If roundball is your blood, this is the place to discuss the Flames as they move into the Ritchie McKay era for the 2nd time.

Moderators: jcmanson, Sly Fox, BuryYourDuke

By LUconn
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and that's fine. but just don't expect anybody to jump on board with you right away for any of your "inside" information or at the very least anything you say is going to be taken with a pile of salt.
By A.G.
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jmdickens wrote:I only want to be known as some guy......I don't want any affiliation with the program, only the school with I love with all my heart.
And as we love the school, and as loyal alumni, we have the responsibility to point out, in a Christian manner, things that bother us. Whether it is parking, the Rot, traffic, or our sports teams and coaches. Hopefully, we can all keep it civil this year.
By jmdickens
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Don't worry, I am not an inside kiss up like some guys, but I do know more than you think...

Go Liberty
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By Sly Fox
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For the record, I have no problems with the program being challenged. As long as it is done a respectful manner. Even though I often disagree with some of the comments you'll notice very little censorship (the occasional word that's questionable). All we ask is that everyone remember we are representing LU. That's all.
By Stevev
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Inside information is always beneficial to everyone whether good or bad but should always done Christianlike.
By Stevev
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The good - Randy Dunton's first 2 years
The bad - His last 2 years
This year - ?

There is my good and bad side of the men's hoops program.
By jmdickens
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Well, Dunton has been here for a while in several positions...whatever happened in 1997-1998??? Anyone remember??? SCAR???
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Not following the line of questioning. Can you elaborate JMD? That was the year RD took over as the interim and they struggled as 3 of the top players were booted that year prior to the season. They filled the roster with football players like Brian Clark and the QB Ben Anderson. That group went on to record the single most significant Regular season win in LU history by beating UVA up in Charlottesville. They lost in the Semi final game vs UNCA 46-42 in one of the most physical games I have ever witnessed in person. Then the Hankinson Error (as I like to call it) began.
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By Purple Haize
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Wow what a lively topic.
1) HATE the uni's. But that is me. I in know way feel it extrapolates to RD being the Son Of Sam and LU hoops turning into "THE U". That is the style. I don't have to like it. (I mean Hurricane Fan would look great in some argyle and a cardigan) They style is aimed at a more urban audience, which means rich white kids will buy it!
2) Seriously, what IS up with the crotch grabbing? LOVED to poster who said that "he was just keeping his hands warm". SHould of used that in my teen years!
3) Back to the uni's - I still love the old Piston's shorts!! I have seen SCAR's photos wearing them, very "SCARy". Thankfully, photo's of me in action are not available this far south of the Windy City. (Plus how much action can you get sitting on the bench? :wink: ) I WILL go back to my thoughts vis a vis swearing. If you take SOME pride in your appearance you will take SOME pride in your game. (Cue Billy Crystal "It is more important to look good than to feel good, You look mahvelous!") Little things can be a good indicator of bigger things. BTW, DYK, that John Wooden spent the first day of practice EVERY YEAR teaching his players the proper way to put on socks and basketball shoes? He did pretty good for himself. (Must be the hoosier blood in him)
4) SCAR you do not exaggerate. The UVa win was huge. Sealed JJ's fate (Hi and welcome to American University) But the thing I remember most about that year is that RD recorded one more steal than I did!!
5) Finally, it is very difficult to have a neutral opinion on sports that you are close too. Those who are away from the program may actually have a BETTER idea of what is going on then those inside the program. I say this because actions, which is what the "outsiders" or "Others" (to borrow from LOST) see than words, which is what the "Insiders" see.
Now, I am off to eat chili dogs, fries and Diet Sprite with Mrs Purple. Gotta get ready for the season!
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By El Scorcho
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jmdickens wrote:I only get perceived as a hater, because I bring out the dark side of LU. I hate to do it, but people often ignore issues that need to be addressed at LU.
Nah, no one eeeeeeeeever points out the stuff they don't like about LU. Ever.
By jmdickens
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Just live in a dorm with people that aren't part of the "leadership" and you would understand that people see the school in a different light.
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By El Scorcho
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jmdickens wrote:Just live in a dorm with people that aren't part of the "leadership" and you would understand that people see the school in a different light.
I don't think you even need to do that. That was my point. There are plenty of people expressing unfavorable views about the decisions made at Liberty University. Pick up the local fishwrap and read the letters to the editor and on a (nearly) daily basis you can see that.

