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By stokesjokes
Registration Days Posts
flamehunter wrote: May 3rd, 2022, 6:47 am How did this get leaked? And maybe more importantly, why was it leaked?
There's reasons for someone pro Roe to leak it as well as reasons for someone anti-Roe to leak it. Whatever happened, it's a big-time party foul, something that's virtually never happened in the history of the Supreme Court. I've seen calls for the leaker, if a clerk, to be disbarred, or, if a justice, to be impeached.
By stokesjokes
Registration Days Posts
I will also add, now is the time for Christians to step up and put our money where our mouths are. If this decision goes through, there's going to be a lot of needy mothers and babies in desperate situations. We have got to be doing whatever we can to care for those who will now be born as a result of this decision.
Purple Haize, flamehunter, ATrain and 2 others liked this
By olldflame
Registration Days Posts
The twitterverse seems to be looking in the direction of Sotomayor's staff. They are by far the most radically left wing of anyone who would have access.
Last edited by olldflame on May 3rd, 2022, 9:08 am, edited 1 time in total.
By olldflame
Registration Days Posts
stokesjokes wrote: May 3rd, 2022, 8:46 am
flamehunter wrote: May 3rd, 2022, 6:47 am How did this get leaked? And maybe more importantly, why was it leaked?
There's reasons for someone pro Roe to leak it as well as reasons for someone anti-Roe to leak it. Whatever happened, it's a big-time party foul, something that's virtually never happened in the history of the Supreme Court. I've seen calls for the leaker, if a clerk, to be disbarred, or, if a justice, to be impeached.
Why do you think a pro life person would want to leak this?
By stokesjokes
Registration Days Posts
Apparently Justice Roberts wants a more narrow decision that doesn’t really overturn Roe, and there’s concern that some justices may be waffling- this would put pressure on them to stay with the decision as-is. This is an old draft as well, so someone may be unhappy with changes already made.
By ALUmnus
Registration Days Posts
stokesjokes wrote: May 3rd, 2022, 8:46 am I've seen calls for the leaker, if a clerk, to be disbarred, or, if a justice, to be impeached.
This is from David French (who we know you love), but he's a reactionary, so let's slow down and actually see what happened.
Leaks from SCOTUS are rare, but there's a history of it happening (see below). What we don't want is this to become a more common political strategy within the court, which would be a nightmare.

Anyways, if the leak is accurate and it holds, it's amazing news.
stokesjokes liked this
By lynchburgwildcats
Registration Days Posts
Sad day to be an American. We join the ranks of notable countries like Iraq and Nicaragua.

They won't stop here though. They'll be trying to make abortion illegal at the federal level, they'll be coming for contraception, gay marriage, interracial marriage, homosexuality, etc. They won't stop until America has turned into a third-world Christian theocracy.
By stokesjokes
Registration Days Posts
Two things:

1. The US has had some of the most radical liberal laws on abortion in the western world due to Roe. Overturning it won’t change that overnight, and parts of the US will remain that way anyways.

2. The second part of your post is just silly. This decision doesn’t mean anything beyond Roe. Anyone telling you otherwise is being alarmist and fear-mongering. There may be a lunatic fringe that wants those things that you list, but there’s not a universe where any of those things are realistic to worry about.
jmclaughlin liked this
By lynchburgwildcats
Registration Days Posts
stokesjokes wrote: May 3rd, 2022, 7:30 pm Two things:

1. The US has had some of the most radical liberal laws on abortion in the western world due to Roe. Overturning it won’t change that overnight, and parts of the US will remain that way anyways.

2. The second part of your post is just silly. This decision doesn’t mean anything beyond Roe. Anyone telling you otherwise is being alarmist and fear-mongering. There may be a lunatic fringe that wants those things that you list, but there’s not a universe where any of those things are realistic to worry about.
1. We're going to have over a dozen states from day one forcing women to carry to term a rape baby. The SC is literally giving rapists and deadbeat dads more productivity rights than the women that have to endure the financial and health burdens that come with pregnancy. I can live with someone saying let's make it only legal in the vent of rape, incest, or to save the mother's life, but the rest is the work of a lunatic fringe from the extreme fascist right. These are the types of laws you see passed in third world dictatorships.

2. Alito literally cites Obergefell in that opinion. There are numerous attacks on LGBTQ+ rights throughout much of red America. Tennessee just passed a law for common law marriage which bans gay people from it.

You say it's a lunatic fringe, but 70+% of the country supports abortion rights. We just had a lunatic fringe overturn that. I know what the populace wants is irrelevant to the SC, but only a lunatic fringe would overturn something 70% of people want because they don't like it while citing laws and precedence from other countries to justify it.

