Anything and everything about Liberty Flames football. Your comments on games, recruiting and the direction of the program as we move into new era.

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By Purple Haize
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jbock13 wrote: December 8th, 2023, 8:36 am
ECC29 wrote:So the main question has been answered.
Yup. You're correct, as you always are about every single thing!
He’s just trying to educate you because you’re ignorant :D
By ECC29
thepostman wrote: December 7th, 2023, 10:39 pm
ECC29 wrote: December 7th, 2023, 10:30 pm
thepostman wrote: December 7th, 2023, 10:15 pm

Maybe spend some more time talking to your friend about the fleet of aircraft that is at the president's disposal. It's not just the 757. I'm fairly familiar with it. I'll leave it at that.
Sorry. You are absolutely wrong. The president does not fly anything else.
Did you already talk to your buddy?
Yes, I made contact with buddy. I told him someone, this is you, suggested that the POTUS flies other aircraft other than the AF1. Does the president fly other aircraft? His respond to me in text messages was,
“ I wish ! our lives would have been a lot easier and I would of had a lot more weekends”
My friend is an E-6 that worked as a mechanic for AF1 since 2015. People like you in this forum that talk and act like you know what you are talking about so you can feel good about yourself. You need to stop.
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By Purple Haize
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I think it’s a misunderstanding of terminology. Any aircraft POTUS is on is designated AF1, with the exception of Marine 1. POTUS flies primarily in the 747. However there are other air craft used as is evidenced by the video of Trump landing in Lynchburg on a 757 designated Air Force 1. So yes the President only flies on Air Force One (or Marine One). However, different aircraft can and are designated Air Force 1
thepostman liked this
By ECC29
Once again you extended yourself beyond your knowledge. You really need to stop. My friend who worked directly on AF1 knows it is the only aircraft the POTUS flies other than Marine 1. There is no other substitute aircraft. You keep trying to voice out something you have no knowledge of.
By tyndal23
ECC29 wrote: December 9th, 2023, 1:18 am Once again you extended yourself beyond your knowledge. You really need to stop. My friend who worked directly on AF1 knows it is the only aircraft the POTUS flies other than Marine 1. There is no other substitute aircraft. You keep trying to voice out something you have no knowledge of. ... rcraft.htm
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By Purple Haize
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ECC29 wrote: December 9th, 2023, 1:18 am Once again you extended yourself beyond your knowledge. You really need to stop. My friend who worked directly on AF1 knows it is the only aircraft the POTUS flies other than Marine 1. There is no other substitute aircraft. You keep trying to voice out something you have no knowledge of.
Yes. POTUS only flies on AF1 because any plane POTUS is on is by default AF1. Here you can clearly see President Trump on a 757 which, since he is on board, was AF1. Unless you are going to say this isn’t actually President Biden, in which case I got nothing ... ves-at-msp

Or you can watch President Trump disembark from the 757
Last edited by Purple Haize on December 9th, 2023, 10:45 am, edited 2 times in total.
By ECC29
I just communicated with my friend who was one of the mechanics for AF1. He helped launched AF1 that day Trump few into Lynchburg. AF1 is a 747. The media mistakenly refers to the aircraft as a 757. So the aircraft that landed in Lynchburg that day was a 747 aircraft. Let me make this clear again. You can say all you want that ANY aircraft the president flies is called AF1. The POTUS only flies in THE ONLY ONE AF1 that my friend works on for his safety and security because that very one aircraft has all the security measures needed to protect him. The aircraft is basically a flying command post with so many computers and other high tech instruments. If heaven forbid there is a national emergency like our country under attack. They do not immediately fly the president to DC. He will be in the air with his advisers and make decisions in the air until it is safe for him to land somewhere. They are not going to place the POTUS in “other” aircrafts.
This is first hand knowledge from a friend who worked directly with Air Force 1. Yet, some of you are here and talk like you an expert of this Please!
By Yacht Rock
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Um, that’s not a 747. You’re really demonstrating a huge lack of knowledge when it comes to aircraft.

For the record, there are two 747 that are primarily used for the President.

There is also 757 aircraft for VP.

President uses VP’s 757 when traveling to location that cannot support the 747.

There’s literally photographic evidence of this. Don’t even need to “know a dude.”
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By Yacht Rock
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I’d also add that if your friend exists, you’re actually making him look like an idiot who doesn’t know what he’s talking about, lol.
By ATrain
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BYU actually chartered a Delta 757 for their game here last season. It flew over the stadium on its approach into LYH. The 757 was given huge, powerful engines designed for taking off and landing on short runways with more people on board and greater range than what a 737 could achieve. It is why many pilots called it the Camaro or the Mustang of the skies. While not exactly the most fuel efficient, Boeing made a mistake discontinuing it and most airlines that have had them are holding onto them until the end of their useful lifespan.
By ATrain
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As for the whole AF1 debate: ... force-one/
"Technically, “Air Force One” is used to designate any Air Force aircraft carrying the President, but it is now standard practice to use the term to refer to specific planes that are equipped to transport the Commander-in-Chief."

EDIT: And yes, both President Bush and President Trump landed at LYH on a 757. I cannot take anyone seriously who can't tell the difference between a 747 and a 757, even if they claim to "know someone."
Last edited by ATrain on December 9th, 2023, 10:34 am, edited 1 time in total.
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By thepostman
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Yacht Rock wrote: December 9th, 2023, 9:53 am Um, that’s not a 747. You’re really demonstrating a huge lack of knowledge when it comes to aircraft.

For the record, there are two 747 that are primarily used for the President.

There is also 757 aircraft for VP.

President uses VP’s 757 when traveling to location that cannot support the 747.

