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Moderators: jcmanson, Sly Fox, BuryYourDuke

By Hold My Own
Registration Days Posts
Alright guys, "You never know where your going unless you know where you've been" I'm getting back to the roots of our Message Board days (FireHouse) and starting the thread that allowed us to discuss basketball "stuff" among ourselves and we also had Coach drop by every now and then to give us updates on the programs current and future progress....
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By Sly Fox
Registration Days Posts
Good idea, HMO.
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By jcmanson
Registration Days Posts
Let me be the first to say GO Flames! I am a furnace fanatic!
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By PAmedic
Registration Days Posts
I second the emotion.
By intheknow
3 division 1 wins. 19 defeats. this is to holdmyown and slyfox. if you think brewington and anyone else is going to heip next year think again. the problem is not whos playing its whos coaching. do you know who came in the league this year. new coaches at coastal and charleston southern , good men and good coaches. also dont get to happy with brewington till he actually plays. all may be not what it seems. stay tuned. liberty is supposed to be an institution that is above standard in every aspect. you are not separating from the rest of the world with this type of coaching and ongoing soap opera. look behind the scenes and see what you find. someone earlier said the deese leaving and the coaching changes were suspect, he was right. dunton will never i repeat never admit he is wrong on anything. he is now possibly the 5th best coach in the big south and that is being kind. stay tune for more of intheknow.
By Ed Dantes
Registration Days Posts
intheknow wrote:stay tune for more of intheknow.
Hmmm... I wonder who the mystery man is... let's see... there's only one other person on this board who has a massively lame tag that utilizes his profile name. Well, that's all I gotta say now gimmethemic.
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By fsn32
Registration Days Posts
Ed Dantes wrote:
intheknow wrote:stay tune for more of intheknow.
Hmmm... I wonder who the mystery man is... let's see... there's only one other person on this board who has a massively lame tag that utilizes his profile name. Well, that's all I gotta say now gimmethemic.
I would be SHOCKED if that is true. "intheknow" sounds like he may go back a ways and GMTM was in grade school when Randy was here the first time. Maybe he will unmask himself or at least give us some background. It's hard to take anyone seriously who you have no knowledge of their credentials or possible grudges.
By intheknow
Doyel's Dribbles
By Gregg Doyel
CBS SportsLine.com Senior Writer
Tell Gregg your opinion!

Doyel's Dribbles is a celebration of the most wonderful time of the year. The holidays? Um, sure. But we were thinking more along the lines of the college basketball season.

Updated: Dec/30/2005 10:18 AM
Playing with fire
Dwight Brewington is having a difficult time finding a school to take him and his 13.3-point scoring average. Maybe if he'd stop asking prospective schools to commit a possible NCAA violation ...

Brewington is the misguided Providence transfer who, it should be noted, has the letter "I" in both his first and last names. He wants to play the point. He wants to score. He wants to be coddled. All of those things might be OK with a lot of coaches, considering Brewington's near-NBA talent level, but it's one of his final requests that has turned off many schools:

He wants his next school to find a spot for his girlfriend, too.

That's the story coming from multiple schools that once were on the periphery of Brewington's post-Providence recruitment. Brewington has a massive hearing impairment and struggled to make friends at Providence, which is one reason why he left. It's a touching story, in some ways: Fearful of his ability to fit in at his new school, he wants to bring a friend with him. It's sweet.

But it's also illegal -- potentially.

It's possible, and even likely, that Brewington doesn't understand the ramifications of what he's asking. What is he asking? He's asking for whichever school he chooses to provide a smooth admission for his girlfriend, too.

That's a gray area, NCAA-wise, and gray areas scare the heck out of most head coaches. If the NCAA wanted to take a hard-line approach, it could rule that any school that lands Brewington by paving the admission of his girlfriend would be guilty of providing an extra benefit.

Brewington's good. But he's not that good.

Updated: Dec/29/2005 10:24 AM

since some of you guys doubt my info, tell me is the same brewington that is now at liberty with his girlfriend living in the apt. next to him. duh.
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By PAmedic
Registration Days Posts
old news.

anonymous posters have no credibility.

