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By Jonathan Carone
Hey everyone. I’ve got a new podcast coming out on March 8 that many of you might be interested in. It’s called Unlearning Youth Group.

In the show, we’re going to look at all the things we were taught - and things we taught as youth leaders - in the late 90s and early 2000s. The goal is to take those things, find what was good, unlearn the things that weren’t, and figure out where to go in life moving forward. The goal isn’t to deconstruct faith like so any are doing. Instead, we recognize good intentions can have bad results and we want to unlearn those so we don’t pass them on to our kids and future generations.

The preview episode is out now if you’d like to listen and subscribe.

Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/u ... 1551371783

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/7BghkGULe ... eKwWBKDZtA
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By Cider Jim
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Looking forward to your podcast, Super.

I was a brand new Christian when I joined my independent fundamental Baptist church's youth group in 1977, but I'll never forget 3 statements that 3 separate volunteer youth leaders made to me as a 15-year-old:

1. One youth leader from Georgia said he had "friends" who were Black, and he would pay for them to stay in a local hotel, but he would NEVER let a Black man sleep in his house.
2. One youth leader spoke harshly of Billy Graham because in the 1970s his hair was over his shirt collar.
3. One youth leader said he would never recommend LBC (now LU) because male students there could have sideburns to the bottom of their ear.

Two years later, youth leader number 2 said I could no longer work in my church's bus ministry because I had chosen to grow a teenage beard; a fourth youth leader said he was sorry to see that I was "backslidden" because of the same teenage beard.
flamehunter, CCWMichael liked this
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By Sly Fox
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I referred a student ministry consultant that I met with last week to be looking out for the podcast. Mrs. Sly & I just began a student Bible study so I'll be checking it out when it drops.
Jonathan Carone liked this
By paradox
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When my faith was a few short months old, I drove past a church that was called foursquare gospel. Wondered what foursquare gospel was, so I stopped in. They told me to come to service on Sunday to find out, so I did. The guy that invited me out to the service started speaking in tongues during the service. Another guy interpreted, "my children, my children, I love you, but there is sin in the assembly---adultery, fornication, drunkenness, and something about a used car salesman who apparently bought too many lottery tickets. And then, suddenly, I'm surrounded by all the elders. They lay hands on me, and speak incommunicably in tongues. I have no idea what's going on. I ask the elder who invited me out, and he responds, "you're the new Youth Pastor." Totally absurd, but true.
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By TH Spangler
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Wow, you guys choose some strange churches. I've never experienced anything like that. I always choose solid scripture centered ones. One's that teach like Dr Jeremiah, Dr. McGee, pastor Johnathan Falwell. The ones you mention don't seem to he teaching the gospel. Sounds like some kind of false doctrine.
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By Purple Haize
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TH Spangler wrote: February 7th, 2021, 7:10 am Wow, you guys choose some strange churches. I've never experienced anything like that. I always choose solid scripture centered ones. One's that teach like Dr Jeremiah, Dr. McGee, pastor Johnathan Falwell. The ones you mention don't seem to he teaching the gospel. Sounds like some kind of false doctrine.
Well when you’re a kid your parents usually decide where you go to church
Just John liked this
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By Cider Jim
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Sources say that both Purple and Jonathan have served as youth pastors. Which of two would have been a cooler youth pastor? :dontgetit
By paradox
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paradox wrote: February 7th, 2021, 1:02 am When my faith was a few short months old, I drove past a church that was called foursquare gospel. Wondered what foursquare gospel was, so I stopped in. They told me to come to service on Sunday to find out, so I did. The guy that invited me out to the service started speaking in tongues during the service. Another guy interpreted, "my children, my children, I love you, but there is sin in the assembly---adultery, fornication, drunkenness, and something about a used car salesman who apparently bought too many lottery tickets. And then, suddenly, I'm surrounded by all the elders. They lay hands on me, and speak incommunicably in tongues. I have no idea what's going on. I ask the elder who invited me out, and he responds, "you're the new Youth Pastor." Totally absurd, but true.

To clarify--I was about 18 when this happened--and had been a believer for only a few short months. The experience caught me completely by surprise. This was just the first thing that came to mind, when youth group was mentioned.

As far as things to be unlearned go, you would think that the "I kissed dating goodbye" movement would have to be up there for those who survived it. Also, possibly the whole combative apologetics scene may rank high for some.
stokesjokes, Just John liked this
By paradox
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Yeah, Christine O'Donnell was a poster child for all those shenanigans. Some of her statements on MTV and Bill Maher's show were really crazy and out of step with reality.

Makes you wonder if kids really bought into all that. Kinda like the whole anti-rock scene of the 80s. It would seem that the only people who listened to music backwards were traveling evangelists. Every Baptist kid broke the rules (with the exception of a few divinity students). I'd imagine that only a few actually bought into it--as with most things.
stokesjokes, Just John liked this
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By Purple Haize
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Cider Jim wrote: February 7th, 2021, 8:56 am Sources say that both Purple and Jonathan have served as youth pastors. Which of two would have been a cooler youth pastor? :dontgetit
I was absolutely cooler and still am 8) But there aren’t a lot of YP’s in their 50’s. Or even 40’s
We came up in different eras. My era was the foundation for what he experienced. The mid-late 90’s into early 2000’s are when all the ideas thoughts and plans came to fruition.
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By thepostman
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I had no idea PH was ever a youth pastor. Groundbreaking stuff. Haha

Also @TH Spangler I am glad you have attended nothing but great churches but there is a good reason why one of the most painful things when moving to a new area is finding a church. Talk to any military family or really anybody who moves frequently and they will tell you story after story of bad church experiences.

