If roundball is your blood, this is the place to discuss the Flames as they move into the Ritchie McKay era for the 2nd time.

Moderators: jcmanson, Sly Fox, BuryYourDuke

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By jcmanson
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I know we've discussed how many high level christian athletes there are competing. I've also heard it said that if they all came to LU we could be a major player on the sports scene.

I put this thread here because I was watching the 700 club yesterday, and they were interviewing bball players at the Final Four who were christians. I was amazed at how many had a professed faith in Christ! It was awesome! There were a couple on each team, including Lee Humphrey of Florida.

I don't see why we can't lure these guys to LU. Why would they not want to come here? I understand not getting some of them if they can go win a national championship elsewhere, but for others who are at mid-majors such as George Mason, why can we not get them here? I think these athletes should be our#1 priority. Maybe they are, and we just haven't been able to get them in. I don't know.
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By Brokeback Flamer
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WOW This may become the longest thread EVER on the Men's Hoop board. At least until someone puts up a Meyer v Dunton post LOL

Never being afraid to jump in the fray..........
1. Conference
2. TV exposure
3. Tradition
4. School Rules
5. Name Recognition
6. Facilities (Sure the Vines could be great to play in but as a practice facility it is awful)
7. Reputation. Sort of like tradition but different.

There are things that our coaches battle everyday. The women's team seems to have overcome that to some extent as has our "olympic" (re Non Revenue) sports. But when it comes to the two majors, that is where the fun begins!
By A.G.
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Great points, Brokeback. The level of play in the conference is IT. Sure, LU may get a Katie Fenstra, but who's to say the only reason we got her was because we got her sister, too? All in all, the GREAT athletes, Christian or non-Christian, want to play against and with the best possible players. That ain't happ'nin in the Big South. It is unrealistic to expect that LU is going to get the top-notch Christian athletes simply because we are LU or because we have godly men of integrity leading out teams. Those of you who expect we can are living in a fanstasy world.
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By jcmanson
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I understand that the best players want to play against the best possible players, but I think we should be able to grab one or two in the top 150 every year or two. I don't understand why we shouldn't be able to do this.
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By TallyW
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The way we quickly play the best players is when we attract some ourself. Many of the 'rules' that would run off a solid Christian kid are gone. The dress code is much more relaxed and the campus is looking terrific. I still think we will see a class come in at some point and make a run together. Can you imagine a George Mason type of run by a Division 1 Christian University? If we recruited a few top-notched guys, our MBB team could make an impact. It only takes a few runs like that to start to get considered among the elite each year. Gonzaga doesn't have much on us and they will continue to be a power for years to come. I for one do believe we should be able to get a handful of kids who want to make an impact. Bring them and and let them know that they are specifically here to put us on the map and we'll schedule plenty of OOC schools to get them exposure. If you're good enough to go pro, you will be noticed.

As for exposure, I do think our TV capability is one of the most under-utilized aspects of the ministry on the mountain. If someone took that as a project, I could see the day when we have a more powerful Liberty Channel that gets into homes across the country and provides a bit of national coverage that a student couldn't get at a state school. At minimum we could go into some major markets and use it as a recruiting tool.
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By Flamesfanva
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TallyW wrote: As for exposure, I do think our TV capability is one of the most under-utilized aspects of the ministry on the mountain. If someone took that as a project, I could see the day when we have a more powerful Liberty Channel that gets into homes across the country and provides a bit of national coverage that a student couldn't get at a state school. At minimum we could go into some major markets and use it as a recruiting tool.
Need to find a way to get the Liberty Channel carried on DirecTV. They carry the BYU Channel, we need to get ours carried and then highlight LU athletics even more so than they do now.
By A.G.
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OK. I will SCREAM this from the Mountain top, one last time, for you clowns that just don't get it:


That's it! That's the list!
By LUconn
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The Liberty Channel is a double edged sword. Sometimes it's good exposure; often times it's embarrassing.
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By PAmedic
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I gotta agree w/ the point that if DirecTv can carry that BYU channel and the Catholic one, they should be willing to p/u the Liberty Channel.
By Guest
PAmedic wrote:I gotta agree w/ the point that if DirecTv can carry that BYU channel and the Catholic one, they should be willing to p/u the Liberty Channel.
Don't fall in love with Television. Studies show that local coverage of games reduces the attendance at games, especially in situations like this. I for one would rather watch the game on tv then fight the traffic to watch an LU game. (Especially now that they have reserved about 1,500 parking spots for the 50 flames club members!!) It is important to be able to black out the games locally until we are near capacity at the Vines or A L Williams
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By TallyW
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Get off the conference. Without using google, how many teams do you know in the West Coast Conference?

