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By Ill flame
I think yall are overthinking this. It was reported that we were no longer interested in c-usa implying that the offer was there and we politely declined. The sunbelt was smart and went with institutional fit and geography over market size and future potential. We are not a fit in the sunbelt. AAC didn't learn from history and seemed to exclusively added schools in bigger markets which isn't us. I'm not really upset how things worked out because we are no better or worse off than when we started. We have nowhere but up to go from here.
TH Spangler, Liberty22 liked this
By paradox
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It's all just conjecture. And most people are basing their assumptions on things that were said or done during our FCS years. At the moment, there is nothing authorataive stating that we were left out of something that we actually wanted to be apart of. Wouldn't be surprised is Ian remains tight-lipped. Not in his best interest to comment much on this.
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By flameshaw
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I say the fat lady has not yet sung. Not sure she is even warming up yet. Hard to turn down a C-USA invite, unless there is something else on the table. IMHO
Last edited by flameshaw on October 24th, 2021, 10:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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By aredd33
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paradox wrote:Some people say that Sun Belt has an offer on the table...even as we speak.
Where is this info coming from?
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By Cider Jim
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If JMU declines the Sun Belt (again), I wonder if LU will go from being the bridesmaid to being the bride? :cheerleader
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By Ill flame
Cider Jim wrote: October 24th, 2021, 7:34 pm If JMU declines the Sun Belt (again), I wonder if LU will go from being the bridesmaid to being the bride? :cheerleader
I thought we were just the rich cousin or something that wasn't invited but we're here anyway.
By paradox
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We're already FBS. What can the Sun Belt do for us now? We've had some recent success. We need to build on that.

Here's one way to look at it: Our scheduling has the potential to be favorable. Consider the case of Malik Willis. He was originally a VA Tech commit. I believe they wanted him to play LB or some other position, but not QB. We had VA Tech on our schedule along with two more ACC opponents. This year we have an ACC, Army, and Ole Miss from the SEC, which happens to be the conference he transferred from. So, Liberty was an opportunity for him to prove the doubters wrong. Our scheduling flexibility definitely favored us in landing him. It's a game-changer. That's what we're building on.
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By Racenut
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We are no worse off now than we were before all this mess. Even with eight conference games, all FBS teams need three non-conference games and Ian has proved to be adept at negotiating with multiple levels of schools. In fact, the program has developed to a point that a game with a P-5 or upper level G-5 would be a challenge instead of just a blowout that would not interest any of their fans. And don't forget that we are better prepared to be more than financially competitive to help pay for visits to the 'Burg. The flexibility that we have because 8 dates are not automatically locked in is priceless. C-USA, MAC and even Sun Belt are two tattoos that don't easily wash off as the program keeps growing.
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By Ill flame
With us likely staying independent for awhile longer I was thinking about how we should set up our future schedules to stay on an upward glide path without stalling while waiting for the right conference to call.

As a general rule I think winning is more important to our overall growth than struggling to make bowl games against a BYU type schedule in the short term. We should try to schedule the toughest schedule possible while trying to average ~8 wins a year. With that in mind this is the general formula I would like to see.

Schedules are already locked in but should average around 8 or 9 wins a seasons depending on the coaching staff. We are still establishing ourselves as one of the better G5 caliber schools in the country both in reputation and overall talent on the roster.

-4 near automatic wins (FCS, UMass, uconn etc)
-2 probable wins (middle tier G5s)
-3 P5s (preferably lower tier with 1 at home every year)
-3 near tossups (toughest G5s that will play us)

This will set us up to make a bowl game even in a down year and maintain momentum while having a schedule that is likely tougher than any G5 in the country.

-4 near automatic wins (these games likely won't go away as an independent)
-3 probable wins (upper middle tier G5s)
-4 P5s (preferably 3 being lower tier and 1 at home)
-2 near tossups (again, toughest G5s that will play us)

Hopefully by this point we have a reputation that rivals Boise st, Cincinnati, UCF type schools with a bigger fanbase, more media attention and the "should liberty be the next school invited to a P5" drama is in full force.