It would be refreshing to see someone take a positive proactive approach to such opinions instead of complaining in newspapers, on message boards and to all of their friends in their dorms. Sorry, but I just don't see complaining as contributing, especially when it's directed toward everyone but the people who can do anything about it.

Unfortunately LU's oldest and most established tradition seems to be whining. To me, that's the darkest side of the school.
By jmdickens
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I understand your point about complaining....but as you must remember that is the privilege of living in America. People can complain about authority and they cannot be punished.
By Stevev
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Before we get too carried away here lets wait until the season starts and see how the team performs on the court. That is the bottom line. If the team meets our expectations then we should be satisfied and give Coach Dunton some deserved praise. If the team goes in the dumper like last year then we have a legitimate reason to bring up these negative issues about the team and the coach as long as they are justifiable and supported.

I am not happy with what transpired today but lets get on with it and see how the program responds.
By jmdickens
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Okay, now we have to determine what is a good season?? Then what is deserved praise?? I want to win, not .500
By Stevev
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Acceptable to me would be finishing second or third in the conference (I figure Winthrop will win and Coastal is the up and comer and could finish second). Hopefully we can knock off most of the lower level div 1 teams like St Francis, Longwood, and Lipscomb and hold our own agains't Florida, Oklahoma, Buffalo, or Seton Hall. God forbid we lose to the non division 1 teams on our slate. Finishing in the bottom half of this conference and getting steamrolled by 40 or more points against the major conference teams is unacceptable at this point in time. We should at least do better than 500 with our schedule and the conference we are in.
By jmdickens
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Our first game is going to be important. We play Barton College, a div 2 team. I think we will win, but if we lose.......there will be criticism.
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By El Scorcho
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jmdickens wrote:but as you must remember that is the privilege of living in America. People can complain about authority and they cannot be punished.
Why must I remember that? Did I ever say that no one had the right to complain? No, I didn't. I simply said that there's a whole lot of whining at LU. That's perfectly within the rights of anyone who wants to do it, but I'm just suggesting that it might not be the most becoming trademark for our school.
By jmdickens
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The majority of the complaints come from people who want to win and aren't satisfied with the direction of the program...not whining, just wanting something better.
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By El Scorcho
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Oh, we're just talking about athletics? Because that's a slightly different animal.
By Stevev
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Our first game is going to be important. We play Barton College, a div 2 team. I think we will win, but if we lose.......there will be criticism.

I don't put too much stock in exhibition games since good coaches try different combinations they otherwise wouldn't try during the regular season and everyone should get at least 10 - 15 minutes of playing time so chemistry could be a problem. But you are right. You do not want to lose to Barton, period, exhibition or not. Losing home games to Longwood, St Francis, or any of the 3 division 2 teams and yes, I will be very upset.
By jmdickens
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yeah, but Barton is #2 in the division II ranking. If we lose, that would be an indicator of how our season could possibly be
By Stevev
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I will have to wait and see what happens with the Barton game but not really a big deal no matter what happens.

I would like to compare this year's team to the Jeff Meyer era teams in his last 6 years if you remember back that far. Their is no reason we can't do just as well as those teams given our resources and the fact that RD is in his 5th consecutive season with LU. RD was the associate back in that time period.
By SuperJon
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I will have to wait and see what happens with the Barton game but not really a big deal no matter what happens.
If we lose to a D2, we're in for a long year.
By jmdickens
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Jeff Meyer however is at indiana as an assistant. He was a great coach, a shame we had to get rid of him
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