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By olldflame
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Doocy: "Good morning Jen. The Omakran variant has now been identified in a multitude of countries, with thousands of people infected. Can you tell me if you are aware of anyone who has died yet as a result?"

Psaki: "Peter, you know the answer to that"

Doocy: "Actually no. I mean, I know whether anyone has died or not, but I was asking if YOU know. I suspect you do as well, but I need to confirm it for our viewers."
Last edited by olldflame on December 4th, 2021, 1:06 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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By TH Spangler
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It's so backwards that the guy that used US tax dollars to fund the creation of this virus in a Chineese lab is the same guy leading us in how to survive it. Hide your beagles. 🐕
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By cruzan_flame13
TH Spangler wrote: December 4th, 2021, 12:55 pm It's so backwards that the guy that used US tax dollars to fund the creation of this virus in a Chineese lab is the same guy leading us in how to survive it. Hide your beagles. 🐕
Connected to the same people who give people "potions" (which are clearly the same ones )that are not fully tested but is recommended to a mass of people. That's crazy talk though. Spiritual warfare intensifies!
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By cruzan_flame13
Howard Springs Internment Camp in Australia for 'potentially infected' people. Individuals inside are labeled as prisoners(at least what some news are doing). This is for their safety and health:


Nothing is new under the sun and its not farfetched to think that it will not happen elsewhere in the world. It sure has happened before, even for medical reasons. Time to take heads out of the sand, don't you think?
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By cruzan_flame13
lynchburgwildcats wrote: December 6th, 2021, 6:20 pm Read something funny/sad the other day ago about masks:

Republicans are doing more to prevent masks in schools than to prevent school shootings.
It doesn't matter the party, government is government. One side is clearly distopian and wants a utopia(statism) while the other wants to be looking more moral and want increase in the military industrial complex (statism). Both is fine in keeping you mandated without anyone making their own opinions for "their safety." This will continue and going back to normal will not occur[so stop pretending like it is if you completely a little more]. Just doing oneself a big disservice:

By lynchburgwildcats
Registration Days Posts
cruzan_flame13 wrote: December 6th, 2021, 9:47 pm
lynchburgwildcats wrote: December 6th, 2021, 6:20 pm Read something funny/sad the other day ago about masks:

Republicans are doing more to prevent masks in schools than to prevent school shootings.
It doesn't matter the party, government is government. One side is clearly distopian and wants a utopia(statism) while the other wants to be looking more moral and want increase in the military industrial complex (statism). Both is fine in keeping you mandated without anyone making their own opinions for "their safety." This will continue and going back to normal will not occur[so stop pretending like it is if you completely a little more]. Just doing oneself a big disservice:

Please translate into non-crazy so the rest of us sane folks can understand.
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By cruzan_flame13
lynchburgwildcats wrote: December 7th, 2021, 12:33 am
cruzan_flame13 wrote: December 6th, 2021, 9:47 pm
lynchburgwildcats wrote: December 6th, 2021, 6:20 pm Read something funny/sad the other day ago about masks:

Republicans are doing more to prevent masks in schools than to prevent school shootings.
It doesn't matter the party, government is government. One side is clearly distopian and wants a utopia(statism) while the other wants to be looking more moral and want increase in the military industrial complex (statism). Both is fine in keeping you mandated without anyone making their own opinions for "their safety." This will continue and going back to normal will not occur[so stop pretending like it is if you completely a little more]. Just doing oneself a big disservice:

Please translate into non-crazy so the rest of us sane folks can understand.
Well at least you're showing your true colours, I'll give you that.
By JK37
Registration Days Posts
Wildcat isn’t wrong, Cruzan. I, too, wish I could understand your position. Not trying to be a Grammar Nazi on a message board. But the free exchange of ideas begins with coherent thoughts. Maybe Wildcat and I are the only ones, but I personally often struggle to understand you on a basic grammatical level.
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By cruzan_flame13
JK37 wrote: December 7th, 2021, 11:17 am Wildcat isn’t wrong, Cruzan. I, too, wish I could understand your position. Not trying to be a Grammar Nazi on a message board. But the free exchange of ideas begins with coherent thoughts. Maybe Wildcat and I are the only ones, but I personally often struggle to understand you on a basic grammatical level.
One party wants to be distopian while the other portrays morality but promotes the military industrial complex. Both sides are fine with keeping us under mandates while pushing for what the World Economic Forum/Who is hoping for which is a fourth industrial revolution aka a digital world. It doesn't matter how much you completely because this will not end and the promise of going back to normality is nonexistent. Is that more clear for you to understand now?
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By thepostman
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I'm never sure what you are saying either @cruzan_flame13 which is why I stopped responding because I am not 100% sure if I agree or disagree with you.

