If roundball is your blood, this is the place to discuss the Flames as they move into the Ritchie McKay era for the 2nd time.

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By olldflame
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Cider Jim wrote:Still amazed at the quality of talent that starts at LU and then transfers out: in the past few years, our MBB players have transferred to Duke, Arizona State (and Indiana), and now Tennessee.

Am I missing any other major schools?
I would say the difference between Bonds and Curry/Gordon is that, at least for now, Bonds is paying his own way to UT. The fact is even a walkon spot is just a rumor for now. The UT program presently has set a self-imposed limit of 2 walkon slots. Their coach has stated that the 2 current walkons will be returning. Unless I'm mistaken, he can change the limit at his discretion however. They also have at least one open scholarship, but I'll be shocked if that is offered to Bonds, considering how unlikely it is he will be eligible to play this year.

Curry and Gordon are the only 2 I know of who have transfered up to high profile programs Cider. Most of our transfers have made lateral or downward moves, usually in hopes of securing more PT.

You probably can answer this question Cider: What are the chances of Bonds finding a way around getting an F grade for the summer school courses he neglected to drop?
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By kingaling42
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olldflame wrote:.... You probably can answer this question Cider: What are the chances of Bonds finding a way around getting an F grade for the summer school courses he neglected to drop?
Bonds already met the NCAA clearinghouse standards- as such one failing grade will not prevent him from being eligible his first year (at LU or elsewhere).. GPA standards do not go into effect until Sophomore year where any athlete must have at least a 90% (1.8 GPA) of minimum cumulative grade point average for graduation each semester.

That class, failed or otherwise, is a non-issue unless it affects his overall GPA down the road.
By TheGovernor
kingaling42 wrote:
olldflame wrote:.... You probably can answer this question Cider: What are the chances of Bonds finding a way around getting an F grade for the summer school courses he neglected to drop?
Bonds already met the NCAA clearinghouse standards- as such one failing grade will not prevent him from being eligible his first year (at LU or elsewhere).. GPA standards do not go into effect until Sophomore year where any athlete must have at least a 90% (1.8 GPA) of minimum cumulative grade point average for graduation each semester.

That class, failed or otherwise, is a non-issue unless it affects his overall GPA down the road.
I was waiting for someone to say it... Truth. Especially because it's "Summer". Well Done, Sir.
By pop
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Now that it is official Braxton has enrolled at UT and has accepted walkon status I wanted to return here and again thank you for the graciousness you have all shown during this deal. Down in Alabama where I'm from this whole episode would be called something that is not appropriate for the board! I think I have expresses my feelings already so now for some straight facts. Braxton committed to LU mainly because his family loved it so much. He never took visits anywhere and only visited LU for his OV. That was a mistake and probably the quick decision is why in retrospect I am now opposed to the early signing date. At that time he was coming off an ankle injury and I think a lot of schools backed off him and he was concerned. Several posters has referred to his only being 17 years old as maybe the reason. He is actually 19 which makes his decision even more confusing. He decided on UT immediately upon being accepted as a student and basketball came after the fact. I'm sure many are right that it doesn't hurt UT's chances with Blackwell but in reality Braxton approached UT not the other way around. He wants to play this year but that is up to the NCAA....under appeal. Braxton did withdraw from his LU class so I don't know if he is listed as a transfer student...don't think so. So there you have it.....he is now a VOL. Being a life long Alabama fan I refuse to wear that ugly orange but what the heck...it's only basketball(remember I'm a Tide football fan)! I will always hate this happened but because of it I will always be an LU fan. Thanks again for the understanding, decency, and grace this board has shown our family.
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By R i
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17-19 same difference. Thanks for the updates. Seems like this was also a decision against committing to college basketball. There would be a preasure to be a good player here. That preasure is now relieved as he is a walk on, and he can pursue other interests as in his GF and Bros at UT.
By olldflame
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Thanks so much for sharing that pop. Besides the fact that apparently he never was as excited about coming to LU as his family was, has he said anything specific that brought him to the point of leaving? Did he feel like he "sold himself short" as far as basketball is concerned? Was the distance a factor, or the rules?
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By bballfan84
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NOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will say my source didn't know all the information. There were not a lot of people who had all information and I do not think it was known until after it was said and done..I may have been speculating a little after a conversation I had with someone..but IM STILL RELIABLE
By olldflame
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bballfan84 wrote:NOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will say my source didn't know all the information. There were not a lot of people who had all information and I do not think it was known until after it was said and done..I may have been speculating a little after a conversation I had with someone..but IM STILL RELIABLE
Still reliable. Just not 100%.
By TheGovernor
pop wrote:He decided on UT immediately upon being accepted as a student and basketball came after the fact. I'm sure many are right that it doesn't hurt UT's chances with Blackwell but in reality Braxton approached UT not the other way around.
Pop- Let me assure you, this is not a shot at you or your integrity, as I believe you be a straight forward and honest man. I believe that you really do believe this statement you made to be true. As a college sports fan (especially in that part of the country), I feel your pain with your grandson attending a rival school, and I am sorry to hear that as well.

