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By 4everfsu
Registration Days Posts
I liked the old layout, colors etc. Don't like the color of the background.
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By rueful
Registration Days Posts
i like the new layout better than the other one, the only thing I prefer about the old layout to this one was that new topics in forums were labeled with a different color font making it easier to see them. This one has the arrow, but right now im not used to it.

When I first got on the new site it was right after I got that message saying it would be up again later, and at first I thought I was at the firehouse
By ALUmnus
Registration Days Posts
I guess we all have our own personal tastes, but I really liked the old scheme, colors/theme/layout. Everything takes time getting used to, but this is a little harder to read. Of all the message boards I've been to, Flamefans was always the easiest to follow and least cluttered. What was everyone's problem with the fire?

I do really like the user control panel.
By Libertine
Registration Days Posts
I do have a problem with the new board and it has nothing to do with design. It's the 'Friend/Foe' (aka, Ignore) feature. I don't blame Scorcho because all he did was give a lot of you guys exactly what you were clamoring for. In retrospect, I should have been more vocal in opposing it before now but I honestly didn't think that it would happen.

At the very least, what's about to happen with some of you is that your "FlameFans experience" is going to get a lot less interesting. You're going to find that it's you and three people talking to three other people who think exactly the same way you do and that's really really really boring.

Beyond that, this feature smacks of exclusivity. One of the draws for me when I came to LU was that there were no fraternities or societies. On this campus, everyone was equal in the sight of God and, at least in theory, each other but that won't be the case inside this new cyberspace extension of the Liberty Bubble, however. Now we have the fabulous new ability to "shun" at the click of a mouse and I can't accept that. No matter how annoying someone has been in the past or how annoying they may be in the future, it is reprehensible to me that any person's thoughts and feelings should be summarily dismissed simply because of who they are or, in this case, what their screen name is. I think that's a basic Christian and American principle. There is a vast difference between reading down the page and choosing to disregard what someone has to say versus completely disallowing that person's thought to appear on the page in the first place. I would much rather be occasionally irritated by the trolls of the world than to be a charter member of some online version of the "No Felker's Club".

Scorcho, I appreciate all the effort you've put into the board and giving the people exactly what they wanted but this feature is something that I won't be using.
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By El Scorcho
Registration Days Posts
Lib: It's actually built into phpBB v.3. I didn't go out of my way to make sure we got the feature. In fact, it can be disabled. I'll leave that up to you guys to work out. It wouldn't be good for me to ignore users, so I won't be using it either.

Thanks for the praise guys. Sorry that I got fussy about it. It was just the end of a day with many frustrations in getting everything moved over. I do agree that the old theme was less cluttered and as a dedicated minimalist, I prefer that. If I can find the time, I'll work on a second theme. I believe there was a full-width theme that was a bit more minimal, if I recall.
By Libertine
Registration Days Posts
El Scorcho wrote:Lib: It's actually built into phpBB v.3. I didn't go out of my way to make sure we got the feature. In fact, it can be disabled. I'll leave that up to you guys to work out. It wouldn't be good for me to ignore users, so I won't be using it either.
Understood. Your power knows few limits in my mind so I just assume that you custom design everything. :wink:
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By PAmedic
Registration Days Posts



WOW- nice job SCORCHO! Like the school colors theme. I did like sitting in the dark with the dark background, vampire style- but change is good.

I panicked when I got on yesterday and saw the "Under Construction" page with the eagle.

Question answered.

Thanks for all your hard work.
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By PAmedic
Registration Days Posts
BTW: under "settings/language"- what is British English? Evidently that's what I'm speaking.


PS: I'm sure Fumbles would've loved/loves this version.
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By flames1971
Registration Days Posts
I'm getting used to it now. Nice job, I must say. I love the use of our school colors and I like the eagle. When I first saw the changes I was like: "THIS IS CONFUSING!!" But now I am actually getting used to it and I think the changes are great.
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By Kolzilla41
Registration Days Posts
I love the school colors and the eagle reminds me of the character from the muppets, Sam the Eagle. He has Doc's whit and humor so I find it fitting.