But if you want to get technical, since the fall there has never been a real "normal".

As far as COVID goes, I think we have all made up our minds at this point. It is what it is.
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By Purple Haize
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JK37 wrote: December 7th, 2021, 11:17 am Wildcat isn’t wrong, Cruzan. I, too, wish I could understand your position. Not trying to be a Grammar Nazi on a message board. But the free exchange of ideas begins with coherent thoughts. Maybe Wildcat and I are the only ones, but I personally often struggle to understand you on a basic grammatical level.
See? And I was chastised many moons ago for asking if he was ESL. Now You People do it and it’s ok

I actually understood what the photo was trying to purvey. And there’s a simple question I’d like for you to ask your doctors about these shots. How long do they last/remain effective? That’s what’s always gotten me. I know a handful of people who have now gotten 4, yes 4 shots. At what point do we re-examine what’s going on here?
TH Spangler liked this
By stokesjokes
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I mean, I get a flu shot every year, many of the childhood vaccines are series or require boosters.

Of course, there’s a subset convinced that those are bad too.
By olldflame
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I have zero problem with the idea of an annual vax for Covid. I haven't always gotten the flu shot, but (although it can be)I never considered the flu to be life threatening. Clearly Covid is, for someone my age.
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By Purple Haize
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JK37 wrote: December 7th, 2021, 1:32 pmYou People!?
Oh You People know who You People are! 8)
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By Purple Haize
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stokesjokes wrote: December 7th, 2021, 1:49 pm I mean, I get a flu shot every year, many of the childhood vaccines are series or require boosters.

Of course, there’s a subset convinced that those are bad too.
Do you get 3 a year? 4? Are people who sit in a cubicle forced to get one at the risk of their job?
By stokesjokes
Registration Days Posts
Yeah, the mandate question is another animal entirely. It should make anyone uneasy, even if they eventually land in favor of it.

We will see what the recommendations end up being for frequency. Having to get 2 doses initially and even a 3rd after 6 months doesn’t necessarily indicate that it would need to continue at that frequency.

I also don’t think we’re near being done developing preventative COVID treatments. We may not be using the mRNA vaccines at all in a few years.
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By Purple Haize
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stokesjokes wrote: December 7th, 2021, 2:51 pm Yeah, the mandate question is another animal entirely. It should make anyone uneasy, even if they eventually land in favor of it.

We will see what the recommendations end up being for frequency. Having to get 2 doses initially and even a 3rd after 6 months doesn’t necessarily indicate that it would need to continue at that frequency.

I also don’t think we’re near being done developing preventative COVID treatments. We may not be using the mRNA vaccines at all in a few years.
And your first part is exactly at issue. In my Day Job I could never walk in and say that. If we don’t know how long it lasts or how potent it is that would raise Red Flags all over the place every day in doctors eyes. But this? Nope.
mRNA technology has been around for along time but never been successful until now. We are finding out the reason why
By rtb72
Purple Haize wrote: December 7th, 2021, 2:37 pm
stokesjokes wrote: December 7th, 2021, 1:49 pm I mean, I get a flu shot every year, many of the childhood vaccines are series or require boosters.

Of course, there’s a subset convinced that those are bad too.
Do you get 3 a year? 4? Are people who sit in a cubicle forced to get one at the risk of their job?
We've had a long time to refine the flu vaccine, so I think there is less hesitancy. This is all new, and to your point, a lot of questions generally that should be known before vaccine deployment, are not getting answered. I just received my booster. It kicked my a&#. I don't know if that's normal, but for two days I had fever, chills, diarrhea and was so sore I could not sleep because literally, every part of my body ached. I had some minor reactions to my second shot, but nothing like this from the booster. I'm healthy as a horse and middle-aged (51), and generally have little issues with my immunity overcoming illness. I doubt I get another booster as a result of this experience.
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By SumItUp
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Each of Biden's vaccine "mandates" have been blocked by the courts. The new proposed mandate from the mayor of NYC was also blocked last night. They never had a chance.
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By Purple Haize
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rtb72 wrote: December 8th, 2021, 12:31 pm
Purple Haize wrote: December 7th, 2021, 2:37 pm
stokesjokes wrote: December 7th, 2021, 1:49 pm I mean, I get a flu shot every year, many of the childhood vaccines are series or require boosters.

