If roundball is your blood, this is the place to discuss the Flames as they move into the Ritchie McKay era for the 2nd time.

Moderators: jcmanson, Sly Fox, BuryYourDuke

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By Cider Jim
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A new Schilling was built on North Campus, but now it is just called a "Multipurpose Center" on the campus map, and it is located beside/behind the indoor soccer practice facility.

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By Purple Haize
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BJWilliams wrote:I did go to the MM in Schilling. I would have kept it there. We aren't getting draws that would fit in the Vines. I hope they bring it back for 2017-18 in Schilling and build things up there
BJWilliams wrote:The Jerry Falwell Library is where the Schilling Center once stood I believe
Then :dontgetit a
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By BJWilliams
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My apologies. I should have distinguished between old and new Schilling in my first statement
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By R i
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6-1 in conference. I will admit, I did not think these results were possible before the season. I did not think they were possible after non-conference play. Congrats to the coaches and team on their play so far. Winthrop had a nice come from behind victory against Ashville last night. The battle of the two number one teams will be this Saturday in the vines.

This is not new around here, but its worth pointing out. When the basketball team sucks, everyone wants to comment on how to fix it, and who we should fire. With some early season success, the haters will not give the same word count for recognition or admiration.
By phoenix
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prototype wrote:
R i wrote:The shocked face was for the 5,000 number . I don't remember it ever being that good.
At one point we got it pretty good. We would have most the three student sections full, and remember one time we did a mascot game at half and then had them bring out the game cubes and almost had a riot in the stands. It was nuts.

If the old timer remember those years - we also did midnight madness in the old Shilling Center and it was packed - standing room only and it was blast. Got Toby Mac and Jerry, Sr. out to judge dunk contest and that was a huge moment for a lot of students to start to connect with the players. Now - it's just a show and there's very little connection.
I can remember some packed houses at the Schilling Center back in the late 80s. I actually remember watching games from the doorway before because I couldn't get a seat. It was a great atmosphere - I went regularly, and I'm not a basketball fan at all.
Game #4: East Carolina


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