@Jonathan Carone I listened to the preview episode and I'm really excited for it. Good stuff man.
Jonathan Carone, ATrain liked this
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By Jonathan Carone
paradox wrote: February 7th, 2021, 9:57 am Yeah, Christine O'Donnell was a poster child for all those shenanigans. Some of her statements on MTV and Bill Maher's show were really crazy and out of step with reality.

Makes you wonder if kids really bought into all that. Kinda like the whole anti-rock scene of the 80s. It would seem that the only people who listened to music backwards were traveling evangelists. Every Baptist kid broke the rules (with the exception of a few divinity students). I'd imagine that only a few actually bought into it--as with most things.
Talk to marriage counselors or psychologists in general and they will all tell you the psychological toll purity culture put in the kids that went through it was not only real, but very wide spread.
JK37, ATrain liked this
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By Sly Fox
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I feel confident the sound track to Haize's experience was better. :mrgreen:

I'm in my 50s and didn't ask for this assignment I now have in front of us. God is blessing us already in spite of us.

As for the well-intentioned but misguided movements of the past few decades, the problem IMHO was a focus away from the Gospel and too much emphasis on culture. Then again I suspect that I am preaching to the choir.
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By thepostman
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My true love waits story:

6th grade i was in a youth group in Orlando and we were going through the curriculum. At the end there was a banquet and everybody would say the true love waits pledge and either your mom or your dad would put the ring on your finger.

Well, we moved to Maine the week before the banquet so my parents held a mini ceremony in one of my grandma's bedrooms where I said the pledge and my mom put the ring on my finger. It was the most painfully awkward thing ever. Needless to say that was the last time I ever talked to my parents about sex.

I have so many awkward youth group stories but Jon mentioned purity culture and I instantly thought of that. I know these things were done with good intentions but the long term negative impacts they have had can not be understated. So needless to say, I really appreciate someone covering this in podcast form as it is my go to media while working.
ATrain liked this
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By TH Spangler
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Sly Fox wrote: February 7th, 2021, 11:00 am I feel confident the sound track to Haize's experience was better. :mrgreen:

I'm in my 50s and didn't ask for this assignment I now have in front of us. God is blessing us already in spite of us.

As for the well-intentioned but misguided movements of the past few decades, the problem IMHO was a focus away from the Gospel and too much emphasis on culture. Then again I suspect that I am preaching to the choir.
Focusing on the Gospel is critical, do that and good results follow.

If you ask me to many pastors, churches have gone in the opposite direction now days, by trying to embrace the present culture. You have to engage it but you don't have to embrace it.
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By Purple Haize
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Sly Fox wrote: February 7th, 2021, 11:00 am I feel confident the sound track to Haize's experience was better. :mrgreen:

I'm in my 50s and didn't ask for this assignment I now have in front of us. God is blessing us already in spite of us.

As for the well-intentioned but misguided movements of the past few decades, the problem IMHO was a focus away from the Gospel and too much emphasis on culture. Then again I suspect that I am preaching to the choir.
I certainly thought I had a great soundtrack for my meetings. In my last stint the kids didn’t think so :D Which is why I needed to “train up a child in the way they should go so when they are old they can still rock to it!”

The 80’s were the Evangelical Cancel Culture
The 90’s were the Purity Culture
The 2000’s have been the Relevant Culture.

But the 80’s still had the best music. I even ordered special Multicolored Vinyl re releases of 3 of Resurrection Bands album ( Colors, DMZ and Mommy Doesn’t Love Daddy Anymore). But I digress.
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By TH Spangler
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Just teach the word and trust the Holy Spirit. Add some prayer. That should be the goal for the 2020's.

Last edited by TH Spangler on February 7th, 2021, 11:53 am, edited 1 time in total.
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By Cider Jim
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Mrs. Cider has youth group stories about her independent fundamental Baptist church in West Texas where the youth pastor in the 1970s became the senior pastor in the 1980s, and he's still there!

In her youth group , the kids ranged in age from 6th graders to college students/soldiers from Fort Bliss. To me, that wide of an age range sent up major red flags to me :shock: , but she thought it was fine.
By paradox
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I think that still goes on in churches of all stripes. Churches, in general, are missing the boat with that 16-21 age group. Lumping them in with younger kids misses the mark on so many levels. The most vital questions of life and existence are a relevant focus during these years. But sadly, they are largely ignored.
By JK37
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paradox wrote: February 21st, 2021, 12:22 pm I think that still goes on in churches of all stripes. Churches, in general, are missing the boat with that 16-21 age group. Lumping them in with younger kids misses the mark on so many levels. The most vital questions of life and existence are a relevant focus during these years. But sadly, they are largely ignored.
Agreed, but that is the most relevant word. Those types don’t like questions. Despite being raised in such a church, I’m grateful for a father and mother who didn’t just take for granted everything said or preached was right by default. Critical thinking was not only permitted, but encouraged.

And that’s my main issue. Same as in education. Too many parents relinquish their role as the primary authority and defer too much to church and school. Church and school are assistant coach; parents have to keep the head coach role. Stay active, be alert. When we parents are judged, “but the church/school said _______” will not be a sufficient defense for poor leadership.
By paradox
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Partly true. The exception would be those parents who are ill-equipped for various reasons. And there are many.
By JK37
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paradox wrote: February 21st, 2021, 7:23 pm Partly true. The exception would be those parents who are ill-equipped for various reasons. And there are many.
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