Of course, there’s a subset convinced that those are bad too.
Do you get 3 a year? 4? Are people who sit in a cubicle forced to get one at the risk of their job?
We've had a long time to refine the flu vaccine, so I think there is less hesitancy. This is all new, and to your point, a lot of questions generally that should be known before vaccine deployment, are not getting answered. I just received my booster. It kicked my a&#. I don't know if that's normal, but for two days I had fever, chills, diarrhea and was so sore I could not sleep because literally, every part of my body ached. I had some minor reactions to my second shot, but nothing like this from the booster. I'm healthy as a horse and middle-aged (51), and generally have little issues with my immunity overcoming illness. I doubt I get another booster as a result of this experience.
And here’s the catch -22 of that. Did you report that to your doctor ? If you did report it to their office do you think they reported it to VAERS? I know more people than not who had similar reactions to yours on every shot. I’d say at least a 1:1 ratio. That’s pretty important information to give to people who are deciding whether or not to get the shot. And your reaction to getting another is perfectly normal. Why go through that again if there’s really no long term benefit?
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By TH Spangler
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Purple Haize wrote: December 8th, 2021, 9:11 pm
rtb72 wrote: December 8th, 2021, 12:31 pm
Purple Haize wrote: December 7th, 2021, 2:37 pm

Do you get 3 a year? 4? Are people who sit in a cubicle forced to get one at the risk of their job?
We've had a long time to refine the flu vaccine, so I think there is less hesitancy. This is all new, and to your point, a lot of questions generally that should be known before vaccine deployment, are not getting answered. I just received my booster. It kicked my a&#. I don't know if that's normal, but for two days I had fever, chills, diarrhea and was so sore I could not sleep because literally, every part of my body ached. I had some minor reactions to my second shot, but nothing like this from the booster. I'm healthy as a horse and middle-aged (51), and generally have little issues with my immunity overcoming illness. I doubt I get another booster as a result of this experience.
And here’s the catch -22 of that. Did you report that to your doctor ? If you did report it to their office do you think they reported it to VAERS? I know more people than not who had similar reactions to yours on every shot. I’d say at least a 1:1 ratio. That’s pretty important information to give to people who are deciding whether or not to get the shot. And your reaction to getting another is perfectly normal. Why go through that again if there’s really no long term benefit?
My physician went through that with his second shot. At the time a 3rd booster hadn't become a requirement. He privately told me if he was ask to take a 3rd shot he would become hesitant like many. I don't know what he's decided.
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By LU 57
I go to a functional medicine doc. I was very reluctant to get the shot, but decided to after a fairly lengthy discussion and weighing the risks/benefits for my situation.

Anyway, his recommendation was to wait 8 weeks between the first and second Pfizer doses to minimize side effects. Something to consider.

My wife and kids have not been vaxxed and I doubt they will be.

Edit: I should also mention I was greatly influenced by my best friend’s battle. He is about my age and nearly died. Spent about a month in the hospital.
Purple Haize liked this
By ALUmnus
Registration Days Posts
SumItUp wrote: December 8th, 2021, 2:28 pm Each of Biden's vaccine "mandates" have been blocked by the courts. The new proposed mandate from the mayor of NYC was also blocked last night. They never had a chance.
Problem is, many employers (such as mine) have already forced their employees to get vaccinated based on the threat of these mandates. Many people have already lost their jobs because of this. A little too late for them. You'd think prudence would require all the legalities to be ironed out and confirmed before enforcing such controversial policies.

The vaccines have proven to be not much more than therapeutic in that they more than likely will prevent serious symptoms. Not infection, not transmission, but symptoms. If Pfizer's therapeutic pills get approved, I really don't see the great need for most people to continue getting the shots.

The initial overreaction to Covid was understandable, but now it's irresponsible.
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