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By flamesbball84
Registration Days Posts
Rooster Cogburn wrote:So I haven't got any notifications of the list of people who are labeling me foe, so it must not notify you. :lol:
Yes, it would be nice to know when people label you as a foe or friend. Not that anyone will be labeling me as friend, just saying though...
By Hold My Own
Registration Days Posts
Its just change which is hard to get used to. I agree PHP upgrade was needed (sorry Schorcho I'm VERY limited in customizing PHP so I cant be much use). I think in due time someone (prob Schorcho) will find a more practical theme, however there is no rush needed. I think after a few weeks of relaxation it could be something we could look into....I'll try to find some themes and see if you like any of them Schorchy

I tried googling "designs by your mom" but couldnt come up with any options :D
By LUconn
Registration Days Posts
I tried to get on yesterday and it was down. Boy was this a surprise. It just took me like 10 minutes to find this thread. It'll just take some getting used to. We'll all get used to it.

I don't think that's national flag blue though. :twist
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By ToTheLeft
Registration Days Posts
I could go for non-fixed width as the only constructive criticism, but it looks good. Will take some getting used to, but such is true with all things. Thanks for all the hard work Scorcho...
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By JeanW
Registration Days Posts
El Scorcho wrote:Also, there's a new theme. (What? You didn't notice?) It's very different than our old one, so I realize that not everyone is going to like it. However, I hated the old one. (Sorry if you were friends with it.) So, I took this opportunity to change it since I had to get a phpBB3 compatible theme anyway.
I was with you when it came to hating the old theme. I hated it so much I almost didn't stick around after I joined. But eventually you get used to anything.

These are good changes. I generally hate change though so it will take a little getting used to.

Thanks for all the hard work. I manage another board and know how much work this kindof thing is. I don't know anything about php or I would offer to help.

In any case your hard work is recognized and appreciated. Thanks.
By LUconn
Registration Days Posts
I'm starting to get used to it. The biggest thing to overcome was all of the info that I wanted first being on the right instead of the left(name and avatar). It actually has the posters name on the left corner though, I noticed after a while.

A couple of questions:

what's the deal with the google and yahoo bots being logged in at the bottom? What are they doing? It's creepy.

Also, who is flamefa? Apparently an admin who has never posted?
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By prototype
Registration Days Posts
It's different, but once i get used to it - I think the changes are good.

Does it have a option to see all post since the last time I visited?
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By rueful
Registration Days Posts
how come sometimes when there is a new post, the envelope symbol also has a gold circle on it?
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By El Scorcho
Registration Days Posts
LUconn wrote:what's the deal with the google and yahoo bots being logged in at the bottom? What are they doing? It's creepy.
They're indexing everything we've ever said. No joke. In the past I didn't allow them to index the board because there was some problem with phpBB2 that made indexing suck up all the bandwidth. Not cool. Now it's supported and actually recognizes which bots are currently visiting us, which it displays at the bottom. The Internets are watching you.
LUconn wrote:Also, who is flamefa? Apparently an admin who has never posted?
flamefa was the very first user installed on the board. It's the default admin account and is actually disabled. Won't ever be used.
prototype wrote:Does it have a option to see all post since the last time I visited?
Yes. This link will always show you posts that have been updated since your last visit:

http://www.flamefans.com/forums/search. ... d=newposts

In addition, you always use this link to mark the entire board as read to get rid of "new" posts you may not be interested in:

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By El Scorcho
Registration Days Posts
rueful wrote:how come sometimes when there is a new post, the envelope symbol also has a gold circle on it?
I'm not certain, but I think you get the little yellow smiley if it's a post you've replied to. Otherwise you just get the arrow. I think. Not positive on that one.
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By El Scorcho
Registration Days Posts
So, we're still waiting for someone to step up and offer a banner image for the top.

The image should be 700 pixels wide by 100 pixels high and use a transparent background such that the existing red graphic becomes the background.

All offers considered. Let's see what you've got, graphics folks.
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By flamesbball84
Registration Days Posts
El Scorcho wrote:So, we're still waiting for someone to step up and offer a banner image for the top.

The image should be 700 pixels wide by 100 pixels high and use a transparent background such that the existing red graphic becomes the background.

All offers considered. Let's see what you've got, graphics folks.
You know what, screw it. I'll give it a shot even though I will be turned down lol. I'm bored, don't really feel like working on this project today, and don't really have anything else productive do do.
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By flamesbball84
Registration Days Posts
flamesbball84 wrote:
El Scorcho wrote:So, we're still waiting for someone to step up and offer a banner image for the top.

The image should be 700 pixels wide by 100 pixels high and use a transparent background such that the existing red graphic becomes the background.

All offers considered. Let's see what you've got, graphics folks.
You know what, screw it. I'll give it a shot even though I will be turned down lol. I'm bored, don't really feel like working on this project today, and don't really have anything else productive do do.
Nevermind, the idea I had in mind doesn't work out very well for such a small height
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