If roundball is your blood, this is the place to discuss the Flames as they move into the Ritchie McKay era for the 2nd time.

Moderators: jcmanson, Sly Fox, BuryYourDuke

By grm
Registration Days Posts
If one group can be critical with a passion, why can't we defend with a passion?
It's rhetorical... I know we can - just making the point. I'll take my lumps for a bad season,
but I'll still say we have a great coach and staff, and a bunch of players who did their best to
compete. And I'm not apologizing for saying it with confidence. Anyone can be "surprised" that
a coach gets on this board, but I think it's a wonderful thing that he does. And "no", let's not try
and "out" people, and yes, they're welcome to give their views - but if they're going to dish it out,
they'd better be ready to take it as well.

Another compliment to "Eagles Fan" - always good stuff, obviously the enemy, but always extremely
By D Edcil
Registration Days Posts
I would say I can't believe that a head coach of a DIVISION I basketball team just got on the board and called someone incompetent on a discipline HE is not exactly compotent in. How long has RD been a basketball official? I believe HIS job is to coach, NOT officiate. Whatever may or may NOT have happened to the officials by the office is not the point. The point is, show some personal discipline. RD got ejected from a game and should be embarassed. Getting a "T" for standing up for your players is one thing, beating a dead horse is another. Believe it or not RD now has been ejected from more games then BOB KNIGHT! RD stated at the beginning of the season that he was glad there was a new officiating supervisor and how glad he was to have several officials fired. So what is his excuse now? My guess is that he has garnered a reputation w/ the officials so they probably do keep a closer eye on him and give him a little less rope. It has nothing to do with coaching at a Christian school, it has to do with the individual involved. When RD has gone through the rather lengthy process of officiating from Middle School to High School, to small college to DI , THEN he can call someone else incompotent about officiating, but until then a little suggestion. He should have recognized it was a mistake, taken personal responisblity, apologized for his behavior and moved on, not point fingers and take refuge behind vague "League discipline action".
BTW, at the DI level basketball officials are correct over 95% of the time. I wonder if RD's coaching decisions can make the same claim.
OK, off my soap box now
By grm
Registration Days Posts
"... a discipline HE is not exactly compotent in." (Your quote)

I'd take you a little more seriously if you could at least spell "competent."
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By fsn32
Registration Days Posts
grm wrote:"... a discipline HE is not exactly compotent in." (Your quote)

I'd take you a little more seriously if you could at least spell "competent."
That's unfair... no spell check :wink:

I feel his spelling pain!
By grm
Registration Days Posts
I knew it was unfair when I posted it. The guy screwed up, I don't really appreciate his comments, and I took the opportunity
to debase him. To be honest, I have to use the "edit" option all too often, and I even had to edit that little quip of mine.
Having said that, if you're going to call someone "incompetent" on a public board, you need to be sure you don't embarrass
yourself in the process. (That's the fatherly portion of my advice).
By LUconn
Registration Days Posts
I just started reading this thread again but I would just like to add that I don't think Coach was trying to be insulting. From what I've read and heard he speaks somewhat eloquantly and technically someone who doesn't have the benefit of a replay would be incompetent in this situation. In the US, however, the word tends to be insulting.
By D Edcil
Registration Days Posts
grm wrote:"... a discipline HE is not exactly compotent in." (Your quote)

I'd take you a little more seriously if you could at least spell "competent."
You got me, I can't spell!! My bad!
I make no apologies for the content, just the spellin'! :P
By D Edcil
Registration Days Posts
A further factual clarification (think I spelled that correctly) RD has now been thrown out of more games then Bob Knight has over the last 10 years. BUT RD has, to my knowledge never thrown a chair across the floor. Try to steal a ball from an opposing player yes, chair no.
By Hold My Own
Registration Days Posts
you forgot about shot someone in the back (Chaney style) or hit players....I wish we knew everything Coach Knight has done....although I must say I LOVE Coach Knight
By grm
Registration Days Posts
Good to talk to you D Ecil. By the way, you don't own an Edsel, do you?
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By Brokeback Flamer
Registration Days Posts
Hold My Own wrote:you forgot about shot someone in the back (Chaney style) or hit players....I wish we knew everything Coach Knight has done....although I must say I LOVE Coach Knight
RD did make a nice rush at the official however!! Not sure that matches up their with Knight storming out a few years ago, but at least in both cases no one was hurt
By viper3017
How pleasant it is to be actually considered a staff member based upon my comments. I guess that means I must have some pretty reliable sources. No, I'm not on staff at Liberty. In fact, I don't even live in Lynchburg anymore. Those days are long ago in my past. As for my sources, well...to reveal a source is to render is useless.

