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What is Air Force 1

Exclusively the iconic 747
No votes
The Iconic 747 and 757
Any Fixed Wing Aircraft the President is aboard
None of the Above - POTUS flies in a completely different aircraft and only his Body Doubles are seen exiting aircraft.
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By jbock13
Registration Days Posts
Have we discounted the presence of aliens and/or lizard people living inside the 747 in a parallel universe?

Asking for a friend who called the West of the Rockies line...
flamehunter, thepostman liked this
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By Purple Haize
Registration Days Posts
jbock13 wrote: February 21st, 2024, 12:59 pm Have we discounted the presence of aliens and/or lizard people living inside the 747 in a parallel universe?

Asking for a friend who called the West of the Rockies line...
The fact that I get that reference shows how old I am
alabama24 liked this
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By Purple Haize
Registration Days Posts
thepostman wrote: February 21st, 2024, 9:27 pm I got this reference and I'm not nearly as old as you.
That’s hurtful and bordering on elder abuse
thepostman liked this
By ATrain
Registration Days Posts
thepostman wrote: February 21st, 2024, 9:27 pm I got this reference and I'm not nearly as old as you.
This is evidence that both of y'all are older than me :P
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