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By Dalegarz1
Eric Metaxas has a new book; “Letter To The American Church”. I highly recommend, no urge you all, to read this book. I believe his message is critical to the future of the country we love. We (church) have become compliant to the Marxist infiltration that is rampant in all aspects of our society. The only hope is the proclamation and defense of the truth. Please get a copy of this book and I welcome your feedback.
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By thepostman
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Dalegarz1 wrote: September 20th, 2022, 6:26 pm Eric Metaxas has a new book; “Letter To The American Church”. I highly recommend, no urge you all, to read this book. I believe his message is critical to the future of the country we love. We (church) have become compliant to the Marxist infiltration that is rampant in all aspects of our society. The only hope is the proclamation and defense of the truth. Please get a copy of this book and I welcome your feedback.
Can you go into detail about what you mean by the sentence I have bolded?
By Dalegarz1
Marxism by definition is the creation of a totally classless society. Therefore, it follows that eliminating gender distinctions or biblical definitions of marriage or identifying any sexual orientation as "correct" are manifestations of its agenda. Perhaps, it's different where you live but in New Jersey this has, among other things, resulted in the passing of the "Education Act" which mandates the teaching of these ideologies. For example, starting in 2nd grade there must be units on the positive contributions to society of the LGBTQ+ community. Metaxas makes the point that by and large the evangelical church through its silence has contributed to the acceptance and institution of these and other ideas. He likens it to Germany and the rise to power of the Nazi regime with very little opposition by the church. It's an excellent read-short but powerful.
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By Purple Haize
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Dalegarz1 wrote: September 21st, 2022, 7:51 pm Marxism by definition is the creation of a totally classless society. Therefore, it follows that eliminating gender distinctions or biblical definitions of marriage or identifying any sexual orientation as "correct" are manifestations of its agenda. Perhaps, it's different where you live but in New Jersey this has, among other things, resulted in the passing of the "Education Act" which mandates the teaching of these ideologies. For example, starting in 2nd grade there must be units on the positive contributions to society of the LGBTQ+ community. Metaxas makes the point that by and large the evangelical church through its silence has contributed to the acceptance and institution of these and other ideas. He likens it to Germany and the rise to power of the Nazi regime with very little opposition by the church. It's an excellent read-short but powerful.
We have Classes in Christianity? I thought we were all equal sinners in the eyes of God?
By Dalegarz1
Gender given by God at birth, marriage between a man and woman, sex between a married man and woman are some distinctions (biblical) that are being attacked.
By JK37
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“Classes” sounds to me like rank of better and worse. I haven’t read the book, so I’m just guessing that it’s referring to distinctions that make humans, as creations of God, different in many ways but all totally equally valuable in God’s sight.
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By Purple Haize
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JK37 wrote: September 22nd, 2022, 6:26 am “Classes” sounds to me like rank of better and worse. I haven’t read the book, so I’m just guessing that it’s referring to distinctions that make humans, as creations of God, different in many ways but all totally equally valuable in God’s sight.
As a student though didn’t we all skip classes ?
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By RubberMallet
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DID YOU SAY MARXIST!??? *rushes out to nearest bookstore*
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By Dalegarz1
My ineptness in presenting the message of the book is obvious. Therefore, I offer a "trailer" and apologize for its length.
"On what issues are we ourselves being silent, and for what reasons? The unborn are being murdered and their body parts sold for profit. Are we not to mention this for fear of driving someone away from God? Very young children in schools are being fed pernicious ideas on the subject of sexuality-ideas with which their young minds are quite unable to cope, and to which their own parents object. Older children are being so confused by sexual activists that they agree to have their bodies mutilated, so that they can never become the men and women God created them to be. Socialistic and communistic ideas are being pushed everywhere. These will end up harming the poor more than anyone, although those pushing these ideas boldly spread the lie that any who oppose these wicked ideas secretly hate the poor. Are we really to keep silent about all of these things?"
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By Purple Haize
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Dalegarz1 wrote: September 22nd, 2022, 11:35 am My ineptness in presenting the message of the book is obvious. Therefore, I offer a "trailer" and apologize for its length.
