If roundball is your blood, this is the place to discuss the Flames as they move into the Ritchie McKay era for the 2nd time.

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By Purple Haize
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aredd33 wrote: December 9th, 2023, 5:18 pm
lueer wrote: December 9th, 2023, 5:15 pm This team has some real weaknesses and no reliable big time scorer.
We are a good TEAM. But individually we are small, unathletic, and unimpressive.
It’ll get better. This isn’t the end of the world. We can and will play better than this. This is frustrating though.
Exactly this. The Whole is greater than the sum of this teams parts.
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By thepostman
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Didn't watch the game but will later. But the theme during our hot start was that we were pkaying ABOVE our skill level. Most on here admitted that fact. We are better, or as good, than most of the teams on our schedule. We will still have a great shot come tourney time.
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By Ill flame
jbock13 wrote: December 9th, 2023, 5:21 pm I hate to say it, but I think this is as far we'll come as a program..
We haven't even played a single game in CUSA yet. Everyone in the rotation except metheny was recruited while we were in the ASUN. The recruits we have coming in are longer and more athletic than the players they are replacing. The days of relying on undersized guards will be behind us soon enough. Forwards are another story though but that's a coaching philosophy thing as much as anything.
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By TH Spangler
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Enjoyed the game, great atmosphere. Unfortunately poor shooting today. Fg 38%, Three pointers 6 of 25 and 10 of 16 from the line. Rode struggled hitting 3s. Not worried, Richie's teams usually get better as the season goes along.

Can't wait to see Yu play next year.
Purple Haize, LUOrange liked this
By JK37
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TH Spangler wrote: December 9th, 2023, 7:44 pm Can't wait to see Yu play next year.
That’s optimistic.
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By jbock13
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aredd33 wrote: December 9th, 2023, 5:31 pm
jbock13 wrote: December 9th, 2023, 5:21 pm I hate to say it, but I think this is as far we'll come as a program..
I disagree. The recruiting philosophy has to change I think.
I’m not sure if your comment was sarcasm or not. I still think we are a good team. We have issues but we are still good.
I agree with you. We're probably a top 100 team. I guess I just feel like we're stagnating, but I'm certainly not saying we need a coaching change or anything like that.
By paradox
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Team needs to figure out a way to utilize Shiloh's defensive assets w/o killing offensive momentum.
By Humble_Opinion
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paradox wrote: December 10th, 2023, 10:38 am Team needs to figure out a way to utilize Shiloh's defensive assets w/o killing offensive momentum.
Ditto Venzant. Venzant is fast and athletic. He can guard almost anyone, and he outrebounds guys 6+ inches taller than him. He seems to be getting a bit more involved on the offensive end this year, but for as athletic he is on the defensive end, the offensive side doesn't seem to match up for him. I love the kid though; I think he's awesome to watch.

GCU was taller and more athletic than us, but we play better as a team. If we hit our shots, we win that game. It's that simple. We had lots of nice looks at the basket from behind the arc in the 2nd half and we just stayed cold. I think we ended the game 6/25 from 3pt range? The whole team has been off since the Myrtle Beach Invitational ended, but I think credit still has to be given to GCU... that's a good team. Their fans showed up too and were far more organized than our student section. They kind of put ours to shame imho. Yeah we got loud at times, but their 200-300 fans seemed more like 600.

Last thing about our crowd - yea we "sold out" the arena, but there are consistently 40-50% of the seats in the club section that are open. They sell out every year, but the fans never show up. I'm not sure who we're selling those tickets to, but the Ticket Office should look into it and figure it out, because it looks bad.
By Chippy
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GCU fans were quite enthusiastic. Never sat down and cheered and chanted the entire game. Sitting next to the club seats, yes, a lot of empty seats. Also, last point, outside of the students and maybe 25% of the remaining fans it doesn't get as enthusiastic except in small bursts and maybe at then end of close games. What I see are about 2500 folks watching the game like one would watch a movie - being passively quiet, when not talking to each other, and eating popcorn and never standing up to show their support. Football games are not much different. We can learn a lot from our brethren from Phoenix.
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By Purple Haize
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This game should put to bed any debate as to whether or not the new arena is ‘too small’. Students were on Campus. It was a weekend. It was a quality opponent. And as HO notes even though it was a ‘sell out’ there were plenty of empty seats. We sit behind the bench and I counted well over 20 empty seats in our general area. It took nothing away from the atmosphere though. It was loud and electric. But you add a couple thousand extra empty seats in a bigger arena you would have lost that.
As to why club seats are empty that’s easy. People buy tickets as a ‘status’ symbol or to boost their Flames Club membership. We try to sell or give away the tickets we don’t use but aren’t always successful. We don’t really care about Club Level amenities and enjoy watching the staff and team interact. Old habits die hard :D
By paradox
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Humble_Opinion wrote: December 11th, 2023, 11:03 am
paradox wrote: December 10th, 2023, 10:38 am Team needs to figure out a way to utilize Shiloh's defensive assets w/o killing offensive momentum.
Ditto Venzant...

Very optimistic regarding the starting five. And no concerns with Joe, who's a team-first guy. Also, tough, smart, dependable.

Not questioning whether Shiloh earns his minutes in practice. But, on offense, what’s the best way he can help and not hinder?
By Humble_Opinion
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Shiloh has shown an ability to bang down low. He hung pretty well with the 7 footer in the 2nd Round of the NIT last year vs. Wisconsin. Another thing I like about him is that he's a decent shooter. He can come up to the arc and knock down an open 3, which can stretch the defense a bit if they start having to think about it. I don't think he does that enough to be honest. I guess I don't see him as a liability on offense. I think more recently, the liability has been on Rode. He started the year very hot, culminating in his career high of 30 pts vs. a good Vermont team. He seemed to lose some confidence after playing FAU and then Charleston and I don't know that he's gained it back. This team will find it's muster again and I think we'll see them get back to being the same team they were in Myrtle Beach.
TH Spangler liked this
By paradox
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He's left unguarded beyond the Arc. If he can stretch a D, then that would've been done a long time ago. Instead, the opposite is happening. Added defensive pressure on his teammates.
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By Purple Haize
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paradox wrote: December 12th, 2023, 6:39 pm He's left unguarded beyond the Arc. If he can stretch a D, then that would've been done a long time ago. Instead, the opposite is happening. Added defensive pressure on his teammates.
Wise observation. If he could stick the 3 he would not be open to take the 3
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