If roundball is your blood, this is the place to discuss the Flames as they move into the Ritchie McKay era for the 2nd time.

Moderators: jcmanson, Sly Fox, BuryYourDuke

By - Coach Dunton -
D Edcil-

I am glad to hear your an independent in your political persuasion. We have had 25 players on scholarship in the past four years. Seven have transferred out of the program. There are discipline issues, performance issues and one contributor thought it in his best interest to leave. No need to cast negative light on young men in a public forum. I do want everyone of these young men to earn their degree and have fereted out opportunities for five of the seven to continue their education on scholarship and the other two had opportunity. But again come by the office, I'll give your a tour of the facilities and we can discuss the issues as we move forward.

Establishing the hands on academic support has been the an on going work in progress. In a recent
academic assessment meeting for the new AD men's basketball received an A+. Now that is real progress that is going to serve our student/athletes. Buck Romero is doing a tremendous work in the lives of the players.

No doubt it is advantageous to have a veteran group of experience players. Our guys are investing
with a dedicated focus for next season. It has been a good spring.

Our guest is out of bounds. My staff is comprised of special men who are dedicated to their families and mission. I apologize to them that we on flamesfan allow their character and contribution to be dragged into such waters. As for the players we have young men at all different levels of the spiritual maturity walk. We believe that within the NCAA Div I experience our mission is to minister to lives where they are at. How to grow, preparation, handle success/failure. Some have foundational issues all face the challenges of an enemy who seeks to steal,kill,and destroy. Those of you who pray for the staff and players are greatly appreciated. If confrontation is needed feel free to walk through the open door if
discord is your game then we will leave it to God to settle your score.

Coach D
By Hold My Own
Registration Days Posts
guest wrote: which are counter to the standards of Liberty faculty/staff/students.
yet getting on here without a spine & speaking from a shadow does counter it?

PM me if you'd like details of any off the court activities that took place before 4 years ago and since 4 years ago....you may be in for a shock.....but that would require registering.....to be so close to the MBB office how do some of you people not want to confront these accusations face to face?
By D Edcil
Registration Days Posts
Coach Dunton wrote:D Edcil-

I am glad to hear your an independent in your political persuasion. We have had 25 players on scholarship in the past four years. Seven have transferred out of the program. There are discipline issues, performance issues and one contributor thought it in his best interest to leave. No need to cast negative light on young men in a public forum. I do want everyone of these young men to earn their degree and have fereted out opportunities for five of the seven to continue their education on scholarship and the other two had opportunity. But again come by the office, I'll give your a tour of the facilities and we can discuss the issues as we move forward.

Establishing the hands on academic support has been the an on going work in progress. In a recent
academic assessment meeting for the new AD men's basketball received an A+. Now that is real progress that is going to serve our student/athletes. Buck Romero is doing a tremendous work in the lives of the players.

No doubt it is advantageous to have a veteran group of experience players. Our guys are investing
with a dedicated focus for next season. It has been a good spring.
I know about Monceaux (Sp) and Dees leaving so that leaves about 5 I don't know of or remember. Where are these other 6 or 7 new faces coming from? Are they taking the space of graduating seniors? If not wouldn't that push that number (7) higher? I am not asking you to disparage, just asking who is whom. Also, you mention we have a veteran group. Do you have a breakdown of how many players have been in the program >2years? Just curious.
Finally, that is interesting about your academic "Grade". What were the criteria? Was it akin to the new NCAA system?
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By Sly Fox
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D Edcil - Your questions are reasonable, but I'd prefer you be a little more respective in your tone. Considering the fact that some of the turnover is still in the process you can't expect Coach to divulge some of those details until the appropriate time.

For the record, LU student athletes not only have to meet NCAA guidelines but as Big South & LU guidelines as well.
By - Coach Dunton -
D Ecil- The academic support "grade" is measured on the the day to day structure, accountability and
faculty interaction. Nailing down genuine accountability is the name of the game. Good intentions and
assumptions get nothing done. Buck Romero has outlined every single assignment for our players in a
chronological format. Grade checks are performed every other week with the faculty(who are fabulous
to work with). The parents are corresponded with every month with grade and assignment status.
Buck oversees our daily study table times based on each player's need and schedule. Those in need
tutorial services also meet in the Athletic study table on Mon, Tues and Thurs evenings. Class checks
are performed by three coaches per week. Absences are logged and require 6am runs. That is why
you can laugh at those who cry lack of discipline. If a player does not want to be accountable to this
process then the consequences increase. Until eventually they confirm that they need a new zip code.
Doug Stewart was a non-qualifer and will graduate in 3 1/2 years. Jeremy Eck who can not play again due to a severe back injury will graduate in 1 1/2 years. I was told that two players we
inherited would never graduate by the former academic advisor yet today both have there degree. It
is imperative this stay the core of our program. It is going to be rewarding to see the results as we
progress. There have been a lot of victories so thanks for the chance to share with you the special
impact our direction and Buck's dedication is having on Flames hoop.
By D Edcil
Registration Days Posts
Sly Fox wrote:D Edcil - Your questions are reasonable, but I'd prefer you be a little more respective in your tone. Considering the fact that some of the turnover is still in the process you can't expect Coach to divulge some of those details until the appropriate time.

