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By Purple Haize
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He and Trump won’t be on the same ticket. Legally I’m not sure they are allowed to anyways. Trump would pick Pompeo, Grinnell or Scott.
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By TH Spangler
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Purple Haize wrote: July 5th, 2022, 4:39 pm He and Trump won’t be on the same ticket. Legally I’m not sure they are allowed to anyways. Trump would pick Pompeo, Grinnell or Scott.
Three good ones. You know who I prefer.
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By flameshaw
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olldflame wrote: July 5th, 2022, 3:46 pm
flameshaw wrote: July 5th, 2022, 10:59 am I would prefer Desantis over Trump. A Trump/Desantis ticket would be attractive though. Personally, I believe that The Trumpster would be more valuable as being the Kingmaker for GOP and being Desantis biggest cheerleader.
Love Trump's policies. We would have very minimal inflation, no war in the Ukraine and less than $3 gas, if he was still in office. However, I could live without his personality.
I am not at all sure Desantis would accept an offer to run for VP. I believe he has stated that he thinks he can accomplish more as Gov. Of FL, and I tend to agree.
He probably would do more as Gov. of FL. However, it would be a great stepping stone for him to run for the presidency in 2028. If I could pick anyone in the country for 2024, it would be him as well.
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By Purple Haize
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The Democrats just assured a Trump run in 24 with their raid in Mar A Lago today. It’s ironic that the Liberals and Never Trumpers were screaming that Trump wanted to weaponize the DOJ etc to go after his enemies. Yet here we are with 87k more IRS Agents and a DOJ specifically targeting the political opponents of the Party in power.
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By thepostman
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Or they want him to run because he is so damaged at this point that even Joe Biden was able to beat him. 🤔

Honestly though it takes a lot to issue a no notice search warrant on a former president. Who is to say they don't have something on him? I don't really know but even if there was something legit illegal found Republicans would never believe it. Democrats would have a party. The rest of us will be on the outside looking in rolling our eyes at how pathetic both parties have become.
By flamehunter
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They could have something on about 90% of the big wig politicians in DC. But they only choose to go after certain ones. You can't pretend this is legit non-political "justice" work unless there are bi-lateral investigations. I won't be holding my breath. It's still a cesspool swamp up there and only getting worse.
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By Purple Haize
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thepostman wrote: August 8th, 2022, 9:23 pm Or they want him to run because he is so damaged at this point that even Joe Biden was able to beat him. 🤔

Honestly though it takes a lot to issue a no notice search warrant on a former president. Who is to say they don't have something on him? I don't really know but even if there was something legit illegal found Republicans would never believe it. Democrats would have a party. The rest of us will be on the outside looking in rolling our eyes at how pathetic both parties have become.
I know you like to sit on the sidelines and laugh and not get involved but weaponizing Government agencies to go after your Political Opponents is no laughing matter.
But laugh away while the world burns.
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By TH Spangler
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Purple Haize wrote: August 8th, 2022, 8:37 pm The Democrats just assured a Trump run in 24 with their raid in Mar A Lago today. It’s ironic that the Liberals and Never Trumpers were screaming that Trump wanted to weaponize the DOJ etc to go after his enemies. Yet here we are with 87k more IRS Agents and a DOJ specifically targeting the political opponents of the Party in power.
What ever they're falsely accusing you of is what THEY are doing or planning to do. Nothing new :lol:

I know democrat Biden voters that are shocked by what happened yesterday.
By stokesjokes
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I know this may be shocking to you guys, but may, just maybe, Mar-A-Lago is getting searched because of serious wrong-doing.

Imagine the amount of evidence it would take for the DOJ, FBI, and a federal judge to approve a warrant for a search of a former president’s residence. It’s career suicide for everyone involved if this isn’t air tight. For this to go through, I think they must a) already have substantial evidence and b) are confident they will find what they are looking for.
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By Purple Haize
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stokesjokes wrote: August 9th, 2022, 7:55 am I know this may be shocking to you guys, but may, just maybe, Mar-A-Lago is getting searched because of serious wrong-doing.