If all goes according to script up to this point (I don't think averaging 8 wins is unrealistic in this plan) we go all in on tyndals "P5 equivalent" plan. Playing anybody, anywhere at anytime preferably getting 2+ P5s at home a year to make our home games more attractive to fans and make our media rights more valuable. This plan stays in place until the right P5 conference (or equivalent at that time) calls or until this plan clearly falls flat on its face and we need to revert to a slightly easier schedule to maintain positive momentum which is very important in this plan. Thoughts?
By lawdawg2002
Hello everyone (sorry for the length). I have been lurking for a while and never thought of joining the fray, but I have a somewhat different as to why the conferences we want to be interested in us are not. I have been a faculty member in a public R1 institute and serve as a tenured faculty member and administrator in a public R3. I also have very close ties to the administration of a couple of major R1s. My bachelor degree is from LU (Think mid 90’s). I spend my life around the people that need to accept us if we want to get a good conference invite. If LU was important enough for an SEC type conference, faculty and most of the administration would have little say in the matter. With the conferences LU is athletically comparable to, faculty and administration have a major say.

Here is what I gather from my discussions with colleagues and comments that I have heard…

1) LU has to improve its standing in US News and World Report. We all know it is a flawed system and everyone wishes it would go away, but even the highbrow academic type use it when it when they can use it against you.

2) LU must improve the academic standing of upper administration. The president does not appear to have degree from a university and the provost does not have a degree from a recognizable university outside of the institution he works for. That means the two people responsible for making the academics first class have never experienced first class academics, potentially having few contacts in these areas. I’m sure you all know the importance of networking (how I got into academia) and I would question LU’s upper administration’s networking capabilities. Ian networks with AD’s as well as anyone; but if our upper administration calls their counterparts, is anyone picking up the phone?

3) LU needs to be seen as Christian intellectual and not a farm system for the Republican Party (when I was there) and the Trump army now. We make a big deal about moral issues being the problem, but go look at BYU’s policies. Those in academia do not care as much as we think they do about our politics or morals, they care about our processes. Are you emphasizing sound research methodology? In fact, sound Christian researchers get a good bit of respect because the perceived bar is set so low for us.

4) LU must find a way to attract and retain high level Christian faculty. They are the minority, but there are a lot out there. I have two friends at R1s that would accept positions at LU for next fall if there were some job security and the administration had degrees that at least matched theirs.

Athletically, LU is where it needs to be to move up. LU has an AD and football coach that are respected for their skills, if not their morals. LU has a basketball coach that is respected for both his skills and morals. LU has great facilities and a national fan base. LU has to fix the academic and administrative problems facing it. Fortunately, money and good administration can fix anything in a university. LU has one and can get the other.
ballcoach15, ATrain, willflop and 8 others liked this
By ATrain
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Big East hasn't ruled out expansion, but:
“And they include alignment with values, what they bring from a basketball perspective, what they bring from a brand perspective and from a TV market perspective. And then geography does matter. You’re not just traveling the basketball team or a football team once a week. You’re dealing with 22 sports and I’m not aware of any other schools that have come into any other league for basketball only.
https://www.nj.com/sports/2021/10/big-e ... ikely.html

I would love for us to take the BYU route: independent in football while our other teams compete in a decent basketball conference before being called up to a P5. Yes, we all know ballcoach thinks softball is the most important sport after football and will don sackcloth and ashes for a weeping and gnashing of teeth session if we joined the Big East or A-10, but either one would be a nice step up for our entire athletic department overall.
TallyW, LUOrange liked this
By paradox
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alabama24 wrote: October 24th, 2021, 10:48 pm Flexibility requires two parties. These conference realignments make it more difficult for us to schedule, not easier. Furthermore, future games could be in jeopardy.
That's true. But, another angle to consider with landing Malik....he had other opportunities. He was heavily leaning toward Troy (Sun Belt). His OC & QB coach at Auburn became head coach there. That was the sole reason. However, he was ultimately drawn to LU due to our schedule strength. True story. For what it's worth.
LUOrange, Liberty22, Kricket liked this
By lawdawg2002
@stokesjokes, thank you for the vote of confidence, but LU is not ready to make the changes necessary. there are still too many administrator and board family members suckling from the cash cow (see Schedule L, Part IV of LU's 990). maybe this will change, maybe it will not.
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By LUOrange
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Just a few of my thoughts on last week and some of your posts:

1. If McCaw did in fact turn down several G5 offers and/or still has a Sun Belt offer on his desk, then I'm definitely more comfortable with the probable state of conference realignment as it appears today and our ability to schedule.