no one is impressed.
By thesportscritic
Registration Days Posts
Register "intheknow." You are definitely wack. I don't believe you. Like PAmedic says you have no credibility being that you are hiding under a guest name.
By intheknow
i do go way back, further than some of you, much further. i also checked some profiles, they dont tell me much about any of you either. anyway i dont have a grudge except that liberty unversity deserves the best, the very best, and it doesnt have it. you have to dig deep to see certain things. my only thoughts are that settling for a program just like all other programs and not setting yourself apart does not do lLIBERTY justice. i am going dark now and let the season play out. lets just wait and see. good luck. ps. old news sometimes has a way of becoming tomorrows headlines.
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By TallyW
Registration Days Posts
Someone pull this guys' IP.
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By fsn32
Registration Days Posts
TallyW wrote:Someone pull this guys' IP.
as in "ban him?"
By Hold My Own
Registration Days Posts
as far as a profile? I'll give you my profile in person you can PM me any time and we'll meet face to face, trust me and everyone in here is my witness that i said that

also, there is nothing in the NCAA that says you cannot find someone a job...but his girlfriend cannot make any more money than someone else that's doing that same job b/c of who she is

so please you're going to have to come at me with something better than that...bc I'm ACTUALLY someone who IS "in the know"...there's always things going on that I could NEVER post on these boards b/c how sensitive of an issue it is

oh and by the way we got the Tripps parents a job as well
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By BJWilliams
Registration Days Posts
fsn32 wrote:
TallyW wrote:Someone pull this guys' IP.
as in "ban him?"
with relish!
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By TallyW
Registration Days Posts
No, the moderators know what I mean.
By Hold My Own
Registration Days Posts
I already have...

INSIDE dont let my post on the bottom of the 1st page go unread, I know how posts on previous pages can sometimes get over looked
By intheknow
This just in: I've just come to the understanding that I'm a complete moron. I have little to no knowledge of college basketball, but I do hold a grudge against the current coaching staff for whatever reason. I used Greg Doyel as a reference to my opinion, although it is common knowledge that Doyel is a hack of a writer, and simply trys to shock people into giving him hate mail. Just to recap, don't listen to anything I have to say, I'm just a fly by night poster.
By Coach Dunton
So now the conspiracy angle is on the forefront. Maybe "intheknow" should take the
time to meet Dwight and Gabby before we rush to a conviction let alone a concern. Your
"look behind the scenes" type of language is inflamatory and out of line. We did our home
work on Dwight talking with former coaches, the Providence AD and current assistants on the Providence staff. There are strong sentiments on what a positive for Dwight Liberty and our program is going to be. The Providence AD and Coach Sherard relationship goes
back to Alexis' days on Pete Gillen's staff there. He believes Dwight has matured leaps and bound over the last two years and is in his words a special person and great player.
Dwight is handicapped and has needs that produce some insecurities. Dwight wanting Gabby to be with him is not a violation or a behind the scene under the table move. He is a high profile talent that left a Big East program and that will cause emotions and passions to be expressed. Dwight brings a wealth of real basketball substance to Liberty
and he has been unselfish in practice. His basketball IQ is at the top of the chart. Gabby is a extremely bright young lady trying to make a transition to the South. She has accomplished much academic success--was accepted at Princeton before settling on an
academic scholarship at Providence. Dwight and Gabby obviously are very committed to
each other. No WMD just young lives maturing through the education process. Dwight is on a scholarship just like the rest of the team and Gabby is paying for her own way. The article refers to Dwight's concern that Gabby get accepted in the admission process at the
university he chose if she was going to take classes in the spring term. Liberty's admission policies are easier to navigate than some others so the way it was express can be misconstued. That doesn't mean the high council convened to mastermind a covert
operation that undermines the mission of Liberty. Hopefully the support of those who minister to their lives will be an avenue God uses to work His will in their hearts and future.
I appreciate the confidence of "intheknow" that I may be in the top five Big South
coaches and never admit to being wrong. Opinions have entitlement in our world we wouldn't want it any other way. Humility and a fighting spirit on the exterior can look like
oil and water. So what one camp may call "competing" another shouts arrogance. This season has opened the door for criticism. I am responsible and must move the program in a positive direction or should lose the opportunity. Mediocrity and failure cannot be tolerated. Happy endings are the results of good choices and consistent discipline put in sequence over a timeframe and faithfully maintained. Rationalization is disobedience because it refuses to accept the truth. Rationalizing is an insidious form of self-delusion.
The self-deluded mind rationalizes things so conveniently,so automatically, that the person has no concept of how preposterous his or her thinking/behavior has become. So
in our obviously highly political culture it serves those of us on both side of the issues to
practice proper confrontation to remain accountable and aware of the process. It is flat
wrong to try hide behind a keyboard and levy misleading accusations. This type of dialogue must be challenged. So does that mean I am arrogrant of too prideful to admit
mistakes along the journey. No I have made mistakes and am open to any discussion that breeds accountability and aren't just political venting.
In conclusion we are engaged in a very difficult season that has exposed weaknesses and yet still produced glimpses of growth in some who can be core to next year's success. The biggest part of success at this level lies in the talent and experience
on the roster. Look at Wake Forest with and now without Chris Paul. So the next two years will speak volumes of my ability to lead this program. The politically motivated critics will always find reasons to practice discord in a cowardly fashion. I wake up every
day with untapped enthusiasm to accomplish the goals. Thankful to serve a God who is
quick to hear, willing to forgive and overflowing with grace. Those of you who are on board continue to build, encourage and fight for unity. Ps. 133:3 gives clear direction to this is where God commands His blessing. Obedience is always better than good intentions.
By Coach Dunton
TDDance234 call me so we can set up lunch-coach dunton 582-2337
Coach. Again I thank you for your passionate words of truth. Regardless of how people 'feel' about one year of basketball we cannot as Alumni allow for the type of cowardly behavior we get on these boards. It's not biblical or ethical to hide behind a computer and throw mud around and frankly the rest of us who allow it to continue are just as wrong. We often debate on this board as to what we 'think' is best for the program but to come out and personally attack coaches or players without giving them the opportunity to know who it is who confronts them is plain wrong.