If you don't think they'll be coming after contraception, gay marriage, and homosexuality, then you have your head in the sand.
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By Purple Haize
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stokesjokes wrote: May 3rd, 2022, 7:30 pm Two things:

1. The US has had some of the most radical liberal laws on abortion in the western world due to Roe. Overturning it won’t change that overnight, and parts of the US will remain that way anyways.

2. The second part of your post is just silly. This decision doesn’t mean anything beyond Roe. Anyone telling you otherwise is being alarmist and fear-mongering. There may be a lunatic fringe that wants those things that you list, but there’s not a universe where any of those things are realistic to worry about.
Well he’s a self described Troll so I’d take what he says as garbage
stokesjokes liked this
By Chippy
Registration Days Posts
A few thoughts. We took prayer out of schools in the 60's and legalized abortion in the 70's. Crime, drug and alcohol abuse, disintegration of nuclear family, and gender confusion ensued. In the early 90's, Bill Clinton had Mother Teresa at the annual prayer breakfast at the WH. She scolded "America" that our country has crime, kids killing kids, and substance abuse gone amuck and stated emphatically how it correlates directly to abortion. When a country does not value life, then it communicates that life has no value, and life can easily be taken through homicide, suicide, substance abuse, overdoses, and abortion. I'm sure she quoted Luke 1:41 to Bill Clinton (a biblical/biological response to life). " When Elizabeth heard Mary's greeting, the baby leaped in her womb, and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit." Even Ruth Ginsburg talked about flawed legal reasoning in this 5-4 decision made by 5 white men :) It's time to let the people decide, not the mob, if they want abortion to be legal in their respective states.

Margaret Sanger founded Planned Parenthood as a means to begin to limit the "inferior race" to not populate society. Where was the very first PP? if you guessed Harlem you'd be right. That's all.
By stokesjokes
Registration Days Posts
lynchburgwildcats wrote: May 3rd, 2022, 7:55 pm
stokesjokes wrote: May 3rd, 2022, 7:30 pm Two things:

1. The US has had some of the most radical liberal laws on abortion in the western world due to Roe. Overturning it won’t change that overnight, and parts of the US will remain that way anyways.

2. The second part of your post is just silly. This decision doesn’t mean anything beyond Roe. Anyone telling you otherwise is being alarmist and fear-mongering. There may be a lunatic fringe that wants those things that you list, but there’s not a universe where any of those things are realistic to worry about.
1. We're going to have over a dozen states from day one forcing women to carry to term a rape baby. The SC is literally giving rapists and deadbeat dads more productivity rights than the women that have to endure the financial and health burdens that come with pregnancy. I can live with someone saying let's make it only legal in the vent of rape, incest, or to save the mother's life, but the rest is the work of a lunatic fringe from the extreme fascist right. These are the types of laws you see passed in third world dictatorships.

2. Alito literally cites Obergefell in that opinion. There are numerous attacks on LGBTQ+ rights throughout much of red America. Tennessee just passed a law for common law marriage which bans gay people from it.

You say it's a lunatic fringe, but 70+% of the country supports abortion rights. We just had a lunatic fringe overturn that. I know what the populace wants is irrelevant to the SC, but only a lunatic fringe would overturn something 70% of people want because they don't like it while citing laws and precedence from other countries to justify it.

If you don't think they'll be coming after contraception, gay marriage, and homosexuality, then you have your head in the sand.
I mean, it literally says “Nothing in this opinion should be understood to cast doubt on precedents that do not concern abortion,” but go off, I guess.
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By Purple Haize
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Again, you are arguing with the Boards self professed Troll. You have only yourself to blame at this point.
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By Purple Haize
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stokesjokes wrote: May 3rd, 2022, 11:15 pm Don’t you understand? Someone’s wrong on the internet!
Ok. My fault. I totally overlooked that :lol: :lol: :lol:
By lynchburgwildcats
Registration Days Posts
Chippy wrote: May 3rd, 2022, 9:04 pm A few thoughts. We took prayer out of schools in the 60's and legalized abortion in the 70's. Crime, drug and alcohol abuse, disintegration of nuclear family, and gender confusion ensued. In the early 90's, Bill Clinton had Mother Teresa at the annual prayer breakfast at the WH. She scolded "America" that our country has crime, kids killing kids, and substance abuse gone amuck and stated emphatically how it correlates directly to abortion. When a country does not value life, then it communicates that life has no value, and life can easily be taken through homicide, suicide, substance abuse, overdoses, and abortion. I'm sure she quoted Luke 1:41 to Bill Clinton (a biblical/biological response to life). " When Elizabeth heard Mary's greeting, the baby leaped in her womb, and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit." Even Ruth Ginsburg talked about flawed legal reasoning in this 5-4 decision made by 5 white men :) It's time to let the people decide, not the mob, if they want abortion to be legal in their respective states.

