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By tyndal23
LUOrange wrote: April 1st, 2023, 11:43 pmGuillermin.
Commencement - The good Dr. Pierre Guillermin butchered my last name so bad on 6 attempts - even he turned red and started mumbling and whispered an apology as I crossed the podium. My mother is still ticked...
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By ATrain
Registration Days Posts
olldflame wrote: April 2nd, 2023, 6:21 am
ballah09 wrote: April 1st, 2023, 7:44 pm Towns and Borek
Towns was co-founder, but he was never president. Borek and Guillerman.
Correct. Elmer Towns kept bragging about being one of only two people with a Founders Ring in Theology class.
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By rmiller1959
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Thanks, all! So let me see if I've got this right:

LU Presidents
Rev. Jerry Falwell, Sr. - 1971
Dr. A Pierre Guillermin - 1971-1996
Dr. John M. Borek, Jr. - 1991-2004
Rev. Jerry Falwell, Sr. - 2004-2007
Mr. Jerry Falwell, Jr. - 2007-2020
Rev. Jerry Prevo - 2020-2023
Rev. Dr. Dondi Costin - 2023 -

LU Chancellors
Rev. Jerry Falwell, Sr.
Mr. Jerry Falwell, Jr.
Rev. Jonathan Falwell

LU Presidents Emeritus
Dr. A. Pierre Guillermin
Dr. John M. Borek
Rev. Jerry Prevo
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By Ill flame
My impression of costin is that hes not a very politically vocal person, someone correct me if I'm wrong. Any chance this makes us immediately more palatable in the next round of realignment knowing that he likely won't make negative headlines or is that just wishful thinking?
badger74, ATrain liked this
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By LUOrange
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Ill flame wrote: April 2nd, 2023, 9:45 am My impression of costin is that hes not a very politically vocal person, someone correct me if I'm wrong. Any chance this makes us immediately more palatable in the next round of realignment knowing that he likely won't make negative headlines or is that just wishful thinking?
I think he definitely helps us with his resume and skill sets in realignment. But IMO, our money, Christian conservatism, academics, and youth (in that order) are still and always have been our weaknesses. Hopefully, Costin will improve our academic reputation so that along with his ability to work with the elitist mindset will help us in the next couple of rounds.
flameshaw liked this
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By Baybird
Ballcoach, I thought you were military, so I thought you would know that if we used your form, it should be Maj Gen Dondi Costin, USAF, Ret. MG is for Army personnel. Chaplains are not usually addressed by their rank. In writing you could put it in parentheses: Chaplain (Maj Gen) Dondi Costin, USAF, Ret. I know that you march to the beat of your own drum, but I'm guessing you never addressed your chaplain by his rank, like Cpt Doe; rather, you called him Chaplain Doe

Things may have changed since I left the service in 1985, but this is the way it use to be--and from what I gather, you were contemporary in the US Army.
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By rmiller1959
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ballcoach15 wrote: April 2nd, 2023, 8:25 pm
rmiller1959 wrote: April 2nd, 2023, 9:31 am Thanks, all! So let me see if I've got this right:

Rev. Dr. Dondi Costin - 2023 -

MG Dondi Costin

( Major General)
Former U.S. Air Force vet here, so we don't use the Army abbreviations! :lol:

And not even the Army refers to their chaplains by rank. This is straight from the U.S. Army website:

"Another aspect that sets chaplains apart is that they will never be commanders. They do hold rank and the authority granted by that rank, but they will never have command authority. This goes back to the separation of church and state and is specified in Title X of the U.S. Code. The highest ranking chaplain is a major general, but even wearing two stars does not give him the authority to authorize leave or impose UCMJ. That leads me into another point, the proper title for any chaplain regardless of rank is "chaplain". Not captain, major, colonel, or general, simply chaplain." ~ Sgt. 1st Class Timothy F. Seppala, Senior Religious Affairs Noncommissioned Officer-in-Charge , 94th Army Air and Missile Defense Command

I figured I'd call him "Reverend" and "Doctor" since he is formally trained to be a pastor and has two doctorates. No disrespect intended!
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By Ill flame
At my last job, my office was next to the chaplains office and he would always correct people if they call him by his rank and also wasn't a big fan of being called sir. He didnt want people acknowledging that he was of higher rank than them so they would feel more comfortable around him. He preferred to be called chaplain or a variation of it like chap or chappy. I assume air force chaplains are similar.
rmiller1959, alabama24, Just John and 1 others liked this
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By Baybird
ballcoach15 wrote: April 3rd, 2023, 12:28 pm When I meet him I plan to call him "General".

( i believe one of his classmates in high school was one of my Squad Leaders in Operation Desert Storm.
Well, I guess we'll just let him coach you up.
Last edited by Baybird on May 4th, 2023, 1:44 am, edited 2 times in total.
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By TH Spangler
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rmiller1959 wrote: April 3rd, 2023, 8:39 am I figured I'd call him "Reverend" and "Doctor" since he is formally trained to be a pastor and has two doctorates. No disrespect intended!
After doing an online search and reading about him, I think if I met him I would call him "Brother Costin" and he would be delighted by it 👍. I'm excited about him leading LU.
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By cruzan_flame13
Does the school have a home specifically for a President? I know Jr. had his own place/farm, but was wondering if we had a place for Prevo to reside in. I'm guessing likely not.
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By TH Spangler
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I like that when he was serving in the military he didn't go along with some of the "fundamental change" that's taking place. I read a hit piece on him, about his stand. Bold stand! I won't post the link here, mods would probably delete it. :wink:
Last edited by TH Spangler on May 8th, 2023, 12:22 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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