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By lynchburgwildcats
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JK37 wrote: May 7th, 2022, 6:40 pm If babies equaled livestock to the extreme left, they’d have more protection than they do now.
If the extreme fascist right protected their babies, children, and women as well as they like to protect their livestock, guns, and Confederacy participation trophies, maybe the red states wouldn't have some of the worst infant and maternal mortality rates in the developed world and wouldn't see most of their states consistently rank in the bottom of the safest states to raise children!
By stokesjokes
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lynchburgwildcats wrote: May 13th, 2022, 9:55 am Told you so...

So Alito affirming a dissent he wrote in 2020 on a case decided 6-3 in favor of LGBTQ+ rights, with the majority opinion coming from Trump appointee Gorsuch, means what exactly?
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By Purple Haize
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Dude. A Troll is gonna Troll
By stokesjokes
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I know he’s described himself as a troll, but I get the impression that he actually believes what he says. It’s an “answer a fool according to his folly” situation.
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By TH Spangler
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One side aborting their babies or forming same sex civil unions. Dosen't seem sustainable.

And It seems most of the illegals entering now are breaking conservative, beleive in God.

Maybe things work out for good?
By lynchburgwildcats
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TH Spangler wrote: June 24th, 2022, 11:44 am One side aborting their babies or forming same sex civil unions. Dosen't seem sustainable.

And It seems most of the illegals entering now are breaking conservative, beleive in God.

Maybe things work out for good?
Are you not aware their are conservatives/Republican voters who are gay and get abortions? Donald Trump has even paid for abortions.
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By TH Spangler
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lynchburgwildcats wrote: June 24th, 2022, 12:46 pm
TH Spangler wrote: June 24th, 2022, 11:44 am One side aborting their babies or forming same sex civil unions. Dosen't seem sustainable.

And It seems most of the illegals entering now are breaking conservative, beleive in God.

Maybe things work out for good?
Are you not aware their are conservatives/Republican voters who are gay and get abortions? Donald Trump has even paid for abortions.
Dosen't matter which political party, just saying aborting your babies or forming a same sex civil union dosen't seem sustainable. Could explain why it's critical for them to get into YOUR childrens head via public education system. That's what just flipped Virginia Red.
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By Just John
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TH Spangler wrote: June 24th, 2022, 11:44 am One side aborting their babies or forming same sex civil unions. Dosen't seem sustainable.

And It seems most of the illegals entering now are breaking conservative, beleive in God.

Maybe things work out for good?
But surely you are still against them coming here right? :wink: And surely they shouldn't vote.
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By TH Spangler
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Just John wrote: June 25th, 2022, 3:14 pm
TH Spangler wrote: June 24th, 2022, 11:44 am One side aborting their babies or forming same sex civil unions. Dosen't seem sustainable.

And It seems most of the illegals entering now are breaking conservative, beleive in God.

Maybe things work out for good?
But surely you are still against them coming here right? :wink: And surely they shouldn't vote.
Washington is broken. They should beable to come in an organized manner. We should be able to weed out drug cartel, human traffickers and terrorist. The rest are much needed. Come legal with all the rights that go with it.
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By thepostman
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Before I start giving my 2 cents I'd like to say I am pro life. I am extremely happy that there are less abortions now than there have been in a long time. However, now that abortions are going to be harder to get in some states I worry about those babies and mothers. Historically the pro life community has done a better job fighting for the unborn than they have fighting for babies once they are born. As a pro-lifer it is my belief that we must do everything we can do to fight for the unborn AND for the born. A lot of these women are in such vulnerable situations. One in which bringing a baby into the world is unthinkable. Worlds of fatherlessness. Worlds of drug abuse. Worlds of physical and emotional abuse/trauma. The church needs to be at the forefront in helping these women/babies. Now, more than ever before. Some churches are but collectively as the church in America we have fallen short. We vote for people who actively fight against providing funding programs that support these vulnerable people. Neither political party as a whole really does a great job here but if they actually worked together on this then something could be done but this is where the church should be a the forefront. Helping the most vulnerable as Jesus did. There are some great organizations out there. Give your time money and energy into those as you have fighting for the unborn.

My 2 cents. Now back to your regularly scheduled Sunday.
By lynchburgwildcats
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And now we have racist Congressman Mary Miller, who also happens to enjoy quoting Hitler, celebrating how this is a victory for white life.

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By TH Spangler
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thepostman wrote: June 26th, 2022, 8:38 am Before I start giving my 2 cents I'd like to say I am pro life. I am extremely happy that there are less abortions now than there have been in a long time. However, now that abortions are going to be harder to get in some states I worry about those babies and mothers. Historically the pro life community has done a better job fighting for the unborn than they have fighting for babies once they are born. As a pro-lifer it is my belief that we must do everything we can do to fight for the unborn AND for the born. A lot of these women are in such vulnerable situations. One in which bringing a baby into the world is unthinkable. Worlds of fatherlessness. Worlds of drug abuse. Worlds of physical and emotional abuse/trauma. The church needs to be at the forefront in helping these women/babies. Now, more than ever before. Some churches are but collectively as the church in America we have fallen short. We vote for people who actively fight against providing funding programs that support these vulnerable people. Neither political party as a whole really does a great job here but if they actually worked together on this then something could be done but this is where the church should be a the forefront. Helping the most vulnerable as Jesus did. There are some great organizations out there. Give your time money and energy into those as you have fighting for the unborn.

My 2 cents. Now back to your regularly scheduled Sunday.
Good news is ...
How Can I Find an Accurate Number of Parents Waiting to Adopt?

