through the military ranks, which is one of the main reasons that recruitment is down. In addition, the ridiculous spending binge and stupid energy policies drove inflation to levels we haven't had in 4 decades. I backed DeSantis in the primary and would prefer him over anyone but given a choice between Trump and Biden... easy choice for me.
Spot on.
Seriously, what is the appeal for team Biden at this moment? What are those of us who see the comparison game as a no brainer to pick Trump missing? Really, answer that without the "because he is NOT Trump" answer. What policy or platform are you giving him your confidence in?
By JK37
Registration Days Posts
DT is icky, I get it.

But I’m on it with the policies.

So I ask, is it even possible for a likable republican to get elected these days? Or are we stuck with DT because he’s the only kind of republican who can win?
By ATrain
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Just voted today in the Republican Primary. Thank God today is the end of the Bob Good/John McGuire ads.
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By ATrain
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JK37 wrote: June 18th, 2024, 3:36 pm DT is icky, I get it.

But I’m on it with the policies.

So I ask, is it even possible for a likable republican to get elected these days? Or are we stuck with DT because he’s the only kind of republican who can win?
Its possible, but the problem is DT has a cult-like following and the other Republicans can't coalesce around just one alternative. The hardcore moral busybody evangelists wing went for Lyin' Ted Cruz then Ron DeSanctimonious, the more moderate/pragmatic wing and the Neocons split for Marco Rubio/John Kasich in '16, then got behind Nikki Haley this year.
By jpwood
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JK37 wrote: June 18th, 2024, 7:10 am
jpwood wrote: June 17th, 2024, 7:48 pm
jpwood wrote: August 11th, 2022, 3:12 pm What is it about Trump that makes well-meaning people jump through hoops to defend him? Where in scripture are we taught that the ends justify the means, especially in politics?
I'm back with the same question. I still don't understand it. Trump's only getting worse.
I’ll gladly answer your question (with Scripture!) if you’ll first clarify the premise: are you asserting that just voting for the man qualifies as “jumping through hoops to defend him.”?
Yes that is what I'm saying. Unfortunately, DT's behavior has only gotten worse over time, revealing more corruption that makes him vulnerable to world leaders. I voted for him twice and felt uneasy doing it. Knowing what I know now, I can't justify voting for him a third time.

I'm not endorsing Biden either. I recognize the common tactic of deflecting criticism by pointing to Biden's flaws, which is what swayed me to vote for Trump four years ago.

This time, I'll focus on down-ballot issues and candidates instead.
jpwood wrote:What are you basing that off of?

538 is a great source as it take inputs from a lot of different polls. And has it 50/49 in favor of Trump. ... -forecast/
@TH Spangler did you say where you got your 70% number from? Did I miss it?
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By TH Spangler
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jpwood wrote: June 18th, 2024, 6:32 pm
JK37 wrote: June 18th, 2024, 7:10 am
jpwood wrote: June 17th, 2024, 7:48 pm

I'm back with the same question. I still don't understand it. Trump's only getting worse.
I’ll gladly answer your question (with Scripture!) if you’ll first clarify the premise: are you asserting that just voting for the man qualifies as “jumping through hoops to defend him.”?
Yes that is what I'm saying. Unfortunately, DT's behavior has only gotten worse over time, revealing more corruption that makes him vulnerable to world leaders. I voted for him twice and felt uneasy doing it. Knowing what I know now, I can't justify voting for him a third time.

I'm not endorsing Biden either. I recognize the common tactic of deflecting criticism by pointing to Biden's flaws, which is what swayed me to vote for Trump four years ago.

This time, I'll focus on down-ballot issues and candidates instead.
jpwood wrote:What are you basing that off of?

538 is a great source as it take inputs from a lot of different polls. And has it 50/49 in favor of Trump. ... -forecast/
@TH Spangler did you say where you got your 70% number from? Did I miss it?
It was thrown out there on a news program, came from a "betting odds" site. Not from a poll. Like 68% were betting Trump would win. Up from like 58%.
By JK37
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jpwood wrote: June 18th, 2024, 6:32 pm
JK37 wrote: June 18th, 2024, 7:10 am
jpwood wrote: June 17th, 2024, 7:48 pm

I'm back with the same question. I still don't understand it. Trump's only getting worse.
I’ll gladly answer your question (with Scripture!) if you’ll first clarify the premise: are you asserting that just voting for the man qualifies as “jumping through hoops to defend him.”?
Yes that is what I'm saying. Unfortunately, DT's behavior has only gotten worse over time, revealing more corruption that makes him vulnerable to world leaders. I voted for him twice and felt uneasy doing it. Knowing what I know now, I can't justify voting for him a third time.