My challenge is not only to those who speak words of disunity and ignorance but also to the rest of us who allow this forum to be used this way... I challenge the entire board to be more proactive in stopping these types of anonymous attacks. A coach at a Christian University should AT MINIMIMUM be given the opportunity to know who is acting in a slanderous way. This isn't the YMCA. A college coach relies on his reputation to provide income for he and his family. I do not want to be a part of a forum that allows someone to blindly attack those things. Let us all (starting with myself) be more mindful of these attacks and shut them down immediately. The thirst for gossip should not overwhelm the virtue of truth.

Coach the vast majority of this board supports you and fully anticipates a great turn around.

I'd love to know if everyone on this board would react as open and honest as you have if every move of their professional career were shown on the big screen, newspapers, radio and discussed on message boards. The reality is that I think we all should take the advice found in the book of James (1:19): "My dear brothers, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry," When we allow these types of people to get in and tickle our ear without having a name, we do a disservice to not only the University or the program but to our Heavenly Father who looks at the content of our character. Let's agree to disallow any harsh attacks on these boards from people who refuse to register. Free speech allows us to comment on the program or on how we feel coaches are performing but this should not be done in the shadows. Let's make this a board where things are out in the open. If you can't say what you have to say and attach your name to it... it's better left alone.
Last edited by TallyW on February 17th, 2006, 12:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
By LUconn
Registration Days Posts
It might be because you're using AOL? I'm not really sure though. A lot of the time AOL does strange things like that.

Thanks for posting coach. Your side of the story is always welcome. But I don't think you need to keep responding to these folks who come out of the woodwork to spout off their agenda. Most of us here know what's going on and we at least know to take everything these posters opinions with a grain of salt. Around here, you basically have to "earn" credabilaty, not neccissarily with post count, but with what you've brought to this online community in the past. We love to hear from you but don't feel obligated to keep having to fight off all of this "hearsay". We've got your back.

As for your comments on Brewington: You've put my mind at ease. I follow the Big East very closely and am very familiar with Dwight and his days at PC. I was somewhat concerned with what a lot of people saw as a huge attitude problem and him not being a team player. I'll trust your judgement. The word is that he really wants to play at the 1. Do you think that's where he'll be? I didn't think his ball handling was all that suited for PG but it's probably better than what we've got now, although Risher does seem to be getting better every game. I don't think that Hubbard was the answer at that spot so hopefully Brewington is.
By LUconn
Registration Days Posts
intheknow wrote:This just in: I've just come to the understanding that I'm a complete moron. I have little to no knowledge of college basketball, but I do hold a grudge against the current coaching staff for whatever reason. I used Greg Doyel as a reference to my opinion, although it is common knowledge that Doyel is a hack of a writer, and simply trys to shock people into giving him hate mail. Just to recap, don't listen to anything I have to say, I'm just a fly by night poster.
By the way, I posted this. I was making a point about registering and why we make such a big deal about believing registered people. In no way has "intheknow" recanted.
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By jcmanson
Registration Days Posts
Coach, thanks once again for stopping by, and facing your critics. I have seen Dwight play, and I know that he could be a dominant player on this level. It will all be determined by how well he, blair, smith, hubbard, rish, etc. gel. That's why I'm glad we have a great coaching staff that can work on that for the next several months.

God bless at Radford, and bring us home a W!
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