It is also funny to be personally repsonded to on a message board by the team's head coach. I don't know if it was necessarily him, because I really do hope and believe a head coach with RD's experience is above that. But it probably was someone speaking on his behalf. I'm honored that my comments are taken so seriously. As for the officiating, I have always thought that taking a shot at officiating is a cop-out. Has it been perfect this year? By no means! But is it the reason we've lost? No. And whoever thought that referees are supposed to give the home team a few calls here and there has lost touch with the true essence of the game. And no official anywhere whose worth his stuff calls any game that way.

As for the refereeing community, my comments were based upon info from a source connected closely with the Big South, but not a part of it. This person was halfway around the country, and he got news of the night's events and the whispers being made less than two hours after the game was complete. Say what you want (and I do believe the particular ref in the CCU game does have a poor relationship with RD), but the refereeing community IS fed up with it.
By Hold My Own
Registration Days Posts
well I guess you just happened to be in the area using a "friends" computer that was logged onto LU's network :roll: :roll: ....LOL

Oh and in case you were wondering you aren't in the office right now but rather at home....how do you like Verizon's new internet service anyway???

IP addresses are great :lol: :lol:

so from now on post as a different guest name please b/c nobody can believe anything you'll say....ohh yeah, we LOVE having a D1 coach get on here and talking with everyone....you wont find another D1 coach willing to look his doubters in the eye and tell them I have answers for your concerns
By viper3017
Hey, you're absolutely right. I was in the vines center at the time i wrote my initial comments. I'd been visiting my sister (volleyball team) and was told I could borrow a computer in a nearby office to check email, and of course my favorite past time, FlameFans.com. Not sure whose comp it was, though. Everyone was in convo at the time I was in there.

I've since returned home, and yes, rest assured, Verizon rocks!
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By Brokeback Flamer
Registration Days Posts
Hold My Own wrote:well I guess you just happened to be in the area using a "friends" computer that was logged onto LU's network :roll: :roll: ....LOL

Oh and in case you were wondering you aren't in the office right now but rather at home....how do you like Verizon's new internet service anyway???

IP addresses are great :lol: :lol:

so from now on post as a different guest name please b/c nobody can believe anything you'll say....ohh yeah, we LOVE having a D1 coach get on here and talking with everyone....you wont find another D1 coach willing to look his doubters in the eye and tell them I have answers for your concerns

HOLD on just a second. I am going ot have to jump in here with VIPERS comments. Who died and made YOU IP Address Sheriff?? The purpose of this or any OTHER board is to post freely and say what we think. Why in the world would you want to know or care what an IP address is? You are not the FBI and we are not posting Kiddie porn so you have absolutely NO REASON to "check up" on those posting in this forum. I am saddened that you are doing this and really hope that this is the last incident. It only takes one (YOU) to ruin the fun for the rest of us. :!: :!: :!: :!: :!:
By Hold My Own
Registration Days Posts
if you or anyone else for that matter want to get on here and hide under the "Guest" label and say your someone else you'll get called out on it, bottom line...it'll never be done by name but it's wrong to get on here and not reg. and do things like we've had done by former coach's saying "LU STAFFER" when he's actually 1000 miles away not being employed by the school for quite some time...I'm allowed to my assumptions as well as you are...except mine generally are correct

