If you are new to FlameFans, here is the forum to introduce yourself and learn the ropes of how this community operates. We'll also get you up to speed on the ground rules.

Moderators: jcmanson, Sly Fox, BuryYourDuke

By KendrikLamarAlxander
Hi! Just started following LU after y’all hired Coach Freeze. I think you will be really please with what he does for Liberty. I look forward to being a part of the board. Love it already!
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By thepostman
Registration Days Posts
Welcome to the board! It is always nice to get a new perspective. I am sure you'll find this place to be unique. Great to have you.
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By Purple Haize
Registration Days Posts
ECU tickets available?

I know this is last minute but does anyone have an[…]

Game #4: East Carolina


Prayers please

SAP review complete and approved, onto building in[…]

Election 2022 and 2024

In a discussion of who the dems have who could mak[…]