Imagine the amount of evidence it would take for the DOJ, FBI, and a federal judge to approve a warrant for a search of a former president’s residence. It’s career suicide for everyone involved if this isn’t air tight. For this to go through, I think they must a) already have substantial evidence and b) are confident they will find what they are looking for.
Is it career suicide? In reality it’s been the exact opposite. Look at where all of these folks who have pushed disproven stories have ended up. It’s far from career suicide. Carrying out the behest of your superiors is always career enhancing.
You obviously have inherent trust in the Federal Institutions. Because that’s what it takes to believe what you just wrote.
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By Purple Haize
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TH Spangler wrote: August 9th, 2022, 9:22 am It will be interesting to see which magistrate signed off on it? And see what his/her prior jobs were before becoming a magistrate. :dontgetit
I have a sneaking suspicion you already know. I do too and….wow….just….wow.
TH Spangler liked this
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By TH Spangler
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I wonder if Trump got access to incriminating material while he was potus. Maybe they are desperately trying to recover it? Just thinking out loud here.

By Chippy
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stokesjokes wrote: August 9th, 2022, 9:55 am
Purple Haize wrote: August 9th, 2022, 8:49 am Look at where all of these folks who have pushed disproven stories have ended up.
For one, the head of the Detroit office who was overseeing the Gretchen Whitmer abduction hoax instigated by the FBI was "transferred" to the Washington DC office and now heads up this Mar a Lago (FL)home invasion from the DC office??. The Magistrate who signed off on this "warrant" a long time democrat who who once represented Jeffrey Epstein. McCabe, Strozk, Lisa Page, Jim Comey, all fired for abuse of their powers especially falsifying FISA applications 3 times to go after Carter Page and the Trump stole the election because he colluded with Putin hoax. How about Sandy Berger who shoved documents from the National Archives in his socks and pants to hide Clinton derogatory info, or Comey who took FBI documents to his house then gave to The NY Times, and lastly, the way Hillary was treated when she had a private server with confidential and top secret info on and then "erased 30,000 documents/emails. FBI never issues a subpoena/warrant. What they did was "talked to her" over the 4th of July weekend while Willy met with Atty Gen Loretta Lynch secretly on the tarmac in Phoenix the day before interviewing Hillary, and Comey, not a prosecutor or Atty Gen exonerated her. Not his job. Hunter Biden . . . . . :) All these folks are revered by the press and have gigs on CNN/MSNBC and the like. Two tiered system of justice for all to see. Just a few "examples". None of these folks ever had the FBI break into their houses with guns ablazing in a predawn raid like @ 10 Trump folks and Trump himself experienced. Sounds like Putinesque banana republic justice. Just scratching the surface!
Purple Haize liked this
By stokesjokes
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If we’re just speculating, it seems pretty obvious that he didn’t give something back that he was supposed to when he took those 15 boxes of classified material.
Now, you could say it’s because he’s holding something incriminating on the other side- but why would he just be sitting on it? He’s been making wild claims without evidence for years, it seems like if he finally had evidence of something he’d have released it.

I could say he took docs that incriminate him, but again, why would he still have them? Surely he would have ripped them up and thrown them in the toilet by now.

So if the reports are true and this is about classified docs, he’s keeping them for a reason. If it’s incriminating against others, probably for blackmail/extortion. The only reason he’d keep incriminating evidence against himself is if it’s also incriminating against others- mutually assured destruction.