While it is difficult to find an exact, accurate number to answer this question, Some sources estimate that there are about 2 million couples currently waiting to adopt in the United States — which means there are as many as 36 waiting families for every one child who is placed for adoption.
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By RubberMallet
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thepostman wrote:Before I start giving my 2 cents I'd like to say I am pro life. I am extremely happy that there are less abortions now than there have been in a long time. However, now that abortions are going to be harder to get in some states I worry about those babies and mothers. Historically the pro life community has done a better job fighting for the unborn than they have fighting for babies once they are born. As a pro-lifer it is my belief that we must do everything we can do to fight for the unborn AND for the born. A lot of these women are in such vulnerable situations. One in which bringing a baby into the world is unthinkable. Worlds of fatherlessness. Worlds of drug abuse. Worlds of physical and emotional abuse/trauma. The church needs to be at the forefront in helping these women/babies. Now, more than ever before. Some churches are but collectively as the church in America we have fallen short. We vote for people who actively fight against providing funding programs that support these vulnerable people. Neither political party as a whole really does a great job here but if they actually worked together on this then something could be done but this is where the church should be a the forefront. Helping the most vulnerable as Jesus did. There are some great organizations out there. Give your time money and energy into those as you have fighting for the unborn.

My 2 cents. Now back to your regularly scheduled Sunday.
Sorry this tripe is trotted out all the time. There are over 10 billion dollars a year given by private individuals to aid and support mothers who have their children through various avenues. There is hardly a mother who doesn't have somewhere they can turn to if they truly make an attempt. The idea that people don't care about the baby after its born is absolutely absurd. They did a study of support systems that exist for these mothers and found it to be in most areas very adequate and available. More can always be done, sure, but just because people don't want the government taking care of it, doesnt' mean people don't care.

Illinois foster care system (which we are a part of) overwhelmingly is a majority of christian households. and that is Illinois.

as I said, more can always be done. The above information we knew before we involved ourselves. do what you can.
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By RubberMallet
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Its interesting listening to people who rolled their eyes at conservatives who proclaimed at the idea that certain laws could inevitably lead to even more loose laws....because they are now WHAT ARE THEY GOING TO GO AFTER NEXT!!!!?!??!?!?
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By Purple Haize
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RubberMallet wrote: June 26th, 2022, 11:48 pm
thepostman wrote:Before I start giving my 2 cents I'd like to say I am pro life. I am extremely happy that there are less abortions now than there have been in a long time. However, now that abortions are going to be harder to get in some states I worry about those babies and mothers. Historically the pro life community has done a better job fighting for the unborn than they have fighting for babies once they are born. As a pro-lifer it is my belief that we must do everything we can do to fight for the unborn AND for the born. A lot of these women are in such vulnerable situations. One in which bringing a baby into the world is unthinkable. Worlds of fatherlessness. Worlds of drug abuse. Worlds of physical and emotional abuse/trauma. The church needs to be at the forefront in helping these women/babies. Now, more than ever before. Some churches are but collectively as the church in America we have fallen short. We vote for people who actively fight against providing funding programs that support these vulnerable people. Neither political party as a whole really does a great job here but if they actually worked together on this then something could be done but this is where the church should be a the forefront. Helping the most vulnerable as Jesus did. There are some great organizations out there. Give your time money and energy into those as you have fighting for the unborn.

My 2 cents. Now back to your regularly scheduled Sunday.
Sorry this tripe is trotted out all the time. There are over 10 billion dollars a year given by private individuals to aid and support mothers who have their children through various avenues. There is hardly a mother who doesn't have somewhere they can turn to if they truly make an attempt. The idea that people don't care about the baby after its born is absolutely absurd. They did a study of support systems that exist for these mothers and found it to be in most areas very adequate and available. More can always be done, sure, but just because people don't want the government taking care of it, doesnt' mean people don't care.

Illinois foster care system (which we are a part of) overwhelmingly is a majority of christian households. and that is Illinois.

as I said, more can always be done. The above information we knew before we involved ourselves. do what you can.
Would love to see that study
thepostman liked this
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By Purple Haize
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RubberMallet wrote: June 26th, 2022, 11:50 pm Its interesting listening to people who rolled their eyes at conservatives who proclaimed at the idea that certain laws could inevitably lead to even more loose laws....because they are now WHAT ARE THEY GOING TO GO AFTER NEXT!!!!?!??!?!?
Apparently outlawing birth control is the new fear tactic of the Left
By paradox
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Purple Haize wrote: June 27th, 2022, 12:29 pm
RubberMallet wrote: June 26th, 2022, 11:50 pm Its interesting listening to people who rolled their eyes at conservatives who proclaimed at the idea that certain laws could inevitably lead to even more loose laws....because they are now WHAT ARE THEY GOING TO GO AFTER NEXT!!!!?!??!?!?
Apparently outlawing birth control is the new fear tactic of the Left
They prey on ignorance. It was never a legit constitutional right. Activists hijacked the system. If you want laws, you elect representatives to make laws. It's called democracy.
By paradox
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Prior to last week, we had my body, my choice, from conception to partial birth. And now, we have... but but but we're just trying to protect victims of rape and incest....honest, we are
By olldflame
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Purple Haize wrote: June 27th, 2022, 12:29 pm
RubberMallet wrote: June 26th, 2022, 11:50 pm Its interesting listening to people who rolled their eyes at conservatives who proclaimed at the idea that certain laws could inevitably lead to even more loose laws....because they are now WHAT ARE THEY GOING TO GO AFTER NEXT!!!!?!??!?!?
Apparently outlawing birth control is the new fear tactic of the Left
That and interracial marriage.
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