Thought so.

That's a lame excuse. People who sit around and whine about their current position never get anywhere.


As for the Liberty Channel.
I do see it as a viable opportunity with the right investment. It is true that to date the operations are stale but the technology is at hand. What is needed is an aggressive and creative mind to get in there and get things going. With the spread of technology the way it is, there is no reason why we can't get higher quality programming on the station. I personally don't know who is running it or what their budget is... but the concept is nice. Football nationally on TV as well as our other major sports would do a lot for the school. If anything, add revenues would see an increase based on being able to say "We broadcast to a potential audience of ____million."

You can do interview shows with our head coaches, sell time to some churches or even buy some syndicated programming that everyone watches over and over. As long as the content doesn't dishonor Christ we should be able to show it. We've got to use this medium to it's fullest.

I still firmly believe that if we can walk into a recruits home and say that all of your home games will be broadcast around the country on DirectTV and your family and friends can watch you for the next 4 years... we'd get some attention. In addition we'd have to find a few athetes who are willing to take a risk on LU and then use them to sell the program to others. "Why not Liberty?" can become the cry for a few guys who are ranked high and just want to make a splash on the national scene without keeping their faith silent. People won't have to look at the 700 club to find out what your faith is and what you're life is all about. Our country has nearly 300 million people, I believe we can land 3-5 great basketball players every two years.
By krh44
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Guest I agree with your comment about blacking out the games in the local area or atleast delay them. It is difficult for me on a cold night to get up from sitting in the fireplace watching the games on the Liberty Channel to drive to the campus and have to park at Marriott because all of the spots are reserved for the Flames Club. For that matter one of the last games I went to we played Winthrop and there was a vehicle parked right in front covered in WU decals.

On the topic of The Libety CHannel, Why don't we air the football games like we did in the 90s?

Tallyw- About the coaches show, why don't we have The Randy Dutton Show or Coach Rocco show? We have our network, that shouldn't be a problem. As much as I love the "Over the Hill Gang" I would rather be watching a show about the LU sports teams.
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By TallyW
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I'm with ya. The Liberty Channel seems to be used currently as a 'thank you' for the older folks who have given to LU in the past. That's fine but it's not going to add to the legacy those same people were trying to leave behind by investing in LU.

I agree about a Rocco show or a Dunton show. It would be FANTASTIC for LU to do these shows and even put highlights on their "Live from Liberty" program which seems to be a cover for updating the Old Time Gospel Hour. We can do in studio interviews and even show clips from the team practice and have the coaches talk about expectations, previous games, outlooks, etc. Liberty could even buy some local time in Lynchburg and show these shows once a week during the season to let the community have a glimpse inside the Liberty Bubble. IF we can show the community that we're down to earth and want to provide them a great family atmosphere on the mountain, they may become "flame fans" (pun intended).

Who runs the place? Tell them I offer my services :) I'll hire SLY and SCAR to round out the team and we'll be good to go! :)
By LUconn
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Santa Clara
UC Berkley?
SD State?

So I knew 2 and guessed on 3. Do I win something? I can't even remember the name of that team that took it to GU in the WCC championship and I actually watched that game.

