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By QuirkyColossus
To be frank, I’m not much of a sports guy. My idea of relaxation consists of me with a cup of coffee in one hand and a good book in the other.

For me, that book tends to be something by J.R.R. Tolkien, though I enjoy just about any classic American or English novel. What about you guys?
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By Sly Fox
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Paging Cider Jim!

Wish I had time for leisure reading these days. But I did hit a couple of the Inkling hangouts when I was in Oxford a couple of months ago. Larry Eillison of Oracle bought the Bird & Baby but the renovations aren't exactly flying along yet.
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By Yacht Rock
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I try to alternate non-fiction with fiction and go from the classics to modern thrillers, really any genre aside from romance or horror, lol.

I just finished Under the Dome from Stephen King. It was good. I haven't seen the show and, as always, there was a bit of Deus Ex Machina at the end (typical in his writing).

Earlier this year I read Surrender, Bono's autobiography. It was phenomenal. Also, read a few good books on animation and read a book on the oral history of the making of Airplane!

I also read the series the AppleTV show Silo was based on and read Three Body Problem series last year. Reread 1984 last month.

If you like a good sci-fi military comedy, check out the Expeditionary Force series by Craig Alanson.
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By Cider Jim
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My favorite novel is Hardy's Tess of the D'Urbervilles, but I also love Hawthorne's The Blithedale Romance and Mary Shelley's Frankenstein. But right now I'm trying to finish 44 Senior Honors theses which have taken over my life with 3 weeks of the semester left. Study
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By Purple Haize
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Yacht Rock wrote: April 15th, 2024, 9:17 am I try to alternate non-fiction with fiction and go from the classics to modern thrillers, really any genre aside from romance or horror, lol.

I just finished Under the Dome from Stephen King. It was good. I haven't seen the show and, as always, there was a bit of Deus Ex Machina at the end (typical in his writing).

Earlier this year I read Surrender, Bono's autobiography. It was phenomenal. Also, read a few good books on animation and read a book on the oral history of the making of Airplane!

I also read the series the AppleTV show Silo was based on and read Three Body Problem series last year. Reread 1984 last month.

If you like a good sci-fi military comedy, check out the Expeditionary Force series by Craig Alanson.
I’m a HUGE. U2 fan with 3 Sphere shows under my belt. I like about the first 2/3 of Surrender but after that it was tedious. I did notice that as the book became Les and less about his music it coincided with the bands music falling off.

Expeditionary Force is a favorite. Although I did them on Audible. RC Bray is hands down the best!
By ATrain
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I do most of my reading on airplanes and trains these days.

I've been reading some of C.S. Lewis' other books, such as Till We Have Faces, Surprised by Joy, etc..

I also just recently purchased a couple of books by L. Frank Baum, The Sea Fairies and American Fairy Tales.

If you like biographies at all, I read a variety. Most Recently was The Sporty One by Mel C, but I've also read Profiles in Courage by JFK, Leap of Faith by Queen Noor, Not That Fancy by Reba, No Higher Honor by Condoleeza Rice, Open by Andre Agassi, etc...
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By RubberMallet
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I like biographies, books about finance and human behavior, and fantasy/scifi epics. Currently reading Noise by Daniel Kahnamen and Toll of the Hounds from the Malazan Book of the Fallen series.
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