2. Damian's article with McCaw's immediate response also calmed me down as he believes as I do, that more realignment is coming. It didn't sound like he's ruled anything out, including CUSA. He does continue to tout regional conferences, but he again says that a P5 is where we're headed and that "an intermediate" will work in the meantime. He may be saying the right things or I'm reading too much into it, but it's still hopeful.

3. It's hard to disagree with most of what our ASOR rookie, lawdawg2002, has posted about how other schools actually perceive us. We definitely need to keep improving our academic chops, especially on research, pay, job security (for all employees much less just professor)s, working environment, etc. It's definitely past time to get an actual permanent president that will actually do the job and build relationships with other schools and in the community. He also needs to be seen. Dr. Falwell was always visible and approachable all over CVA. I'd run into him or past him virtually everyday. I've yet to cross paths with Jr., Jonathon, or Prevo anywhere but on campus and that has been limited.

4. I differ slightly on BYU and the Republican farm system (as opposed to the offended-woke-socialist farm system that the vast majority of higher Ed has become). BYU is obviously more respected than us, but that's just because they're a more established bigger brand. Their ticket only got punched cause the B12 was desperate. Also, even huge Trump supporting grads like myself, don't want our president out on the campaign trail behaving in an undignified manner. I want Liberty to remain the home of Christian conservatism that our political leaders want to flock to, but again, we shouldn't be setting up campaign headquarters here either. Our emphasis should always be evangelism and education, and that can't be divorced from the moral and political issues of the day.

5. Bottom line we're either still Indy by choice or, because of our wealth, faith, and politics but magnified by society's political climate. But in essence, they don't want us doing to them, what we've done to the ASUN.

6. At this time, we need to really embrace being Indy. I think that means strengthening our schedule and trying to schedule at least 4 P5's a year and gradually increasing to at least 6 as we improve. This is necessary if we really want to emulate Notre Dame and BYU. We're starting to get top tiered recruits that want a Christian school. We can get to the point where the Tebows look our way first. But we've got to do our best to play enough P5's for them to consider us. We've already had recruits say that the multiple P5's we play were a big attraction here.
tyndal23, Kricket, LU 57 and 1 others liked this
By tyndal23
Here is my philosophy. Founders vision was top level. Ian has stated P5 and Indie works. if JR had the moral qualities to go along with his biz qualities, I have no doubt we would have shoved the $ and commitment in for Big 12 already.

Prevo can go out a hero being the Prez that got us to P5 even as a “ interim “ Prez.

Make the $ offer right now. ( it will most likely be rejected or put on ice )

When the next wave ( end of season and within 18 months max ) happens, we are on record as the school offering. Big $ buy in. When 2-4 more Big 12 teams go to PAC,Big 10,ACC, ( and I really think that is coming ) Our offer gets revisited as first one in. $ will mean even more at that point and it is Big 12 vs AAC for 5th best conference - ( but Big 12 still has a way bigger tv contract ).

Worst case we get buzz for $ and serious about being P5. Then if Indie is our only option we leverage that media buzz for scheduling and actually follow through.
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By Purple Haize
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@lawdawg2002 sounds like a member of The Dark Side. I wonder if he’s gunning for the job of Potentate Study
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By flamesfilmguy
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Purple Haize wrote:@lawdawg2002 sounds like a member of The Dark Side. I wonder if he’s gunning for the job of Potentate Study
It amazes me that the only requirement to join the dark side these days is to have a remotely realistic view of the school.
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By Have_a_Gansett_2011
I admit I was publicly critical of ADIM at first last week when all the movement happened, but I've calmed down now and am grateful for his leadership; I think he's positioning us for a good long-term strategy. I cannot more strongly agree with lawdawg on his assessment of LU's needs going forward. We all clearly love this school and its athletics, but I think a lot of the recommendations given would go a long way in creating an even better school and environment for Training Champions for Christ.

1. Overhaul board positions and change policies that limit the family grifting and rampant nepotism (This won't be accomplished quickly but process needs to begin now)
2a. Hire a new Chancellor that has spiritual focus, academic integrity, and Christ-like character.
2b. Hire a new President with strong academic resume (PhD, EdD, etc.) and supports a well-rounded institution
3. Increase IM/HF/RM salaries!
4. Get out of the ASUN!
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