I'm not endorsing Biden either. I recognize the common tactic of deflecting criticism by pointing to Biden's flaws, which is what swayed me to vote for Trump four years ago.

This time, I'll focus on down-ballot issues and candidates instead.
jpwood wrote:What are you basing that off of?

538 is a great source as it take inputs from a lot of different polls. And has it 50/49 in favor of Trump. ... -forecast/
@TH Spangler did you say where you got your 70% number from? Did I miss it?
I reject your premise that voting for a man is “jumping through hoops”. Voting for any person doesn’t say that I agree with everything they say/do.

Bible/Jesus said render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s. I interpret that to mean, among other things, that a vote is an obligation. And I will not vote for someone in our current system outside of the two main parties; anything else is a waste. And on the whole. Trump’s policies align more with my Christian worldview than Biden’s.

That’s it.
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By ATrain
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5th District Primary is to close to call. McGuire leads by 285 votes, looks like just early ballots and absentee ballots remain to be counted.
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By ATrain
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Nothing called, but McGuire declares victory. Good kicks the media out of his party and goes home.
By rtb72
jpwood wrote: June 18th, 2024, 6:32 pm
JK37 wrote: June 18th, 2024, 7:10 am
jpwood wrote: June 17th, 2024, 7:48 pm

I'm back with the same question. I still don't understand it. Trump's only getting worse.
I’ll gladly answer your question (with Scripture!) if you’ll first clarify the premise: are you asserting that just voting for the man qualifies as “jumping through hoops to defend him.”?
Yes that is what I'm saying. Unfortunately, DT's behavior has only gotten worse over time, revealing more corruption that makes him vulnerable to world leaders. I voted for him twice and felt uneasy doing it. Knowing what I know now, I can't justify voting for him a third time.

I'm not endorsing Biden either. I recognize the common tactic of deflecting criticism by pointing to Biden's flaws, which is what swayed me to vote for Trump four years ago.

This time, I'll focus on down-ballot issues and candidates instead.
jpwood wrote:What are you basing that off of?

538 is a great source as it take inputs from a lot of different polls. And has it 50/49 in favor of Trump. ... -forecast/
@TH Spangler did you say where you got your 70% number from? Did I miss it?
Can/Would you elaborate on what you know now that makes him anymore distasteful than he already was? He is likely the most scrutinized and investigated presidential candidate in our history, and I can't' think of anything (outside of the typical talking heads' spin) that hasn't been already disclosed from last election. Just about all of his dirty laundry has been put out for the world to see. While we will most likely never know half of the "dirty deeds" of other candidates than is he anymore or less slimy than the others?
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By Just John
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I'll avoid the Trump v Biden as there are no winners.

I have always liked Bob Good in my many interactions over the years. Still do but I wouldn't vote for him. I talked briefly to him about Margie Taylor Greene being extreme and he told me he thought she represented mainstream Republicans and at that time was complimentary of her. Sorry, that's way to extreme for me. He has found out what crossing Trump for something as normal (or used to be) as supporting another GOP primary candidate.

Was talking to a friend yesterday about Bob Good. This guys is a Christian, a Trump voter and much more to the right than I. He said he wouldn't mind seeing Good lose because he was always pushing Bible verses and religious stuff on his Facebook and the Freedom Caucus he leads is too much my way or the highway, a political purity that won 't work with others. It reminded me of the Independent Fundamentalist many of us knew or grew up under. They eventually become a circular firing squad, shooting at each other as we have recently seen. At the end of the day, compromise is necessary.

And that's all I have to say about that.
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By TH Spangler
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Just John wrote: June 19th, 2024, 9:11 pm I'll avoid the Trump v Biden as there are no winners.

I have always liked Bob Good in my many interactions over the years. Still do but I wouldn't vote for him. I talked briefly to him about Margie Taylor Greene being extreme and he told me he thought she represented mainstream Republicans and at that time was complimentary of her. Sorry, that's way to extreme for me. He has found out what crossing Trump for something as normal (or used to be) as supporting another GOP primary candidate.

Was talking to a friend yesterday about Bob Good. This guys is a Christian, a Trump voter and much more to the right than I. He said he wouldn't mind seeing Good lose because he was always pushing Bible verses and religious stuff on his Facebook and the Freedom Caucus he leads is too much my way or the highway, a political purity that won 't work with others. It reminded me of the Independent Fundamentalist many of us knew or grew up under. They eventually become a circular firing squad, shooting at each other as we have recently seen. At the end of the day, compromise is necessary.

And that's all I have to say about that.
Not being difficult, but curious what you think needs to be compromised on. Are you talking about compromising on political views or biblical doctrine.
By Yacht Rock
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I’m not John, but I’d say politics first and foremost. We live in a very diverse country. That means recognizing we should have diverse policies and need to meet in the middle. As a country, we shouldn’t be seeking far right or far left policies. Any politician that wants to try to govern from the extreme is choosing not to represent a large portion of citizens.