leave it to the flammer to blow something out of the water when even Viper took it all in stride, it has nothing to do with you and until it does dont worry about it...if you have a problem PM me and we'll talk about it
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By Brokeback Flamer
Registration Days Posts
Hold My Own wrote:if you or anyone else for that matter want to get on here and hide under the "Guest" label and say your someone else you'll get called out on it, bottom line...it'll never be done by name but it's wrong to get on here and not reg. and do things like we've had done by former coach's saying "LU STAFFER" when he's actually 1000 miles away not being employed by the school for quite some time...I'm allowed to my assumptions as well as you are...except mine generally are correct
That is truly disappointing to say the least. As I said earlier, who made you the IP sherrif? So what if someone comes on here as a "Guest" or if your "suspicions" that "LUSTAFFER" was a former coach? After all, if the current coach can get on here, why can't a supposed OTHER coach get on here as well? What is the big deal? Once again that is the whole POINT of a message board, to have fun, be relatively anonymous and say what we think. I am sure most of us here are grown up enough we don't need some IP Nazi making sure we follow a protocol that they feel is correct. Bad form my friend, bad form. In another post, you told me to relxax, now I ask you the same thing. Take a deep breath, let others have there fun, and the world will go on.
By Hold My Own
Registration Days Posts
your not listening....they can and are welcomed to we all have a ton of questions for them but they CAN NOT do it under the LU STAFFER label, people from the outside looking in would jump to the conclusion that they are indeed a LU STAFFER....do it as FORMER COACH or whatever....I will NEVER out anyone even if PM's are made to me UNLESS there is personal info shared that only a few people are even aware of

again, leave it to you to worry about someone else...Viper is a big man, if he had a problem with anything he can contact me....who made you Vipers Daddy he took it all with a grin.....Stay out of it until it involves you
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By Brokeback Flamer
Registration Days Posts
Hold My Own wrote:your not listening....they can and are welcomed to we all have a ton of questions for them but they CAN NOT do it under the LU STAFFER label, people from the outside looking in would jump to the conclusion that they are indeed a LU STAFFER....do it as FORMER COACH or whatever....I will NEVER out anyone even if PM's are made to me UNLESS there is personal info shared that only a few people are even aware of

again, leave it to you to worry about someone else...Viper is a big man, if he had a problem with anything he can contact me....who made you Vipers Daddy he took it all with a grin.....Stay out of it until it involves you
See that is the thing. It does involve me and everyone else on this board. I am sure VIPER is a big man and can fight his own battles. I am commenting based purely on principle. If people know that they are free to post as they want and as WHO they want, then the discussions on this board will be much more broad based and a heck of a lot more fun. So WHAT if someone posts as LUSTAFFER? Is there something in the TOE that state we can NOT post under certain names? IF someone comes in here and thinks they are actually an LU staff member so what? Do we really thing AG is Darth Vader? (Anakin maybe) All I am saying dude is lighten up!! I am not sure what LU STAFF did to you or why you got fired up at VIP but that is what this is all about. Feel free to blast away at there comments, it is great for the board. What I am saying is when you start snooping around IP addresses you cross a line. That is what I am standing up for, not VIPER. (he might bite me!)

By viper3017
OK, so I'm not trying to interject myself into the middle of this debate...however, to HMO's credit, if someone did come on here trying to claim an identity as "LU STAFFFER", make unvalidated comments, and it could be proven that their identity was otherwise, I'd wanna know it as a reader of this blog. I havent been reading long, so I don't even know the situation about which HMO is referring. All I'm saying is HMO thought I was somoene else, which we've cleared I'm not. And he did it because there's been falsities thrown aorund here before. I'm not against the IP thing...

That Verizon is still working just fine!
By viper3017
furthermore...I'm not tkaing sides...I don't know enough aboutt he power fo the IP stuff to have an opinion here...seems ot me if you're smart enough to acquire them, use them at your own risk...
By Hold My Own
Registration Days Posts
and you are also free to leave this board and go else where, but lying is one thing that wont happen here....if you are on staff at lu post LU STAFFER and I hate whoever but if your not then dont...but the board loses integrity when it allows people to get on here and lie to everyone, nobody would know what to believe....and that's just the way the ball bounces...there are plenty of Star Trek or Wars or whatever forums out there! :lol:
By viper3017
OK, so I know this page is being read almost a si type this, but....

When i was around the burg, I heard about some player who'd transferred from St. Bonnie? Who is this kid, and is he the real deal? Maybe I just have been gone from the burg too long...
By Hold My Own
Registration Days Posts
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

that dudes funny man...you need to register we could have some fun on this board

dont know about the St. Bonnie, but we got one from Providence
Last edited by Hold My Own on March 9th, 2006, 7:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
By viper3017
yeah, it was providence as i recall...big name program from a top conference...but i dont know anything about the player...any talent? and why did he transfer out of Prov??
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