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By Purple Haize
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ballcoach15 wrote: November 9th, 2021, 9:25 am A judge should dismiss all these lawsuits, from both sides of the fence.
On what legal grounds?
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By Purple Haize
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paradox wrote: November 9th, 2021, 9:23 pm Statue 137:21 in the Liberty Way (original 1611 version)
I only trust Original Language text in matters like these Study
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By Sly Fox
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This somewhat slipped through the cracks ... wrote:After tense hearing, Liberty University to recover files from ex-comms executive

Rachel Mahoney
Dec 17, 2021

Lawyers for Liberty University and its former communications executive, Scott Lamb, will try to work out how to return sensitive school data after two contentious days in federal court.

Lamb first filed suit after he was fired in early October, claiming the school did so in retaliation for objections he’d raised over “corrupt practices,” and Liberty has filed a counterclaim against him demanding $3 million in damages.

The school’s response included a more immediate request for an injunction against Lamb, asking for the return of Liberty’s files and a gag order against Lamb, among other measures. That injunction was the purpose for what was at times intense testimony and debate Thursday and Friday in U.S. District Court in Lynchburg.
Click Here for Full Story
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By Sly Fox
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Let the record show that while there is clearly replacements for Don Moon's position listed online, there is not someone overseeing Human Resources. Just because someone is not listed online does not mean that they are not still employed. Just a point of clarification.

Screen shots added for jk37's benefit.
By stokesjokes
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Laura Wallace, head of HR and Falwell cousin, is no longer listed on LU’s website. Don Moon, VP of finance was removed as well. Moon’s replacement is listed, Wallace’s isn’t.

Lamb states they asked current CFO Rob Ritz about a doctored 990 in court recently, which would have involved both Moon and Wallace.
By JK37
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So a forged IRS doc. Hmm, not good. Something tells me the people running that would love to sink their teeth onto LU.
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By Whatisthetruth
stokesjokes wrote: January 4th, 2022, 12:08 pm Laura Wallace, head of HR and Falwell cousin, is no longer listed on LU’s website. Don Moon, VP of finance was removed as well. Moon’s replacement is listed, Wallace’s isn’t.

Lamb states they asked current CFO Rob Ritz about a doctored 990 in court recently, which would have involved both Moon and Wallace.
The official story is Wallace "retired".
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By Whatisthetruth
In other news - someone is making fake Scott Lamb twitter accounts.

Keep in mind that LU's current CIO created a bogus "Women for Cohen" account with fake followers while rigging opinion polls.

JK37 liked this
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By Sly Fox
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This case has taken forever and looks like it will not have resolution until at least this coming spring. In the meantime, it does not appear that Mr. Lamb has been following the rules stablished by the court very well.
News & Advance wrote:Judge rules on evidence of missing documents in LU's litigation with former executive

Justin Faulconer

Afederal judge Thursday ruled evidence in civil litigation involving Liberty University and a former communications executive shows the ex-employee “spoliated” electronically stored information the school sued to recover.

Spoliation is a legal term for destroying or altering evidence pertinent to a legal proceeding.

U.S. District Judge Norman Moon, in the opinion and order, wrote additional discovery is warranted to determine whether the privileged material can be recovered or replaced and he will take a motion from Liberty’s attorney for sanctions under advisement. The university is entitled to conduct additional discovery and is to provide a status report within 60 days of the order, according to court documents filed Thursday in U.S. District Court in Lynchburg.
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By Sly Fox
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And in case you were curious if a Fedral judge who happens to be a lifelong Lynchburg resident is related to Jim Moon, he is not closely related. Distant cousins at best. I checked.
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By Sly Fox
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In light of the DOE report referencing Scott in the other thread, I am going to reference his most recent tweets here. Since they are not public, I won't hyperlink them.

Today he quoted Winston Churchill: "If you are going through hell, keep going."

Back on September 6th, he posted the following in a quote-tweet:
UT San Antonio pays $670k in Clery Act violations.

Current record-holder for Clery fines:
Michigan State: $4.5M

2nd Place:
Penn State: $2.5M

Estimated Clery fines about to hit
$10-20+ Million ... rime-stats
By LUconn
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Sly Fox wrote: September 27th, 2023, 5:40 pm In light of the DOE report referencing Scott in the other thread, I am going to reference his most recent tweets here. Since they are not public, I won't hyperlink them.

Just thought it was worth mentioning all of the sudden his Twitter is public

Wow, even Doc still gets a decent NIL deal. Nice!

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