With that being said... If anyone else here believes this statement, Im looking to unload some real estate and Im thinking you might be interested. Great location, one of a kind property, recently reduced the price. PM me for details.

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By jinxy
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Pop you and coach layer are better men than I. Homestly its better that it happened now and i think we got a comparable if not better player in the process. Most importantly its a kid that wants to be at Lu.
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By Kiwon
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Pop, I appreciate your words and sentiments. Aside from basketball, I pray that Braxton will grow in his walk with the Lord. I am familiar with the area and school and the environment is not nearly as accommodating for Christians as it once was. LU may not have a 25,000-seat arena but it is rich in ways that secular schools aren't.

Interestingly, your AD, Bill Battle, used to bring the entire football team to a local church once a year at the start of the season when he was head coach at UT. That was a great statement to the community.

Now, a coach might be sued by the ACLU if he tried that today.

God bless you and your family. I hope the new coach at UT will Braxton playing time and a shot at earning a full-scholarship.
By pop
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olldflame wrote:Thanks so much for sharing that pop. Besides the fact that apparently he never was as excited about coming to LU as his family was, has he said anything specific that brought him to the point of leaving? Did he feel like he "sold himself short" as far as basketball is concerned? Was the distance a factor, or the rules?
Flame there was no "event" or problem that occurred. Distance was a factor with no one he knew being there like there is in Knoxville. He was a little concerned with the rules but they actually fit his personality pretty well. I guess the girlfriend played a role. I'm not sure about selling himself short. The LU culture was what he had always said he wanted. Remember I'm just a grandfather and he and his immediate family is very autonomous. Again thanks...I have enjoyed my time on the board and wish you the best.
By olldflame
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Brandon Lopez, a senior walkon PG at UT who was likely to compete for a starting position, tore his ACL in a pickup game on Saturday. It may or may not have made a difference in Braxton getting a spot, but it did make it easier, as they didn't have to change their self-imposed limit of 2 walkons. There are statements from both Braxton and his HS coach about his reasons for leaving LU. Braxton said it was the distance, and had nothing to do with Liberty. His coach on the other hand, said "it was not where he felt comfortable and he wanted to be in another environment."

http://www.tennessean.com/story/sports/ ... /13314359/
By SuperJon
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"I think first and foremost, for whatever reason, (Braxton) just did not connect with Liberty in the time that he was there this summer and just had a change of heart," Maddux said. "Ultimately, he wanted to continue to pursue college basketball so he applied to some different schools and got in some different schools."
I hated Liberty my first semester. To judge something based off of a week, good or bad, is stupid.
By olldflame
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SuperJon wrote:
"I think first and foremost, for whatever reason, (Braxton) just did not connect with Liberty in the time that he was there this summer and just had a change of heart," Maddux said. "Ultimately, he wanted to continue to pursue college basketball so he applied to some different schools and got in some different schools."
I hated Liberty my first semester. To judge something based off of a week, good or bad, is stupid.
Especially summer school, where you have a small fraction of the students on campus and absolutely nothing is going on.
By olldflame
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Has CPA coach Drew Maddux been lurking on FlamesNation/Flamefans? Could be.

"It's way too early to speculate," said Maddux when asked if Blackwell might join Bonds at UT. "I know there's been some Internet speculation and Twitter speculation about that. Way, way too early in the process for (Bonds' situation) to affect anything in terms of Braxton Blackwell's recruitment."
By ballcoach15
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Personally I think there was some behind the scenes recruiting on behalf of TN.

The NCAA needs to put a stop to all the transfers. I read there have been 650 transfers of basketball players since end of last season.
By olldflame
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The transfers are occurring in spite of the fact that in most cases there is a significant disincentive (sitting out a year). It would be totally unfair/inequitable for the NCAA to make it even harder without also tightening up on coaches being able to basically come and go as they please.

If you look at all the players who have transferred in and out of LU over the past several years, only Curry and Gordon appear to have capitalized on their time at LU to make an upward move. I would say the jury is still out with Bonds. Every other case was either lateral or to a lower division because they weren't getting PT here or where they were. I have absolutely no problem with that. In most cases it is mutually beneficial. The player gets a new start and a chance perhaps to play more, and the program they leave can use the scholarship for a player who hopefully will be able to help them more. Why should both the kid and the program be locked in to a bad situation for 4 years? Sometimes change is good.

The more I look at Braxton's situation, the stranger the timing looks to me. I haven't applied for acceptance in college in over 40 years, but isn't less than a month (in late summer at that) pretty fast for someone applying strictly as a student, with no wheels being greased by the basketball program, to be accepted by 4 major universities?
By pop
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Not that it matters but I can assure you there was no backroom dealings going on, especially at UT. I'm a big Alabama fan and would have turned UT in myself if there had been. As odd as the situation was it was legit. I guess in the world of electronics acceptance is now quicker...especially at that time of the year when most everyone else is set and ready. CPA is also a small private school and it is easy to get cooperation with transcripts and records.
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