Nobody's saying it can't be done in the Big South. But it surely doesn't make things any easier. The school's culture is handicapping itself in so many ways right out of the box our cellar dweller conference pushes our mediocraty (if that) over the edge. It's like jamming a stick in the spokes of a champion wheelchair racer who's racing against regular olympians. We're already in a wheelchair, we don't need a freaking stick in our spokes.
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By TallyW
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:) Wow... a stretch LUconn... but you do win a hug from Brokeback
By krh44
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That was Loyola Marymount, that should have been the easy one if you followed basketball in the early 90s. They could put up some points back then with Bo Kimble and Hank Gaithers. They should have beat Gonzaga if that guy wouldn't have bricked a wide open lay up!!!!
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By PAmedic
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LUconn wrote: It's like jamming a stick in the spokes of a champion wheelchair racer who's racing against regular olympians. We're already in a wheelchair, we don't need a freaking stick in our spokes.
That was one heck of an illiteration. Love it.
By A.G.
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What LUCONN said!! LU would have to put a Wintrhop-like run to start getting a sniff at the top Christian players. To do that (initially) we would have to start getting shady with some of the players we bring in. Coach Dunton won't compromise the integrity of his program to do that.
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By jcmanson
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I'm not saying we have to get the TOP christian athletes, just an athlete or two a year NEAR the top. If we do that we should be able to string together some Winthrop-like runs that would then get us to get the TOP christian athletes.

I couldn't agree more with getting the Liberty Channel on DirecTV and the coach's shows. This goes along with being able to get some of the better christian athletes in here. We have alot to offer them. Yes, the big south is a third rate conference, but this shouldn't be our excuse. Look at Gonzaga, no way we couldn't or shouldn't be able to do the same thing.
By A.G.
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hmmmmm. Seattle? or Lynchburg? Now THAT'S a tough one.
I guess I will have to be the nay-sayer here (suprise, suprise), but it ain't gonna happen in the Big South, unless we develop some sort of Euro pipeline like the women have done. They elevated their program and are probably at the point where they CAN make a run at some of the top Christian athletes. Personally, I think that would be the way it MIGHT be accomplished.
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By Sly Fox
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Actually Gonzaga is in Spokane.
By A.G.
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Oops. Guess you can say,
Gonzaga is spokane here!
By SuperJon
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San Francisco is in the same conference as Gonzaga.

Reasons we don't get people:

Horrible conference

Not many athletes want to be forced to take GNED 101, GNED 102, two semesters of Theology, Old Testament, New Testament, Evangelism, and Creation Studies. That's 8 classes that they wouldn't have to take at a secular school.

The Liberty Channel is not great. The only time any student watches it is for a game.

There are tons of Christians out there that can't stand Jerry Falwell.

Lynchburg ain't the most exciting place in the world.

The Liberty Way

I could go on. There's no way the top athletes will come here on a regular basis.

People ask me about Liberty and if I mention the rules they always ask what they are. After I go through a couple of them they wonder how the heck I survive at a school like Liberty. I have twice as many rules now than I did in high school. The average athlete is not going to want to come into that, Christian or not.
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By TallyW
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SJ... most of your prognosis has nothing to do with Christian Athletes.

I personally find it amazing that people with so little vision end up going to a school that didn't exist 35 years go. I find it amazing how people can look around the mountain and see all that has been done in under 4 decades and yet they still say things like "NEVER gonna happen". It's absolutely insane to me. It drives me nuts that so many people are okay with accepting the status quo and believing that things can't get better...that a Christian University is doomed to be second rate.

Liberty can make it happen and instead of going on and on about pointing out the obvious... this board (and our alumni base in general) would be better off if we use our brains and drum up ways to make things happen. The fact remains that there ARE great foundations to build on at LU... the BONES are great.

In just the last 5 years how many people would have thought that faith would get as much television play as it does today? How many people would have thought a movie about Jesus would have become one of the greatest grossing movies ever! Dana Kirpatrick would have just stopped her journey years ago if people gave her all the reasons why a WOMAN will never be one of most popular race car drivers on the circuit.

All I'm saying is this... Liberty CAN and WILL become a powerful D-1 school. AND it will do so while lifting up the name of Christ. I'm sorry for all of those who can only see short-sighted. I wish you were able to enjoy these years as the school and it's programs grow.

Okay... that felt better...
By Stevev
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I hear what you say Tallyw. In order for that to happen we would have to make numerous changes in all aspects of the entire sports program. The status quo will not work here. What I am trying to say we will never get to that point with the way things are run right now. Not to mention that the performance of our 2 money sports are just killing our credibility right now.
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