"On what issues are we ourselves being silent, and for what reasons? The unborn are being murdered and their body parts sold for profit. Are we not to mention this for fear of driving someone away from God? Very young children in schools are being fed pernicious ideas on the subject of sexuality-ideas with which their young minds are quite unable to cope, and to which their own parents object. Older children are being so confused by sexual activists that they agree to have their bodies mutilated, so that they can never become the men and women God created them to be. Socialistic and communistic ideas are being pushed everywhere. These will end up harming the poor more than anyone, although those pushing these ideas boldly spread the lie that any who oppose these wicked ideas secretly hate the poor. Are we really to keep silent about all of these things?"
Not sure there’s been silence on any of these issues from the church
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By Just John
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I'm 60. My dad, God bless him, was finding Communists behind every rock when I was a kid. Heck, we couldn't watch Little House on the Prairie or The Walton's because they "had a liberal message". These thoughts were no doubt due to the influences of the John Birtcher's, Billy James Hargis, and Carl McIntire among others. My point is there has always been some segment of the church worried, or willing to demagogue the fear on these issues. And there are plenty of churches that rightly divide the word and and preach a balance of sin and salvation from it.

Yes, the country in many ways is more liberal today than 50 years ago and there is some screwed up gender stuff. There are also improvements in race and the way women are treated, especially by Christians, in the last 50 years as well. My problem is I have seen so much abuse and hype over the years I'm very cynical of "the sky is falling" stuff. And Metaxas has a full set of baggage IMO.

/Stepping off soapbox.
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By paradox
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Haven't read the book personally. But get the sense that it's something of an addendum to his earlier Bonhoeffer essays. Seems to be addressing wishy-washy faith with the suggestion that silence, especially, in voting, plays directly into the Left's hands. And I don't know if he goes this far, but maybe some should stop being so accommodating to everything and lying to themselves that the Lefties are somehow doing what's in the best interest of humanity. Not sure if he's using the phrase "cultural marxism." But, it's really basic ideology. It's a poor substitute for true religion. And has no place in the church.
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By Purple Haize
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paradox wrote: September 23rd, 2022, 8:59 am Haven't read the book personally. But get the sense that it's something of an addendum to his earlier Bonhoeffer essays. Seems to be addressing wishy-washy faith with the suggestion that silence, especially, in voting, plays directly into the Left's hands. And I don't know if he goes this far, but maybe some should stop being so accommodating to everything and lying to themselves that the Lefties are somehow doing what's in the best interest of humanity. Not sure if he's using the phrase "cultural marxism." But, it's really basic ideology. It's a poor substitute for true religion. And has no place in the church.
Now that’s an interesting point on voting and a great argument. Especially in light of the SCOTUS ruling on abortion. Made possible by a President many Christians loathed and refused to vote for. In contrast to what we are seeing now with his replacement. The self righteousness of not voting for the flawed leads to the election of the evil. But I digress
By rtb72
Purple Haize wrote: September 23rd, 2022, 10:49 am
paradox wrote: September 23rd, 2022, 8:59 am Haven't read the book personally. But get the sense that it's something of an addendum to his earlier Bonhoeffer essays. Seems to be addressing wishy-washy faith with the suggestion that silence, especially, in voting, plays directly into the Left's hands. And I don't know if he goes this far, but maybe some should stop being so accommodating to everything and lying to themselves that the Lefties are somehow doing what's in the best interest of humanity. Not sure if he's using the phrase "cultural marxism." But, it's really basic ideology. It's a poor substitute for true religion. And has no place in the church.
Now that’s an interesting point on voting and a great argument. Especially in light of the SCOTUS ruling on abortion. Made possible by a President many Christians loathed and refused to vote for. In contrast to what we are seeing now with his replacement. The self righteousness of not voting for the flawed leads to the election of the evil. But I digress
I've never heard it put this way. Thoughts into words....

Well put
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By Just John
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Purple Haize wrote: September 23rd, 2022, 10:49 am
paradox wrote: September 23rd, 2022, 8:59 am Haven't read the book personally. But get the sense that it's something of an addendum to his earlier Bonhoeffer essays. Seems to be addressing wishy-washy faith with the suggestion that silence, especially, in voting, plays directly into the Left's hands. And I don't know if he goes this far, but maybe some should stop being so accommodating to everything and lying to themselves that the Lefties are somehow doing what's in the best interest of humanity. Not sure if he's using the phrase "cultural marxism." But, it's really basic ideology. It's a poor substitute for true religion. And has no place in the church.