One other option- if Trump is anything, he’s a businessman. He could also have kept documents because they he thought he could make money from them. I’m sure there are plenty of foreign governments ready to make sizeable real estate investments in return for the right classified docs.
By stokesjokes
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Chippy wrote: August 9th, 2022, 11:11 am
stokesjokes wrote: August 9th, 2022, 9:55 am
Purple Haize wrote: August 9th, 2022, 8:49 am Look at where all of these folks who have pushed disproven stories have ended up.
For one, the head of the Detroit office who was overseeing the Gretchen Whitmer abduction hoax instigated by the FBI was "transferred" to the Washington DC office and now heads up this Mar a Lago (FL)home invasion from the DC office??. The Magistrate who signed off on this "warrant" a long time democrat who who once represented Jeffrey Epstein. McCabe, Strozk, Lisa Page, Jim Comey, all fired for abuse of their powers especially falsifying FISA applications 3 times to go after Carter Page and the Trump stole the election because he colluded with Putin hoax. How about Sandy Berger who shoved documents from the National Archives in his socks and pants to hide Clinton derogatory info, or Comey who took FBI documents to his house then gave to The NY Times, and lastly, the way Hillary was treated when she had a private server with confidential and top secret info on and then "erased 30,000 documents/emails. FBI never issues a subpoena/warrant. What they did was "talked to her" over the 4th of July weekend while Willy met with Atty Gen Loretta Lynch secretly on the tarmac in Phoenix the day before interviewing Hillary, and Comey, not a prosecutor or Atty Gen exonerated her. Not his job. Hunter Biden . . . . . :) All these folks are revered by the press and have gigs on CNN/MSNBC and the like. Two tiered system of justice for all to see. Just a few "examples". None of these folks ever had the FBI break into their houses with guns ablazing in a predawn raid like @ 10 Trump folks and Trump himself experienced. Sounds like Putinesque banana republic justice. Just scratching the surface!
There’s a lot to unpack here, but calling something a hoax doesn’t make it one. Suffice it to say, my understanding of most of the examples you gave is wildly different than yours.
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By Purple Haize
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Really? You said it was career suicide. These folks still have careers that are doing quite well.
Whose career was ended because of the …
IRS scandal?
FISA Abuse?
Fast and Furious?
Forming a Disinformation Governance Board?
Declaring Hunters Lap Top a fake?
Giving a plea deal to Epstein?
Not prosecuting Sandy Berger?
Ok’ing the tanks at Waco?
Ok’ing weapons free at the Weaver stand off?
Finalizing the Afghan withdrawal?
Caught sleeping with a Chinese spy?
Having a Chinese Spy as your driver?

Those are just a few. There are more. Now there will be 87000 IRS agents out there looking to justify their jobs and salaries. Good times await
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By TH Spangler
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stokesjokes wrote: August 9th, 2022, 11:31 am If we’re just speculating, it seems pretty obvious that he didn’t give something back that he was supposed to when he took those 15 boxes of classified material.
Now, you could say it’s because he’s holding something incriminating on the other side- but why would he just be sitting on it? He’s been making wild claims without evidence for years, it seems like if he finally had evidence of something he’d have released it.

I could say he took docs that incriminate him, but again, why would he still have them? Surely he would have ripped them up and thrown them in the toilet by now.

So if the reports are true and this is about classified docs, he’s keeping them for a reason. If it’s incriminating against others, probably for blackmail/extortion. The only reason he’d keep incriminating evidence against himself is if it’s also incriminating against others- mutually assured destruction.

One other option- if Trump is anything, he’s a businessman. He could also have kept documents because they he thought he could make money from them. I’m sure there are plenty of foreign governments ready to make sizeable real estate investments in return for the right classified docs.
If you're serious you're 1/10 as bright as you think you are. :roll:
Purple Haize liked this
By Chippy
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stokesjokes wrote: August 9th, 2022, 11:41 am
Chippy wrote: August 9th, 2022, 11:11 am
stokesjokes wrote: August 9th, 2022, 9:55 am