There’s literally photographic evidence of this. Don’t even need to “know a dude.”
You may know a dude too
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By Purple Haize
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More video evidence that POTUS also flies in a 757. Do we believe an Anonymous Poster with a mysterious friend or our lying eyes :dontgetit

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By Purple Haize
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thepostman wrote: December 9th, 2023, 10:37 am You're really on a research frenzy today. Must be getting cold up there.
I’m up early for the hoops game!
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By Purple Haize
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ATrain wrote: December 9th, 2023, 10:14 am As for the whole AF1 debate: ... force-one/
"Technically, “Air Force One” is used to designate any Air Force aircraft carrying the President, but it is now standard practice to use the term to refer to specific planes that are equipped to transport the Commander-in-Chief."

EDIT: And yes, both President Bush and President Trump landed at LYH on a 757. I cannot take anyone seriously who can't tell the difference between a 747 and a 757, even if they claim to "know someone."
Yeah. There is literally video evidence of Trump on the 757 landing in Lynchburg. Bizarre someone would claim it’s a 747. Which apparently Boeing also discontinued. Sad
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By ATrain
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Purple Haize wrote: December 9th, 2023, 10:47 am
ATrain wrote: December 9th, 2023, 10:14 am As for the whole AF1 debate: ... force-one/
"Technically, “Air Force One” is used to designate any Air Force aircraft carrying the President, but it is now standard practice to use the term to refer to specific planes that are equipped to transport the Commander-in-Chief."

EDIT: And yes, both President Bush and President Trump landed at LYH on a 757. I cannot take anyone seriously who can't tell the difference between a 747 and a 757, even if they claim to "know someone."
Yeah. There is literally video evidence of Trump on the 757 landing in Lynchburg. Bizarre someone would claim it’s a 747. Which apparently Boeing also discontinued. Sad
Yep, and it was only just a couple years ago that Boeing stopped producing the Queen of the Skies. Definitely will be a sad day when they're not longer flying for anyone.
By ECC29
My resource is first hand. Your resource is what you see on tv or online. As stated before, my friend wished there were other aircrafts the president flies, then his life and his units would have been easier. They work on that one aircraft 24/7. It is the only aircraft the president flies other than Marine 1. Some of you only resource is the media. You have no real resource. I just spoke with another guy who retired Air Force that worked with AF1. He confirmed with me the same as my friend. Only 1 aircraft the president flies other than Marine 1. Somehow you think by looking at the photo in the media and you determine it as 757. Wrong! My friend helped launched AF1 the day Trump flew to Lynchburg.
By ECC29
Purple Haize wrote: December 9th, 2023, 10:47 am
ATrain wrote: December 9th, 2023, 10:14 am As for the whole AF1 debate: ... force-one/
"Technically, “Air Force One” is used to designate any Air Force aircraft carrying the President, but it is now standard practice to use the term to refer to specific planes that are equipped to transport the Commander-in-Chief."

EDIT: And yes, both President Bush and President Trump landed at LYH on a 757. I cannot take anyone seriously who can't tell the difference between a 747 and a 757, even if they claim to "know someone."
Yeah. There is literally video evidence of Trump on the 757 landing in Lynchburg. Bizarre someone would claim it’s a 747. Which apparently Boeing also discontinued. Sad
You ignorant comment about “literal evidence” that it was a 757. The major difference between 747 and 757 is that the 757 is narrower that the 747. The 747 is wider. You cannot tell that unless you looking at the aircraft from the nose, behind, or above. Your “literal evidence” seeing from media shot form the side of the aircraft is not evidence.
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By thepostman
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This is a lot of fun but clearly not going anywhere. I have some knowledge on topic as well but it just isn't worth arguing about it anymore.

How about those Bowl predictions! Who would've predicted a NY6 bowl before the season started!!??
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By ATrain
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thepostman wrote: December 9th, 2023, 11:02 am This is a lot of fun but clearly not going anywhere. I have some knowledge on topic as well but it just isn't worth arguing about it anymore.

How about those Bowl predictions! Who would've predicted a NY6 bowl before the season started!!??
Not me! IF we win (a very big IF), we should claim a national championship like UCF and Auburn did during their undefeated seasons in the previous decades :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
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By thepostman
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I was a bigger supporter of UCF's national championship claim. Their claim was based on some obscure publication naming them national champion based on some computer model. If that somehow happens, I'm down. :lol:
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By Yacht Rock
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It would be very on brand for us to be co-champions, lol. Us, FSU and whoever wins the playoff. Although three ways are against the Liberty Way. Maybe we just watch from the corner.
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By Purple Haize
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ECC29 wrote: December 9th, 2023, 10:54 am
Purple Haize wrote: December 9th, 2023, 10:47 am
ATrain wrote: December 9th, 2023, 10:14 am As for the whole AF1 debate: ... force-one/
"Technically, “Air Force One” is used to designate any Air Force aircraft carrying the President, but it is now standard practice to use the term to refer to specific planes that are equipped to transport the Commander-in-Chief."

EDIT: And yes, both President Bush and President Trump landed at LYH on a 757. I cannot take anyone seriously who can't tell the difference between a 747 and a 757, even if they claim to "know someone."
Yeah. There is literally video evidence of Trump on the 757 landing in Lynchburg. Bizarre someone would claim it’s a 747. Which apparently Boeing also discontinued. Sad
You ignorant comment about “literal evidence” that it was a 757. The major difference between 747 and 757 is that the 757 is narrower that the 747. The 747 is wider. You cannot tell that unless you looking at the aircraft from the nose, behind, or above. Your “literal evidence” seeing from media shot form the side of the aircraft is not evidence.
This is fun. There is a very obvious design difference between a 757 and 747. In fact it’s what makes a 747 so iconic. It is truly a distinctive aircraft.
There is certainly someone making ignorant comments, but it isn’t me
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