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By Tnobes
Jonathan Carone wrote: January 11th, 2021, 10:40 am
Jonathan Carone wrote: January 11th, 2021, 8:10 am Charlie Kirk sponsored 80 buses taking people to the Capitol Riots to “fight for this president.”

Even more reason to shut down Falkirk.
To add to this:

On Kirk's radio show, Eric Metaxas - who is on the Liberty payroll - said "We need to fight to the death, to the last drop of blood" in the lead up to last Wednesday.

Kirk then defended and sympathized with the rioters.

Liberty needs to drop the Falkirk Center this week.
Calling the gathering on Wednesday a "riot" is very misleading, and I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt that you aren't purposely misleading
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By Tnobes
Jonathan Carone wrote: January 11th, 2021, 8:10 am Charlie Kirk sponsored 80 buses taking people to the Capitol Riots to “fight for this president.”

Even more reason to shut down Falkirk.
Would you feel the same way if someone sponsored busses to a black lives matter gathering?
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By Tnobes
thepostman wrote: January 11th, 2021, 11:49 am The Veggie Tales guy is Phil Vischer and he is a great follow on twitter if you all are interested.

Rhetoric like that of Eric Metaxas is never beneficial and only leads to justification for radicals.
Phil Vischer is an apostate, to call him a Christian is an insult to Christianity
By paradox
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Liberty is that big evangelical tent that leans conservative. He should be welcome here. LU has always been a refuge for those coming from the Hyles or Jones camp. That's a good thing.

Personally, I'm not into any kind of talk that involves the words heretic or apostate. But I do believe in helping a brother out. LU has helped many.
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By Purple Haize
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Grew up with a friend who has since passed. He was a Hyles grad. Pastor and head of a school. Solid dude. We agreed we approached things differently but both agreed we had the same faith and end game in mind. He had friends that gave him grief for inviting me on campus etc but it never phased him.
Good dude. I miss him. We need more like him
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By Sly Fox
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Suffice it to say that my family is no longer on the Hyles Family Christmas Card list. :lol:

Serious question: Is the reputed apostasy of Phil Vischer in refernce to his "Race in America" video this past summer? Honestly I haven't heard anything else in a negative fashion about him since he squandered away his franchise.
JK37 liked this
By stokesjokes
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#620550 ... post-video

There was also this recent one explaining the history of the modernist/fundamentalist controversy and then the evangelical/fundamentalist divide that got him into some hot water with Ken Ham. He describes fundamentalists as “rejecting mainstream science” and used a stock photo of Ken Ham. Ham was not thrilled.

Twitter thread:

Then they devoted a podcast episode to flesh out the history more, including “flood geology” from the 17/1800s and the early fundamentalist and evangelical views on it all. Fascinating listen.

It’s stuff like this that has shaped the reforming of my faith- learning how recent a lot of the theology I was taught to take for granted really is.

But anyway, risking derailing another thread. Skye Jethani for LU president :lol:
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By Just John
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paradox wrote: January 11th, 2021, 4:03 pm
stokesjokes wrote: January 11th, 2021, 12:16 pm The Metaxas issue is very sad. What has come to light with him is how deep he is in some of the more problematic parts of the charismatic/prophetic side of evangelicalism. He built a reputation on intellectualism with his biographies and academic credentials, but it has turned out his theology is very suspect. He has linked Trump to his own and others’ prophetic visions and Biblical interpretations that he is unable to disentangle from them.

You guys might be overreacting just a little. He doesn't seem to fit the mold of any of these claims. I assume he's still Episcopalian. Words like prophetic and vision can be applied to Dostoevsky's literary warnings in his novels, which turned out to be true, btw. Augustine's City of God is another example. Kierkegaard is often read this way as well.
He contrasts very sharply with a figure like Robert Jeffress, who has solid theological training and was only joined to Trump based on a desire for influence and just as easily moved on when Trump was no longer the target of that influence.
Sadly, no overreaction. I used to listen to Eric and enjoyed it. I'm not really sure what happened to him. It's not his support of Trump but rather his divorce from reason that strikes me. Below are quotes from him in an interview with Charlie Kirk in December as written about by his friend of 20 years, Rod Dreher. Dreher is also a believer, not a never-Trumper, and has referred to Metaxas as "a dear man, very kind and sincere, and loves God with all his heart". But he was concerned with some of the extremes Metaxes has gone. It's worth the read but I know many may not have the time or be inclined so I have highlighted many of Metaxas statements. ... t-by-lies/

Figure 1


.Figure 2

Figure 3
By paradox
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My point is that maybe he's a little too enthusiastic about something you disagree with. You're intellectually mature enough to disagree, move on, and then find common ground with a brother? Right?

Is Socrates in the City a bad thing? What about Veritas Forum? Don't these things add to LU? Can't imagine this not being of value to the student body.