Margaret Sanger founded Planned Parenthood as a means to begin to limit the "inferior race" to not populate society. Where was the very first PP? if you guessed Harlem you'd be right. That's all.
The USA is worse at almost all (if not all) of the crime/immoral things than every other developed country and also amongst the most religious countries in the developed world. It's certainly significantly the worst by multiple factors than every other developed country in firearm death rate.

Meanwhile, the most religious portion of the country, the South, consistently has the worst states for fetal death rate, maternal mortality rate, homicide rate, firearm death rate, violent crime rate.

Sounds like religion isn't doing us a whole lot of good in these regards. Especially not when said religion I assume you want to bring back at the expense of other religions, Christianity, is steeped in violence, murder, and rape from it's very existence. Don't like that assertion? Well take it up with God and the Bible.
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By jmclaughlin
lynchburgwildcats wrote: May 4th, 2022, 8:29 am
The USA is worse at almost all (if not all) of the crime/immoral things than every other developed country and also amongst the most religious countries in the developed world. It's certainly significantly the worst by multiple factors than every other developed country in firearm death rate.

Meanwhile, the most religious portion of the country, the South, consistently has the worst states for fetal death rate, maternal mortality rate, homicide rate, firearm death rate, violent crime rate.

Sounds like religion isn't doing us a whole lot of good in these regards. Especially not when said religion I assume you want to bring back at the expense of other religions, Christianity, is steeped in violence, murder, and rape from it's very existence. Don't like that assertion? Well take it up with God and the Bible.
100% . We should try something new and follow John Lennon's brilliant words to remove all religion. If only we had a blueprint, IMAGINE what it could look like. Maybe if we could follow the teachings of Hitler, Stalin, Marx, Lenin, Mao Zedong, Pol pot or maybe more American influencers like Jack Kavorkian or Ted Bundy. Just a few of the many examples of brilliant minds who were able to remove the distraction of a creator God and do the real humanitarian work of the people. Follow Jesus? Who would benefit from living sacrificially of self and treating our enemy as a friend? That's a plan for disaster. Thanks for bringing wisdom to this page Mr. Wildcat!
By lynchburgwildcats
Registration Days Posts
jmclaughlin wrote: May 4th, 2022, 10:01 am
lynchburgwildcats wrote: May 4th, 2022, 8:29 am
The USA is worse at almost all (if not all) of the crime/immoral things than every other developed country and also amongst the most religious countries in the developed world. It's certainly significantly the worst by multiple factors than every other developed country in firearm death rate.

Meanwhile, the most religious portion of the country, the South, consistently has the worst states for fetal death rate, maternal mortality rate, homicide rate, firearm death rate, violent crime rate.

Sounds like religion isn't doing us a whole lot of good in these regards. Especially not when said religion I assume you want to bring back at the expense of other religions, Christianity, is steeped in violence, murder, and rape from it's very existence. Don't like that assertion? Well take it up with God and the Bible.
100% . We should try something new and follow John Lennon's brilliant words to remove all religion. If only we had a blueprint, IMAGINE what it could look like. Maybe if we could follow the teachings of Hitler, Stalin, Marx, Lenin, Mao Zedong, Pol pot or maybe more American influencers like Jack Kavorkian or Ted Bundy. Just a few of the many examples of brilliant minds who were able to remove the distraction of a creator God and do the real humanitarian work of the people. Follow Jesus? Who would benefit from living sacrificially of self and treating our enemy as a friend? That's a plan for disaster. Thanks for bringing wisdom to this page Mr. Wildcat!
You mean like Japan, France, Australia, three examples of developed countries with a separation of church and state? Countries who have significantly lower crime, violent crime, homicide, gun violence, and suicide rates than the USA? Countries where abortion is also widely legal?

Are those the countries that you mean?
By lynchburgwildcats
Registration Days Posts
Or do you mean like the countries below that rank top 10 in highest crime rate where also 70+% of the population say religion is very important to them?

South Africa
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By jmclaughlin
So the exercise of free religion, as in this country, and those you stated above is a good thing. Great, we agree. What are we doing here?
When was the last time you attended a state run church here in America or even seen one? You do know about the foundation of our nation and constitution correct? Christians, for the most part, all agreed that that state run religion was kind of bad for the whole so they decided to swim across the pond and start from scratch. This nation is in disarray from straying from those principles of individual rights and exercise thereof but we have been the freest, most forward progressing nation in the history of the world. As someone stated above, it is the erosion and removal of God from the public square that has led to where we are now. So the more you point out the rise of violent crime and poverty, the more you make the case for Christian morality, which is on the decline.
Everyone is religious, we all follow a worldview in some form. The most religious group in this country are claimed atheists.

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