For the record, LU student athletes not only have to meet NCAA guidelines but as Big South & LU guidelines as well.
My tone?!?! Maybe this color will help? Not sure how you can discern tone from typing but hey IF I WAS TYPING LIKE THIS CALLING YOU A WORTHLESS (* EDIT - Come on D Edcil, you're better than this - Sly *)! then I could see your point but....
I think RD did a fair job describing his academic requirements, which is one thing I asked. I did not expect him to name names, but just wanted to clear up what seemed like a numerical discrepancy with his numbers and the numbers on the board. I like the way he explained the way his team was "Graded" and that is good to see and should be expected. If what he says is true, then we should either have some real good student athletes or a lot more people looking for "a new Zip Code"!!
I hope that was satisfactorialy pentitent for you.
By Hold My Own
Registration Days Posts
D Edcil wrote:IF I WAS TYPING LIKE THIS CALLING YOU A WORTHLESS A%&$% H%@#! then I could see your point but.....
I would expect this out of Brokeback.....well then again, I guess out of both of you!

You know you never really do hear about the guys who graduate but after they are finished playing ball, just the ones that we have to run out of here....it's good to hear and I hope it continues
By D Edcil
Registration Days Posts
Hold My Own wrote:
D Edcil wrote:IF I WAS TYPING LIKE THIS CALLING YOU A WORTHLESS A%&$% H%@#! then I could see your point but.....
I would expect this out of Brokeback.....well then again, I guess out of both of you!

You know you never really do hear about the guys who graduate but after they are finished playing ball, just the ones that we have to run out of here....it's good to hear and I hope it continues
Wow, I have now been lumped in with Brokeback. I hope this doesn't mean I will be invited on long weekends at his cabin with SJ and TALLY! I need to go do something manly today to wash that stain away!!! As for graduation rates, that is one of the things I was asking for. We had the one 3 1/2 year success story and I am sure we have some guys graduate, but I just wanted to know who graduated and who is leaving. Fair question? I think so.
As for tone?!? I just find it odd that tone can be questioned when typing. maybe I could have phrased the question better but there was no "tone" involved. Now if you were talking about my singing!
By guest
these are the names of those who were on scholarship( and a few that were invited) that have left the program: Dees,Simmons, Monceaux, Segun, Miller, Rose, Robinson, Richardson, Clarke, Risher, Eck, Bigby, and Stewart. I believe that Porter and Holland are still question marks. If my math is correct, and i am sure that it will be questioned, that is 13 players in the last 4 years. In other words, that is basically a whole roster that decided to leave. I don't believe that is a good foundation for building a "top 50 program" that has been preached the last four years. Great programs last because they keep players and coaching staffs together over time. What is going on with the Liberty basketball program is musical chairs with players and let's always go get someone better than what we have. All year long, some of you guys have talked about and bashed these players about their playing ability and basketball IQ's. The last time I checked, players do not self-recruit themselves to colleges. They are recruited by coaches and ultimately it is the final decision of the head coach on signing their scholarship. It is also up to the head coach to improve his recruited players, on and off the court, in order to make the program successful (hint the title Head Coach). But guess what, it is all the players fault. The fact that only 4 division on e wins and a RPI of 323 is all the players fault is the easy answer to make some of you guys feel better. A program is supposed to get better, not decline. It is about time to take up for some of the bashin these players seem to recieve that represent your university and be somewhat of a voice for them. They may not be what you want them to be, but they do represent you and your program. I don't think any of them are trying to be 4-23 on purpose. What strikes me funny also is there is a head coach of your program who lets comments about his players go( and he even throws a few quotes around about their struggles) and doesn't defend them, but let someone question him (intheknow and d edcil) and you get a dissertation from him defending himself. Coach your team and improve them. Keep players in the program. Recruit kids that don't have discipline problems and treat the one's who do have great character the way they need to be treated. Stop talking and giving out positive quotes about dead carcasses and get the job done.
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By PAmedic
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yet another boring rant by an anonymous guest. My 6 year old has more intelligence.
By LU'sbestmanger
Registration Days Posts
first of all clark wasnt on scholorship, eck can't go anymore, and miller was dismissed from the team. they didnt decide to leave. maybe you should stop by practice and see how coach dunton actually is, instead of talking from word of mouth. come and experience coach dunton and how he tries to change these players lifes. i think he does a great job of motivating them on the court and off. he also has a personal relationship with each of his players. they are always welcome to come into his office and discuss anything that is going on in their lives and on the court. wait until next year when the team does great and everyone is saying that he's such a great coach. it's just like rick patino, he had a horrible season and people are saying that he lost it. coach has finished 1,2, and 8 in the last 3yrs. give him some credit. im sure he'll bounce back strong next year. don't bash him on some stupid site infront of everyone. at the least you can pm him or go into his office and tell him what you think. i think that is very disrespectful for a man as respectable as coach dunton. go meet the man. just by talking to him, you can tell he is a man of God, and a very intelligent man.
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By Brokeback Flamer
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LUBM - Please step away from the Kool - Aid!! Only drink from the bottle if the seal has not been tampered with!!