For one, the head of the Detroit office who was overseeing the Gretchen Whitmer abduction hoax instigated by the FBI was "transferred" to the Washington DC office and now heads up this Mar a Lago (FL)home invasion from the DC office??. The Magistrate who signed off on this "warrant" a long time democrat who who once represented Jeffrey Epstein. McCabe, Strozk, Lisa Page, Jim Comey, all fired for abuse of their powers especially falsifying FISA applications 3 times to go after Carter Page and the Trump stole the election because he colluded with Putin hoax. How about Sandy Berger who shoved documents from the National Archives in his socks and pants to hide Clinton derogatory info, or Comey who took FBI documents to his house then gave to The NY Times, and lastly, the way Hillary was treated when she had a private server with confidential and top secret info on and then "erased 30,000 documents/emails. FBI never issues a subpoena/warrant. What they did was "talked to her" over the 4th of July weekend while Willy met with Atty Gen Loretta Lynch secretly on the tarmac in Phoenix the day before interviewing Hillary, and Comey, not a prosecutor or Atty Gen exonerated her. Not his job. Hunter Biden . . . . . :) All these folks are revered by the press and have gigs on CNN/MSNBC and the like. Two tiered system of justice for all to see. Just a few "examples". None of these folks ever had the FBI break into their houses with guns ablazing in a predawn raid like @ 10 Trump folks and Trump himself experienced. Sounds like Putinesque banana republic justice. Just scratching the surface!
There’s a lot to unpack here, but calling something a hoax doesn’t make it one. Suffice it to say, my understanding of most of the examples you gave is wildly different than yours.
I'm not giving you my "understanding" I am presenting factual information that is readily available to anyone who wants to do research and not rely on CNN/MSNBC for their understanding.
By stokesjokes
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Obviously we have different sets of facts here. I don't watch any cable news, better to read news so you can investigate the info as you get it.

I'll bite though, lets review-

Gretchen Whitmer abduction "hoax" is a stretch. Did the agent who infiltrated the group participate too much in the planning? Perhaps. That doesn't absolve the others involved, neither does a hung jury.
McCabe, Strozk, Page, Comey- all FIRED (your words), not sure how these are counter-examples. Also, they didn't falsify FISA applications, Kevin Clinesworth amended an email to emphasize that he did not think Carter Page was working with the CIA. Clinesworth, fired, convicted, barred from practicing law for a year. The judge in his trial also said he didn't have reason to believe it was malfeasance nor that the FISA warrants would not have been approved without the amendment.

The Russia investigation hoax was not a hoax, repeating that just means you've been the victim of propaganda. Did it sway the election? who knows, probably not. But read the actual Mueller report, the findings didn't exonerate anyone. You've even got Paul Manafort giving interviews this week saying, "yeah, I colluded with a Russian spy."

Sandy Berger- convicted, $50k fine, gave up law license

Hilary's emails- the FBI investigated, found that she was extremely careless, but did not operate with criminal intent. You can't dismiss Comey, the head of the FBI, as "not a prosecutor or attorney general." He was the head of the FBI. It's his purview. Also, lifelong Republican. Also also, regarding Comey and Hilary's emails- announcing a new investigation 11 days before the 2016 election certainly had an impact on the election. Did it change the results? who knows, but certainly wasn't good for Hilary. Also also also, Comey- fired.
By stokesjokes
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TH Spangler wrote: August 9th, 2022, 12:47 pm If you're serious you're 1/10 as bright as you think you are. :roll:
I was speculating about possibilities. If it's about docs, there's two criteria here: he has to have had reason to keep the docs, and they've got to be sensitive enough for the feds to want them back. Either they implicate someone in a crime, a crime is going to be committed with them, or they are too sensitive to be sitting in some dude's house. If it's the 3rd, Trump's real dumb for not just giving them back.

But, enlighten me, where am I going wrong in my thought process?
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By Purple Haize
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Strzok got suspended and fired for banging Lisa Page and sexting about it on company time. Not for the malfeasance in the Trump Investigation . He’s filed a wrongful termination suit that will probably settle, published a book and got hired by NBC as a consultant/pundit.
Berger was more than taken care of by the Clintons and Democrats. What was by far an egregious crime was given a slap on the wrist.
Saying that FISA applications were altered but it’s no big deal ends all discussion. Because if you can’t admit that it was a big abuse of power then there’s no use discussing anything wrong the Government does.
The more news that comes out about this raid the more it stinks. But feel free to cling on to the hope that there was some piece of highly sensitive national security information that absolutely positively had to be seized right now…or else!,
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