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By thepostman
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As some of you all may have noticed, the Trump thread was inadvertently deleted over the weekend by a moderator. I have attempted to restore the thread as there is years of great (sometimes comical) conversation in that thread. I will continue to try to restore it but until then, bring all things Trump here.

I'll start it off with this gem.

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By Purple Haize
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What? Who deleted it? Names! Send them back!
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By thepostman
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Here is my hot take on this...maybe the president shouldn't spend time using such harsh language to describe a portion of the United States. That is debatable but this is why the Democrats are going to have a hard time beating Trump in 2020. They jump on literally everything he says and make it sound like the worst thing in the world so that when he actually does or says something truly offensive it is just lost in the noise. It's the boy who called wolf syndrome and it isn't effective.

On top of all of that, other then a very small area, Baltimore is an awful area and it super sad to see. So he is actually right. The politicians in that city have failed their residents.
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By Purple Haize
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thepostman wrote: July 28th, 2019, 9:14 am

Here is my hot take on this...maybe the president shouldn't spend time using such harsh language to describe a portion of the United States. That is debatable but this is why the Democrats are going to have a hard time beating Trump in 2020. They jump on literally everything he says and make it sound like the worst thing in the world so that when he actually does or says something truly offensive it is just lost in the noise. It's the boy who called wolf syndrome and it isn't effective.

On top of all of that, other then a very small area, Baltimore is an awful area and it super sad to see. So he is actually right. The politicians in that city have failed their residents.
It’s only wrong and repugnant because Trump said or did it. That’s pretty much the Democrat line. He’s spot on about Baltimore but since he’s the one bringing it up Democrats and Never Trumpers will feign a case of the vapors. Same playbook about S Hole Countries and their being a Crisis At the Border. Just to name a few. Could the delivery be more eloquent? Perhaps. But too many people get caught up in that as opposed to the message
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By alabama24
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Purple Haize wrote: July 28th, 2019, 9:35 am It’s only wrong and repugnant because Trump said or did it.
Apparently Bernie Sanders said something similar a few years back.

I do not like the President. I find him repugnant. However, he could rescue a cat from a tree and would be accused of grabbing... uh, never mind.

I see three things about his tweets. First, many are vile comments which I can't get behind. Second, he uses them to get his message past the pundits and the press. Some of his tweets make good points. Of course, any good message he has is lost on the 47% who wants him impeached. Lastly, he is often just hitting back. There is a sense in which I can appreciate that. The left, including the majority of the media, hates all things conservative or traditional. It wouldn't matter which Republican held the office, the press would beat him up daily. See GW. Many Americans feel that they have been attacked relentlessly by these people and they see Trump as standing up for them. Who knows what will happen this cycle, but the more he is attacked, the more his base rally's to support him.

I don't think we will ever return to the days of sitting at the grown up table.
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By chris leedlelee
Trump has a valid point though. Cummings, after being in office for so many years, hasn't done anything for his district. Trump is basically using the "get the plank out of your own eye before you call out the speck in mine" principle. It's so surprising to see the left come out and defend Baltimore as a wonderful place when it clearly has not been doing well for many years.
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By Class of 20Something
chris leedlelee wrote: July 28th, 2019, 10:29 am It's so surprising to see the left come out and defend Baltimore as a wonderful place when it clearly has not been doing well for many years.
This is causing minority groups that live in the filth to see the left for what they are though.
By ATrain
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The President is right. Baltimore is dangerous and dirty, especially when compared to every other major city in the Northeast Corridor!
By phoenix
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alabama24 wrote: July 28th, 2019, 10:28 am
I do not like the President. I find him repugnant. However, he could rescue a cat from a tree and would be accused of grabbing... uh, never mind.
Yeah, this. I'm suggesting that he come out in favor of everything he's actually against - he'd probably get more done that way.
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By TH Spangler
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Liberal MSM is now trying turn Trump's "economic" nationalism, putting Americans first, into "white" nationalism. Economic nationalism is about persuading US based multinational companies to make more of what they produce here. Hire ALL Americans, not white Americans? I think most people can see past the nonsense. I hope!
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By Purple Haize
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Epstein got suicided
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By thepostman
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The Epstein story is just plain insanity. He had dirt on so many powerful people including politicians on the left and the right. I guess we finally found what could bring them together. It is a shame, especially for the victims, that we will never know how sick and how deep all of this went.
By olldflame
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Purple Haize wrote: August 10th, 2019, 2:20 pm Epstein got suicided
It's certainly possible. My gut feeling is that, having lived a life where he literally had and did everything he wanted, he couldn't deal with the much different future he was facing and decided to end it. Either way, someone should be held accountable at that prison. They had to know he was a prime candidate to die, whether at his own hand or at the bidding of those who would benefit from his death.
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By Jonathan Carone
I find it amusing that the one thing people from both parties agree on is that this wasn’t an actual suicide.

Then watching them explain why it was Trump or Clinton behind it is so very entertaining.
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By Purple Haize
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Jonathan Carone wrote: August 10th, 2019, 8:43 pm I find it amusing that the one thing people from both parties agree on is that this wasn’t an actual suicide.

Then watching them explain why it was Trump or Clinton behind it is so very entertaining.
I would say the Clintons lead then “Others” followed by Trump.
I did laugh at the new word “Arkancide”
By olldflame
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Jimmy Dore has been telling this joke in his stand-up act for at least a few days:

"Hillary Clinton just tweeted "I feel really bad about Jeffery Epstein committing suicide next Tuesday.""

Jimmy Dore probably hates Donald Trump as much as anyone on the planet.

The video of the actual joke comes just after the 4 minute mark. Much less NSFW language than usual for Dore, but there is a bit.
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By RubberMallet
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jimmy dore is the best leftist voice beside glenn greenwald.
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By adam42381
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What do you guys think about Trump saying “gd" multiple times at his recent rally? I thought he was a Christian or whatever?
By rogers3
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adam42381 wrote: August 12th, 2019, 5:08 pm What do you guys think about Trump saying “gd" multiple times at his recent rally? I thought he was a Christian or whatever?
He is a whatever.
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By thepostman
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Certainly not the first time and won't be the last. I think most Christians who support him have given up on claiming that. The ones who haven't are probably not all there in the head.
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