Our Christian foundation is what makes our university unique. This is the place to bring prayer requests, discuss theological issues and how to become better Champions for Christ.

Moderators: jcmanson, Sly Fox, BuryYourDuke

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By Class of 20Something
I have had a few friendships really develop through all of this. It’s been really nice to get closer to some folks.

My wife is still at her office and daughters ELC is still open so the fam hasn’t been on top of each other. But we’ve been eating planned meals more and have made some home improvements in the past week.

What are your praises through the storm?
By JK37
Registration Days Posts
Since I’m working remotely and can work from anywhere, and my daughter’s school is canceled for the foreseeable — we packed up the car and came to stay with my side of the family. Overdue for us to get down to see them, much-needed for my wife. A week prior we were trying to plan to do so, and we couldn’t make it happen. God made a way through all this. Praise Him!
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By Purple Haize
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I currently still have a job and that’s a huge praise in this environment. Further we got good news corporately that will help with our bottom line and 10’s of thousands of virus sufferers world wide
I’ll be honest I was really in some need of R and R and both opportunities were yanked from me due to the Virus so that’s been tough. We’ve had virtual meetings all week and there’s been a weird vibe. But I’m going to try to make the most of next week and see what happens
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By thepostman
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I was slated go travel a ton in the next 6 to 8 months but for the time being that has been halted. I'm very thankful for that as I can help out with the kids being home all day from school.

There isn't a ton of good coming out of this for me but I'm thankful for a steady paycheck as that isn't a sure thing for a lot of people right now.
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By Kolzilla41
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Well if there is any good news about the current state of the world, I have job security for a very long time. Being in healthcare right now is unnerving. I am so careful every day I go to work not to bring something home to my family. I am essential so the hours are long and exhausting but God has opened up some honest conversations with co-workers and my family. Some really good things have come out of that.
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By thepostman
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@Kolzilla41 I've been keeping health care providers in my prayers. Praying specifically for you and your family. Thanks for what you do.
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By Cider Jim
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Over Spring Break, I learned Microsoft Teams and learned how to post online quizzes on Blackboard. I've also been given approval to do most of my office hours from home in the Cider Ranch. And I've already got 3 confirmed Quiz Bowlers for my novice team next fall semester. I'm also thankful that my church is streaming its services.
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Game #4: East Carolina


Prayers please

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Election 2022 and 2024

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