Now that’s an interesting point on voting and a great argument. Especially in light of the SCOTUS ruling on abortion. Made possible by a President many Christians loathed and refused to vote for. In contrast to what we are seeing now with his replacement. The self righteousness of not voting for the flawed leads to the election of the evil. But I digress
When character no longer matters one finds themself trying to defend absolutely terrible candidates and individuals like Herschel Walker while others mock the obvious hypocrisy.
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By Purple Haize
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And those who sit upon their self righteous throne and look in disdain at those actually making the difficult decisions are the ones who let Administrations like the one we have now, SCOTUS like we had for decades and a host of other ills to plague us. Instead of accepting that some like Walker (since he was mentioned) is flawed but a better of two options they’d rather have the complete antithesis of their beliefs represent them. Walker IS flawed as is every man. But Walker addressed these issues years ago (have you read his book) and taken steps to better himself. Sounds pretty acceptable to me.
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By Just John
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Purple Haize wrote: October 8th, 2022, 9:16 pm And those who sit upon their self righteous throne and look in disdain at those actually making the difficult decisions are the ones who let Administrations like the one we have now, SCOTUS like we had for decades and a host of other ills to plague us. Instead of accepting that some like Walker (since he was mentioned) is flawed but a better of two options they’d rather have the complete antithesis of their beliefs represent them. Walker IS flawed as is every man. But Walker addressed these issues years ago (have you read his book) and taken steps to better himself. Sounds pretty acceptable to me.
The "difficult decision" of choosing a terrible candidate who was known to have issues but hey, "he was a celebrity". The campaign staff said he lied to them. He doesn't seem to be able to keep some of his stories straight. He is extremely challenged with facts, history and the spoken word. Is it too much to just ask for better candidates. And of course the obvious hypocrisy shown.
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By Purple Haize
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Just John wrote: October 9th, 2022, 2:01 pm
Purple Haize wrote: October 8th, 2022, 9:16 pm And those who sit upon their self righteous throne and look in disdain at those actually making the difficult decisions are the ones who let Administrations like the one we have now, SCOTUS like we had for decades and a host of other ills to plague us. Instead of accepting that some like Walker (since he was mentioned) is flawed but a better of two options they’d rather have the complete antithesis of their beliefs represent them. Walker IS flawed as is every man. But Walker addressed these issues years ago (have you read his book) and taken steps to better himself. Sounds pretty acceptable to me.
The "difficult decision" of choosing a terrible candidate who was known to have issues but hey, "he was a celebrity". The campaign staff said he lied to them. He doesn't seem to be able to keep some of his stories straight. He is extremely challenged with facts, history and the spoken word. Is it too much to just ask for better candidates. And of course the obvious hypocrisy shown.
Has nothing to do with his ‘Celebrity’. You, not I, brought it up. It has to do with alternatives. As flawed as he is, Walker is a better choice than the alternative. Simple as that. Sitting out because he’s flawed is a ridiculously arbitrary standard. How flawed is too flawed? At want point do the policies and objectives of his opponent over ride those flaws? By doing nothing, and making it easier for a person who is antithetical to what you believe in politically and policy wise get in to office is a cop out solution. Look no further than the current Administration
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By jbock13
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Is Warnock any better? If not, what's the point of even voting at all?
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By Purple Haize
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jbock13 wrote: October 9th, 2022, 4:03 pm Is Warnock any better? If not, what's the point of even voting at all?
Warnock is worse. Take a look at the current make up of the SCOTUS Imagine if HRC had made those pick. Look at the legislation recently passed through the Senate. Imagine if a different party was in control.
Yes voting matters. We have a 2 Party system for better or worse. There are certain elections where not making a choice between them is not a Principled Stand. It’s making the way easier for someone whose policies you really disagree with to be elected. I’m not saying jump up and down and be a cheerleader just vote
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By jbock13
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Sorry, I should have clarified I agree with you, Haize.
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By Purple Haize
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jbock13 wrote: October 9th, 2022, 9:14 pm Sorry, I should have clarified I agree with you, Haize.
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