- December 11th, 2022, 4:38 pm
But even if it did. Everyone else makes millions off them, and the other student-athletes’ experiences are financed by the football team. And you want the only thing they get to be a degree? Why shouldn’t they be allowed to profit NOW from their name, their image and the likeness?
Why shouldn’t they be allowed the right to choose where they go to class and where they compete? Just like EVERY. OTHER. STUDENT. ?? And why shouldn’t they be allowed to change their mind? Just like EVERY. OTHER. STUDENT. ??
And if I want to give my money directly to one of those student-athletes, instead of being forced to go through the University or the booster club, for some service rendered - why shouldn’t I be allowed to do so?
The only thing this is “destroying” is the idyllic caste system of intercollegiate athletics that you old curmudgeons enjoyed while the hardest working entity in the chain - the student-athletes - were suppressed so that coaches, presidents, and other students could benefit more.
You old geezers have been screaming how this is going to ruin college athletics for so long. But here we are! Instead of being ruined, more people watch than ever before. Where’s the ruination? NOT ALL CHANGE IS BAD! You’re just suffering from what every old person seems to at some point: laziness to do the work to understand WHY the change was made. It’s easier to sit in the corner on your smart phone and whine about it! Instead of even trying to give a single ounce of effort to UNDERSTAND it. And that is why no one cares what you think.
And even if recruits are bought, tell me why that’s inherently bad? It’s the same in professional sports. So the entity with the most money wins. Guess what? WELCOME TO AMERICA!!
“But this isn’t professional sports!” Yes it is. When they are required to fulfill duties for their benefits, they are working to earn a living. It’s not amateur anymore.
“But paying for recruits hurts competitive balance!” - no, it just brings the imbalance out into the open.
Show me a better system. And give me one - just one - reason why your system would be better. I’ll wait.
And don’t just paint an old picture for me. Don’t give me your preference to keep the athletes poor while everyone else profits. If you can’t offer a solution, and do more than just whine like a baby, then sit down and shut up.
Bunch of crazy, know-nothing oppressive whiny baby men…..
Last edited by JK37 on December 11th, 2022, 4:48 pm, edited 3 times in total.