The Samaritan Purse guy, Franklin Graham isn't off limits to attacks here either. Who's next, alum Shannon Bream? Gotta take her down too. She's buddies w/Britt Hume. Kinda conservative too.
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By Just John
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In a later piece, Dreher wrote about the "Jericho March" on the National Mall in DC on Dec 12th at which Metaxas mc'd. It included many presenters including Lance Wallnau, Alex Jones, Gen. Flynn, speakers calling for Trump to invoke the Insurrection Act and some pastor from the "Black Robe Regiment", some fiery rhetoric and militaristic threats and shofars d'jour.

It's really fascinating reading. ... cho-march/

Last but not least, there was the 2019 interview on Metaxis radio program with noted "queer" Milo Yiannopoulos promo'd as below. IMO, I wouldn't have given this guy 4 minutes, much less 4 daily segments. But apparently the friend of my friend is my friend,

Part 1: Milo Yiannopoulos is back and talks all things Trump-- from his signature ties, to the Mueller Report, to how journalism treats the presidency overall. (aired 4/23/19)

Part 2: Eric and Milo Yiannopoulos explore the work of musical icons including Mariah Carey, Elton John, and Richard Wagner; Milo also reveals the latest in his life with his most recent book, “How to Be Poor.” (aired 4/24/19)

Part 3: In our third installment during Milo week, the “How to Be Poor” author discusses campaigning for “Daddy” Trump, Pope Benedict’s assessment of unraveling sexual ethics, and the loss of manliness throughout Christian churches. (aired 4/25/19)

Part 4: Milo Week concludes as Yiannopoulos shares his designs for a new conservative news platform, ponders the government’s role in protecting free speech, and shares his thoughts on the burning of the Notre Dame cathedral. (aired 4/26/19)

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By Just John
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paradox wrote: January 13th, 2021, 12:53 am My point is that maybe he's a little too enthusiastic about something you disagree with. You're intellectually mature enough to disagree, move on, and then find common ground with a brother? Right?

Is Socrates in the City a bad thing? What about Veritas Forum? Don't these things add to LU? Can't imagine this not being of value to the student body.

The Samaritan Purse guy, Franklin Graham isn't off limits to attacks here either. Who's next, alum Shannon Bream? Gotta take her down too. She's buddies w/Britt Hume. Kinda conservative too.
You seem to think I have a problem with conservatives. I don't. I am one. My political hero is Ronald Reagan. I campaigned for Buchannan in 88. (Wouldn't do it today but I was younger then. :D ).

But at some point when one crosses the line so far, IMO, they lose credibility and there usefulness in the arena is lessened. That's why pastors who fool around or take money out of the figurative offering plate are typically fired, or at least put on the sidelines for a time of restoration. Compartmentalization of ethics/standards/principles in leaders is generally not a good thing in leaders where credibility is desired.
By paradox
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Not a big deal, you just disagree w/him on a few issues. No one is gonna be in complete agreement with everyone all the time. That's not realistic. The bottom line is you gotta think for yourself.
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By Just John
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paradox wrote: January 13th, 2021, 1:25 am Not a big deal, you just disagree w/him on a few issues.
It's there we differ. I could enjoy a meal with him as a Christian brother though we definitely would disagree on some theological and political issues. But I wouldn't put him on my staff as a representative of my beliefs. Big difference.
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By Just John
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paradox wrote: January 13th, 2021, 1:37 amWhy?
It's pretty simple. When one makes so many incredulous public statements as I posted, believes "if God gives you a vision, that's all you need to know", gives credence to guys like Milo...I don't want him representing me. It would be like Doc hiring Ann Giminez to work at TRBC. She and her husband John, until he died, were pastors at a charismatic church in DC area and very involved in conservative politics during the Moral Majority days and loved Doc. He would fellowship with them and agree with them on some things but there were limits. They weren't coming to preach at Super Conference.

EDIT: You edited your comment to refer to "trivial disagreements". IMO, these are not trivial. And it's not just about "disagreeing" but more importantly, to what degree of of official participation.
Last edited by Just John on January 13th, 2021, 2:03 am, edited 1 time in total.
thepostman liked this
By paradox
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That's very unrealistic when you say they have to represent you personally. Only you can represent you. Universities have diversity. Ideally, you learn how to think and not what to think.
By stokesjokes
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I don’t know how you can read the things Metaxas has said and call them “trivial.” If anyone in the Christian community is responsible for the fervor that led to violence last week, it’s him. This isn’t simple disagreement. Metaxas has become dangerous. Sure, his past work was great, but he’s not that guy anymore.
By paradox
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So, in other words, let's just cancel all the christians who refuse to obey the left? And if you don't obey, we'll distort your positions and slander you. All in christian love, of course.
By stokesjokes
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I don’t understand where you get the impression that this is about “obeying the left,” other than if you didn’t read the quotes that @Just John posted.

Metaxas’ issues are three-fold: (1)bad epistemology and (2)bad theology that have led to (3) inflammatory and violent rhetoric.

He literally says “we need to fight to the death, to the last drop of blood” and you think condemning that is “obeying the left?”
By paradox
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The distortions, misrepresentations, accusations, condemnations are excessive. I think the line, "lighten up, Francis," may apply here.
Last edited by paradox on January 13th, 2021, 10:24 am, edited 1 time in total.
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