Just because this poster is a GUEST (i even think that is their screen name) why do we have to treat him so rudely? They did lay out some specific arguments with names and clearly stated points. For the RD supporters is the only defense "Have lunch with him and then you will see he is a wonderful person?" Maybe this person HAS met RD and didn't care much for him? (Pssst, in case you didn't know there ARE people like that, even as far away as Iowa) What about specific responses? GUEST did mention 13 players, and LUBM you even validated a few of them, but RD lists 7, why is that? I don't know I am just asking. As for our league finishes, GUEST makes a great point that you also strenthen. GUEST says, in effect, a program should grow stronger not weaker. Your response was we finished 1,2 and 8. That would not be getting stronger. IF you wanted to be REAL cynical you could say our "First" place finish has an asterick by it b/c B. South didn't count and our 2nd wasn't that great b/c we sucked it up in the BST.
Me? I think there were some good points brought up and would like to know if there was any validity to them other then, "Have lunch with coach"
(BTW, I have, but was not invited back because I ruined the AARP Group discount for Flames Club!) :D
By LU'sbestmanger
Registration Days Posts
about the 1,2 and 8 thing. i was saying to give the man a chance that was the first year that we did bad. i didnt get the cool-aid joke
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By PAmedic
Registration Days Posts
LU'sbestmanger wrote: i didnt get the cool-aid joke
look up/Google search Rev Jim Jones
By intheknow
Some of you boys have a hard time seeing clear 2,1,2 in his first three years. Key injuries the last two years as well. State the positives with the questions. This program will move forward in my opinion. And those who really care and have a spine wouldn't just hide behind their reckless ability to create a cloud of doubt when those in the program are positive with changes and direction.
By A.G.
Registration Days Posts
Part of building a program is recognizing your "mistakes" in recruiting and adjusting accordingly. Part of trying to get the quick fix to a top 50 program is to take risks in recruiting. RD did, and many of those risk-reward recruits just did not pan out. Had even 2 or 3 of the 13 panned out, we might be talking 2-1-2-4, and not having this discussion. From the look of the new recruits, it looks like Coach is getting players that FIT his system (and LU), as opposed to getting players and trying to make them fit. For that, he deserves a "well done, Coach."
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By PAmedic
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It would be GREAT if we could hold off on bashing Coach until at least October. :roll:

at least get the season started!
By A.G.
Registration Days Posts
No kidding, Medic. If you want to bash a coach, head on over to the baseball board.
By Guest
medic the bashing inlight of recruiting victories only proves that some have agendas over genuine program building.
By jmdickens
Registration Days Posts
It's not coach bashing. It is truth. The record over the past three seasons has shown a DECLINE. That is not program building. For everyone that doesn't understand about us "coach bashers", we hope Liberty does great next season; however, winning games outside of our conference, and having better than a .500 record could help reduce criticism toward the coach. I agree with brokeback for some reason.
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By PAmedic
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You made your (collective) point(s)- many of us here simply just disagree with you. We'll have to wait until fall to see how things shake out. In the interim- I'm one of those who prefers to think positively and look FORWARD to the upcoming season, rather than sit around all spring and summer whining about how much we're gonna SUCK next year.

Obviously you're entitled to that mentality, but it doesn't seem overly supportive of LU athletics to me.
By SuperJon
Registration Days Posts
Holy crap, some of you people complain worse than 7th grade girls.
By A.G.
Registration Days Posts
Hey! I have a daugther in 7th grade--and this ain't nowhere close to what I put up with on a daily basis.
By jmdickens
Registration Days Posts
I guess you guys didn't listen to what I was saying.

PAmedic"You made your (collective) point(s)- many of us here simply just disagree with you."

basically you are saying I am RIGHT, but you just don't want to admit you are wrong. There is no complaining, I just want us to win every game. Oh, Coach bashing happened at N.C. State. They had a good coach and they always criticized him, we're not even close to being on that level.
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By PAmedic
Registration Days Posts
jmdickens wrote:I guess you guys didn't listen to what I was saying.

PAmedic"You made your (collective) point(s)- many of us here simply just disagree with you."

basically you are saying I am RIGHT, but you just don't want to admit you are wrong. There is no complaining, I just want us to win every game. Oh, Coach bashing happened at N.C. State. They had a good coach and they always criticized him, we're not even close to being on that level.
WOW, that was a S T R E T C H.

let me re-phrase that for ya:

"You voiced your opinion and I respect your right to do so, however I MOST CERTAINLY, VEHEMENTLY AND WHOLEHEARTEDLY DISAGREE WITH YOUR CONCLUSION!.

I hope we are clear!
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