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By flameshaw
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Please............................................. enough of the Dr. Voddie Baucham discussion. I am very disappointed with the news of Brian Metzer. The sad part is that 90% of these "big name" people are phony and have too much baggage.
Don't know where we are going to end up, but we need to move forward with all haste to get Prevo out of there. Not at the expense of making the wrong decision (again). And the entire board needs to resign. Remove ego's from the room and it would be empty.
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By Purple Haize
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ballcoach15 wrote: September 29th, 2022, 11:55 am Not all of the board needs to go, but Prevo does.
They all need to go. They have from Day 1 of this nonsense breaking. Put a plan in place to have had everyone phased out in 24 months at the latest. It’s called responsibility and accountability.
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By flameshaw
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ballcoach15 wrote: September 29th, 2022, 11:55 am Not all of the board needs to go, but Prevo does.
I only know of 2 worth keeping. If you clean out the rest, might as well have them resign as well and let the new president decide if he/she want to keep them.
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By Ill flame
flameshaw wrote: September 29th, 2022, 4:42 pm
ballcoach15 wrote: September 29th, 2022, 11:55 am Not all of the board needs to go, but Prevo does.
I only know of 2 worth keeping. If you clean out the rest, might as well have them resign as well and let the new president decide if he/she want to keep them.
Do we really want the new president to have that much control over the board?
JK37, LUOrange liked this
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By cruzan_flame13
Ill flame wrote: September 29th, 2022, 4:53 pm
flameshaw wrote: September 29th, 2022, 4:42 pm
ballcoach15 wrote: September 29th, 2022, 11:55 am Not all of the board needs to go, but Prevo does.
I only know of 2 worth keeping. If you clean out the rest, might as well have them resign as well and let the new president decide if he/she want to keep them.
Do we really want the new president to have that much control over the board?
That's why we should have a Chancellor that would work with the President.
By ballah09
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Anyone catch the nugget Jr threw out on ig? He said former Fairmont State president Mirta Martin is one of the candidates to replace Prevo. I’d assume the top if he’s putting it out there. He apparently hates it because it’s Franklin Grahams candidate :roll:.

If it is true about Martin, she has a strong academic background and is well respected. Looks to be a good choice.
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By Ill flame
I just looked her up. She seems like a strong, effective Christian leader that is plenty qualified for the job. It should be noted that both of her stints as a college president was cut short. She resigned from her first college after some faculty tried to get her fired and her second college essentially bought her out of her contract early after deciding she wasn't going to renew her contract. From what I can tell it's nothing that I would consider a deal breaker but I didn't dig super deep.
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By cruzan_flame13
ballah09 wrote: October 23rd, 2022, 9:33 pm Anyone catch the nugget Jr threw out on ig? He said former Fairmont State president Mirta Martin is one of the candidates to replace Prevo. I’d assume the top if he’s putting it out there. He apparently hates it because it’s Franklin Grahams candidate :roll:.

If it is true about Martin, she has a strong academic background and is well respected. Looks to be a good choice.
Do you have the tweet? Not saying that's valid, but I just wanted to take a look. I'm hoping we get a candidate who would push for growing the school by student population, research and community engagement/service. Liberty has been quite stagnant when it came to administration, so I hope that'll change. It's unfortunate to see students connected to LU with good academia and service go to other schools when they should come here. Below is an update on the growth of LU/affiliates this far: ... w-records/

Really hoping the next Prez in not a buddy but someone with a humble and beneficial resume that will improve campus and faculty/staff relationship as well. As I talked to people in good positions in medical, law, etc., it all connects with the understanding that LU should and could be in a better situation that it is right now.
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By Purple Haize
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Baybird wrote: February 4th, 2023, 11:14 am
cruzan_flame13 wrote: February 4th, 2023, 1:14 am Six months left? Don't hold your breath :lol: ... president/
Early favorite of LU watercooler prognosticators is Pompeo.
Hoping their predictions are as accurate as the local weather forecasters!
Pompeo is running for President…….of the United States. LU would be a step down.
I’m not going to be surprised if the new LU President has Graham in his or her last name
If LU is thinking a Politician I’d think Pence would be a name they’d approach.
But honestly, LU doesn’t have juice in name recognition it used to. They may not end up with as big a name as they think
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By Purple Haize
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Sly Fox wrote: February 4th, 2023, 1:31 pm My instincts are that this search will stretch on for as long as Prevo can continues to grow wealthy off the leverage he has over the rest of the board.

Pompeo? Ugh.
Prevo is the Mike Bloomberg of LU. Living off the success of the guy who came before him and doing nothing to grow but just enough to not screw up.
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By cruzan_flame13
No political figures. Need someone who is a strong believer in Christ based on their actions and not only by words. You'll know him or her by their fruit. Someone who has experience and/or have connections to continue to grow the university financially while using academics, athletics and servitude to connect locally, nationally and even internationally. This means engaging more with the alumni, donors and others than ever before.
Just John liked this
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By Purple Haize
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Tothehoopyall1 wrote: February 4th, 2023, 3:34 pm Let me save ya'll some time here.. Dr. Scott Hicks will be the next President and Jonathan Falwell will be the Chancellor.
That would certainly prove my point about LU losing its luster
Just John liked this
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By Purple Haize
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Chippy wrote: February 4th, 2023, 5:09 pm I'm wondering if it would be better to have someone with a low profile and not a "splash" personality.
I’d prefer someone qualified. Qualified and Splashy would be great.
If Hoop is right LU will get neither
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By thepostman
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Purple Haize wrote: February 4th, 2023, 4:20 pm
Tothehoopyall1 wrote: February 4th, 2023, 3:34 pm Let me save ya'll some time here.. Dr. Scott Hicks will be the next President and Jonathan Falwell will be the Chancellor.
That would certainly prove my point about LU losing its luster
Big names are overrated anyways so it may be for the best
JK37 liked this
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By Purple Haize
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thepostman wrote: February 4th, 2023, 6:21 pm
Purple Haize wrote: February 4th, 2023, 4:20 pm
Tothehoopyall1 wrote: February 4th, 2023, 3:34 pm Let me save ya'll some time here.. Dr. Scott Hicks will be the next President and Jonathan Falwell will be the Chancellor.
That would certainly prove my point about LU losing its luster
Big names are overrated anyways so it may be for the best
Not necessarily when it comes to raising money, awareness and notoriety
By Chippy
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Purple Haize wrote: February 4th, 2023, 6:25 pm
thepostman wrote: February 4th, 2023, 6:21 pm
Purple Haize wrote: February 4th, 2023, 4:20 pm

That would certainly prove my point about LU losing its luster
Big names are overrated anyways so it may be for the best
Not necessarily when it comes to raising money, awareness and notoriety
I think we've had enough notoriety.
Just John liked this
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By Purple Haize
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Chippy wrote: February 4th, 2023, 7:00 pm
Purple Haize wrote: February 4th, 2023, 6:25 pm
thepostman wrote: February 4th, 2023, 6:21 pm

Big names are overrated anyways so it may be for the best
Not necessarily when it comes to raising money, awareness and notoriety
I think we've had enough notoriety.
I understand what you are saying but I disagree. If LU wants to be a true National University then it needs to have some (positive) notoriety. In fact due to the little notoriety LU has had recently being negative, I would argue they need a huge splash of a hire that can create positive notoriety, at least in segments LU wants to reach.
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