From a Biblical standpoint, there are things people fixate on that are not matters of salvation but have elevated to the same level. One has to only read Paul’s letters to recognize that there are many flavors of Christ followers and if you become too legalistic, you’ve missed Jesus’ message.
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By TH Spangler
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Yacht Rock wrote: June 20th, 2024, 7:10 am
From a Biblical standpoint, there are things people fixate on that are not matters of salvation but have elevated to the same level. One has to only read Paul’s letters to recognize that there are many flavors of Christ followers and if you become too legalistic, you’ve missed Jesus’ message.
Best answer
By Humble_Opinion
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TH Spangler wrote:Wow. Mike Lee said on FoxBussines, illegal immigrants will be voting in this presidential election. And he can't stop it.
But Republicans like Cruz, Lee, Paul and Good are too extreme... WE need to COMPROMISE and just accept it. Absurd. The USA is wasting away not because of extremism, but because the side of freedom gives in time and time again to the side that wants more power and more control. We can't have balanced budgets, we can't have a wall and controlled immigration, we can't have parental rights or any sort of control over what the state teaches our children, we can't promote marriage (not talking about gay marriage) and families, we can't stand up for the unborn. All of these things are items that have been labeled "too extreme". The problem isn't that those policies are too extreme, it's that those of you who should know better have been duped into believing the propaganda machine that protects the tyrants that are seeking to control every facet of your life and transform this country into a place of have's and have not's.
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By jmclaughlin
Humble_Opinion wrote: June 20th, 2024, 8:57 am
TH Spangler wrote:Wow. Mike Lee said on FoxBussines, illegal immigrants will be voting in this presidential election. And he can't stop it.
But Republicans like Cruz, Lee, Paul and Good are too extreme... WE need to COMPROMISE and just accept it. Absurd. The USA is wasting away not because of extremism, but because the side of freedom gives in time and time again to the side that wants more power and more control. We can't have balanced budgets, we can't have a wall and controlled immigration, we can't have parental rights or any sort of control over what the state teaches our children, we can't promote marriage (not talking about gay marriage) and families, we can't stand up for the unborn. All of these things are items that have been labeled "too extreme". The problem isn't that those policies are too extreme, it's that those of you who should know better have been duped into believing the propaganda machine that protects the tyrants that are seeking to control every facet of your life and transform this country into a place of have's and have not's.
Well said. When “Christian’s” are siding with clearly Anti-scripture principles in the public sphere, we are in a dark place.

The pendulum has swung so far that JFK would now be right of Trump.
By Yacht Rock
Registration Days Posts
I know, Trump has brought out the worst I’ve seen in my life with “Christians” saying and doing things that are far from the path of Christ. It’s sad. Jesus would be flipping tables on folks.
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By Purple Haize
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Yacht Rock wrote: June 20th, 2024, 8:09 pm I know, Trump has brought out the worst I’ve seen in my life with “Christians” saying and doing things that are far from the path of Christ. It’s sad. Jesus would be flipping tables on folks.
On both sides
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By jmclaughlin
Yacht Rock wrote: June 20th, 2024, 8:09 pm I know, Trump has brought out the worst I’ve seen in my life with “Christians” saying and doing things that are far from the path of Christ. It’s sad. Jesus would be flipping tables on folks.
Yes. I 100% agree with this. MAGA Christian’s are abhorrent.
However, the other side of the coin is your vote / support for a party that is openly hostile to the very basic tenants of Christianity. I can’t even fathom a rational mind that is unable to see this. Yes, Trump is a blowhard and insufferable with a camera in front of him and in no way represents Christ. Yet, there is a reason why the most hostile, antagonist of Chiristianity fully and wholeheartedly support this current administration. There is reason why the MSM do backflips to tirelessly propel talking points that are 100% rooted in mistruths to downplay Trump. They fear him for the sake of the establishment government. We need transparency that the MSM are not providing and Trump, sadly, is the only option we have to reverse course.
How many lies have we been sold from nearly every branch of the administration in the past 3+ years??? I feel for you if you are still being fooled.
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By Yacht Rock
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At this point, I view Trump and current Republican priorities as some of the most anti-Christian priorities I've seen in my lifetime. That's just me.

That's why I can't support him or those that follow him.
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By jmclaughlin
Yacht Rock wrote: June 20th, 2024, 10:45 pm At this point, I view Trump and current Republican priorities as some of the most anti-Christian priorities I've seen in my lifetime. That's just me.

That's why I can't support him or those that follow him.
Enlighten us. What priorities specifically? Then show the opposing view of the Democrat Party platform.

Will hang up and listen
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