If you want to talk ASUN smack or ramble ad nauseum about your favorite pro or major college teams, this is the place to let it rip.

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By JakeP50
Registration Days Posts
8-2 win over the Jays, the AL East belongs to the Birds of Baltimore. In September of 1997 I wasn't even three years old yet. If we win the World Series, I don't care what I have to do or what classes I have to miss I am going to the parade.
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By adam42381
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JakeP50 wrote:If we win the World Series, I don't care what I have to do or what classes I have to miss I am going to the parade.
Thanks for reiterating the point you made just 8 days ago.
JakeP50 wrote:If the O's DO win the World Series, I'm going to the parade I do not care what classes I have to miss.
By JakeP50
Registration Days Posts
adam42381 wrote:
JakeP50 wrote:If we win the World Series, I don't care what I have to do or what classes I have to miss I am going to the parade.
Thanks for reiterating the point you made just 8 days ago.
JakeP50 wrote:If the O's DO win the World Series, I'm going to the parade I do not care what classes I have to miss.
I was excited last night when I posted, I forgot about saying it before.
By flamehunter
Registration Days Posts
I would love to see a rematch of the '79 world series, with the same result - Bucs in seven!

(I know, I know, but a guy can dream can't he?)
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By Cider Jim
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In my office in the library, I brought in my Buck Showalter bobblehead for good luck! Feel free to come by and pat his head. :D
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By LUminary
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Cider Jim wrote:I brought in my Buck Showalter bobblehead for good luck!
Keep it up. It's working.

I had a teacher in middle school that was Buck's uncle or some close relative. He was "Mr. Showalter." Looked a lot like Buck, who I also refer to as "Mr. Showalter."
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By Cider Jim
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I saw this on FB and had to share it:
While tutoring an 8 year old this morning...
Child: why do you have an orange duck on your phone?
Me: Lol! It's not a duck it's an Oriole
Kid: Like the cookie?
Me: No, that's an Oreo. This is an orioLe
Kid: oh is that a team?
Me: Yes, it's a baseball team I like...I...
Kid: (interrupting) Sorry. I don't follow football.
Kids say the darnest things!
Go Oreo Ducks...my favorite football team!
— feeling amused.
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By LUminary
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Man, it's fun to be an O's fan right now. Offensive barrage last night, and heck of a comeback today. The Tigers' bullpen stinks. Shame to have that good of starting pitching and no backup. But I'll take it.
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By Cider Jim
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The O's made the playoffs today as a wildcard team. :clapping
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By Purple Haize
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Cider Jim wrote:BUMP

The O's made the playoffs today as a wildcard team. :clapping
While in Chicago I got Mrs Purple and I 'Try Not To Suck' shirts
Now they have We Don't Suck t shirts. Guess I'll have to go back up
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By LUminary
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Cider Jim wrote:BUMP

The O's made the playoffs today as a wildcard team. :clapping
Blue Jays on Tuesday!
By ballcoach15
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If Orioles can get by Blue Birds and advance, they could reach World Series................................if they get decent pitching.
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By adam42381
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Buck should be fired for not going with Britton at any point. Brutal mismanagement.
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By RubberMallet
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3 worst consecutive pitches in MLB playoff history
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By Cider Jim
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Britton (or Bundy) could have likely gotten them out of the inning. Britton has a 0.55 ERA and never even got into the game.
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By Purple Haize
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flamehunter wrote:Pirates are 6-1. Gotta brag while I can. :pbjtime
Are they still Triple A?
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